Fortean, Synchromysticism, Cryptids, UFOs in the fringe, Mad Scientists, . . .
Saturday, January 7, 2023
From UFOs to Lost Civilizations: The 150 Most Fascinating Stories of 2022 - The Daily Grail
Friday, November 25, 2022
Bigfoot Dream: BF/UFO
Bigfoot dream the other night:
I attend a lecture about Bigfoot. It's in a classroom, old school style. Green chalkboard. A woman, about forty, is the one giving the lecture. I'm excited to go. I arrive with notebooks and journals -- all kinds of material about Bigfoot. She starts her presentation; sticks little sticky notes up all over. Her talk is okay but it's lacking something. I start to add info; she is nice about it, not at all offended. After a few minutes she says "Oh, I had no idea! That is so interesting. You need to come up here and give the presentation."
So I do. I'm so happy doing this. While at first there were only a few people attending, word gets around, and soon the classroom is standing room only.
Then the talk turns a little weird. I start talking about UFOs in connection with Bigfoot. I have maps and eye witness accounts. This doesn't turn anyone off; but many are surprised and didn't expect this direction.
And that, my friends, is a look inside my dreaming mind.
Monday, July 6, 2020
Silly Bigfoot Retirement Dream
My husband and I have a small RV camper, and our car. One of my sisters and her husband have the same. We're traveling around together. We come to a little touristy town with cute shops. My husband tells me I can go into one of the boutiques and buy myself whatever I want to celebrate my retirement. Money is no object. He doesn't go in with me though, he'll wait in the car. My sister and I go in.
We look at all kinds of things. My sister finds a rack full of Bigfoot themed clothing! I am surprised to see Bigfoot anything in an upscale place like this. The clothing is not your usual t-shirt kind of thing, but very fancy. I fall in love with a well made black t-shirt, tailored for women. Very nice and stylish, with an Art Nouveau style drawing of a Sasquatch. And, rhinestones. Tasteful, not tacky. Oh I want this shirt! It's also 30% off! Which then makes the price only ninety something dollars. I realize the shirt is way too much money. I know my husband said it's okay but I don't feel right spending so much on a piece of clothing. But, I must have it! I deserve it. I want to celebrate my retirement! So I buy it. I love my shirt, get lots of compliments.
Friday, October 5, 2018
Local Sasquatch Synchronicity: Answering My Call?
More on the incredible Sasquatch-work-synchronicity. (see post below)
Met briefly with the person related to the co-worker who had a Bigfoot encounter in the Cottage Grove area. Which is a local hot bed of not only Sasquatch activity, but UFO and general all over weirdness vibes. Turns out the researcher he was with was Ron Morehead! He asked me if I knew Morehead; I said no, not personally, but I was familiar with Morehead. But at the time, I couldn't place the name of the researcher with the theory. When I got home I looked him up and of course! Moorhead was on Coast to Coast not long ago, and he discussed the more anomalous, paranormal aspects of Sasquatch.
While I go on about Sasquatch in my area (Oregon; Willamette Vally) as well as everywhere -- terrestrial and none terrestrial -- I miss the obvious. As in, a gathering of local researchers and interested parties in the Cottage Grove area. Which I will be sure to attend this month!!!!
What seems odd in the past two days is the location. There are several schools in our district... many elementary schools. (I am an EA in an elementary school.) What are the odds staff members -- not only close in terms of area of sightings such as the Cottage Grove area roughly 25 miles south of here) but friendship, as well as work location? Not only do I feel an affection for this co-worker (long before I knew of the Bigfoot connection) but our rooms are in the same wing, and only separated by one room.
It's logical to assume that these same people, or, myself, could be at another school in another part of town, and never know each other.
Adding to this Fortean type connection: just this week, I was putting out "the call" concerning Bigfoot. Show me a connection, a message, something, a dream visit, I asked, and, a few days later, this.
Monday, September 17, 2018
A Note in the Back of the Book: Thom Powell's Edges of Science
I had forgotten that I wrote the following in the back of the book:
December 22, 2017
Last night, I dreamt I was in a lighted tunnel/cave -- narrow. The others with me refuse to go in with me. I come upon a barrier; I could have gotten around it if I really wanted to, but I had the distinct feeling -- the knowledge -- that beyond this point was Sasquatch Realm. I really shouldn't go any further. I was curious, as in awe, but not afraid. Yet I knew it really wouldn't be wise to continue. So I left.
When I finished writing the above dream in the back of the book, I turned back to where I left off. The first paragraph at page 121. Read to the bottom of the page, where Powell quotes researcher Toby Johnson who, Powell writes:
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
No News on the Dream Front
I'm fascinated by the fact we can remember that we had a dream, can remember that it was important, or frightening, or had to do with a specific subject, but we can't remember the actual dream itself.
And yet that dream exists somewhere. It happened. It's a memory. It's lodged somewhere, whether that somewhere is in our minds, or on the astral.
Monday, December 25, 2017
Wolf-Coyotes in the Snow
This is what I dreamt last night:
My husband and I are on vacation -- not far from Eugene. Up the McKenzie? Just the two of us in a very nice split level cabin with huge windows. It's morning, I open the curtains, and am delighted to see it had snowed during the night. Everything is covered in snow. Just beautiful. I call to Jim to come look.
We're standing there, looking at the landscape. I go out onto the balcony and send out an intent; a telepathic message to the woods, to the animals. I say I want to connect with something out there.
We notice flashes of gray through the trees. Something is out there. More and more of these large gray flashes of something zipping through the woods. Some kind of large animal, or animals. Jim says "Those are coyotes" and I look more closely and say, "I think they're wolves." They are magnificent.
Then we notice about a half dozen men and women walking purposely across the road. Each person has at least two rifles on them. They are clearly out to kill these animals.
I say, loud enough for them to hear me: "Assholes!" They sort of laugh at me. One man calls out to me that I "…don't know anything, these animals are cruel and dangerous."
I frantically send out messages to the coyote-wolves to get out of there! I round downstairs, press my face against the sliding glass door, and a huge wolf face appears on the other side. It is thanking me, also assuring me that they are not in danger, the humans cannot get them. The creature also acknowledges that they got my message, and agreed to humor me by responding. I then get the feeling that these wolf creatures aren't exactly what they seem -- they're some kind of cover animal, or apparition. A stand-in for something.
I am in such awe that this beautiful, intelligent creature came to me like that. I simply can't believe this gift. At the same time, while these beings aren't dangerous, exactly, respect and caution are needed. They are not to be disregarded, disrespected, or treated in a frivolous manner.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Thom Powell's Edges of Science
My copy of Thom Powell's Edges of Science arrived yesterday. I started reading right away and reluctantly put it down only because I had to get to sleep in order to be fresh and bright eyed for students the next day. So far, I 'm loving the book. Powell writes about interesting examples of dreams concerning Sasquatch from witnesses. More on that later.
The point is, Powell is of the "paranormal" school regarding Sasquatch, citing other researchers who also fall into this camp. The division is a strong one, bordering on down right vicious at times, but there are those who have experienced the "stranger side of Sasquatch" and aren't shy about sharing their theories.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
I Knew I Should Have Brought My Phone!
But I'm not a phone person. I still have a land line. My cell phone is an off the rack, flip cover phone. One I rarely relate to; half the time I don't know where it is, or if it's charged. I'm old school, phone wise. I only carry my cell for emergencies, or, the convenience of its funky camera. When I remember.
So of course, as I'm walking, I walk by a truck parked on the street with a large yellow "Sasquatch Hunter" decal, complete with an image of Sasquatch, on its rear window.
Little synchronicities.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Dream Dictionaries: Bigfoot
Dream Dictionary Bigfoot, Dreaming of Bigfoot: What it Means to see this Legendary Creature in your Dreams: When you can't get Bigfoot out of your mind when you are dreaming, then what this usually suggests is the idea that you want to be more elusive with your emotions. You feel as if you are too upfront with many aspects of yourself and it has hurt you in the past. Thus, you now strive to hide away your feelings on many subjects and try to keep your emotions from others in the hopes that you will not be made fun of for your beliefs. [More at]This one is from
BigfootTo dream of bigfoot represents shock or surprise that you are seeing something. You may be in disbelief that someone elusive has appeared in your life. It may also reflect situations or news that takes you by complete surprise. You are metaphorically pinching yourself or having trouble accepting something amazing that has happened. [link]I like that one better than the first interpretation.
There's a defunct thread on Bigfoot discussing Bigfoot dreams. Too bad this thread stopped; I think you can learn a lot more from people sharing their dreams and talking about them with each other than a single interpretation from a dream symbol site.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Of Sasquatch and Trains
I was also thinking about my recurring dreams about trains (getting stuck, time to leave, can't find the ticket, etc.) Suddenly the phrase "Trains and Sasquatch" popped in my head and I thought: "Where did that come from?"
Last night I had the following dream. (No, wait! Come back!)
I'm in a cozy rustic A-frame cabin in the woods. With my spouse and a few friends. They all go off into town for supplies. I stay here, to work on my writing.
I'm alone. Feels good. I'm sitting at the table, at my laptop, and suddenly, I feel the presence of Sasquatch. Several of them. They are here. I can't see them, but their combined energy is huge. Fills the entire room. I know they are just outside, among the trees, but they communicate telepathically and are here, in this room with me with their massive energy spirit.
I'm awed in the true sense of the word. A bit fearful, though not afraid exactly, and just overwhelmed by this gift, this visit, this experience.
They tell me to listen. Just listen. Don't ask so many questions of them. Don't force things. Don't' expect answers, or answers to some of my questions. In other words, simply because I asked doesn't mean they will address my question. It's not just me asking them -- it's them choosing to respond to me. As well as teach me.
The first thing is: stop, listen. Allow the silence to speak to me.
So I do. It is overwhelming, amazing. There is so much.
They are real. They are here. They have been here a very long time. And they are not human, nor are they alien. They are of this earth, this planet. But they are aware of aliens and have communicated with them; they have an understanding.
They are supernatural. They are physical. They come in and out of dimensions.
I have never seen a Sasquatch, and they tell me it doesn't matter, for I have communicated with them, and that is a type of seeing.I haven't seen a Sasquatch, though I have had a couple of interesting experiences about Sasquatch, as well as synchronicities both in waking life and the dream world.
Later, I tell the others about this experience, and the people in the area. Most believe me. Some pretend they don't, only because they are not sure of my intentions regarding Sasquatch, but later acknowledge they believe they exist.
The debate about Sasquatch being a supernatural (cryptid) being, alien, or simply a flesh and blood animal continues. But I'm convinced (fairly) that not only is Sasquatch real, but transcends the mundane flesh and blood explanation.
Friday, July 29, 2016
Missing 411, The See-through Rock People, and Sasquatch. . .
I live in a semi-rural area, on the edges of the suburbs. The location has a southern California feel to it, or southwest. Desert like, but not completely. Surrounding the dozen or so houses out here are soft, rolling hills, probably sandstone. Layers and layers among the hills, and large gray boulders.
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manipulated sepia version |
My friends and I go out for a small hike. We can see our house from where we are. We aren’t far, less than a half mile from the house. I’m climbing up the side of a hill, my friends are maybe fifty feet away.
Out of nowhere, I am grabbed by invisible hands. I sense their presence, I know that they are here, but I can’t see who -- or what -- they are. I get a glimpse of these things. They shimmer in and out, sort of like the Predator. These things look human like in some ways. They have two arms and legs like humans, etc. But they are about seven feet tall and muscle bound, like The Hulk. They grab me by the arms and feet and drag me up the hill. My friends are completely unaware of what’s going on. I scream with everything I have but they can’t hear me.
I know, without a doubt, that this has something to do with what Paulides researches. I beg these beings, plead, cry, to let me go. I tell them I don’t want to end up dead and found in the middle of a lake or the top of a mountain. I get the feeling that the more I beg and talk to them instead of giving up they might agree to keep me alive. They tell me that they’ll me go when they’re ready.
A few days later, I find myself near the same spot where I was taken. Two men have brought me down here. They are also very tall, around seven or eight feet, but stocky. The men have long shiny black hair, like a Native person, but their features are not Native Amercian at all. They have flattened, pushed in faces. They are human, but more than that -- or, less than that. They are not quite all human, in other words. At the same time, I don’t get the sense they are ETs. I do get the sense some of this is related to Sasquatch, but how, I don’t know. It’s all very confusing and muddled. While I feel there is a Sasquatch aspect to this, the Sasquatch have nothing to do with any of this, not directly anyway, if at all.
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Another Southwest, Regan Lee manipulated sepia version |
They communicate with me telepathically; that I am never to tell anyone anything about any of this. While I have no memory of what happened while I was missing, I do remember being taken by the weird near invisible beings, and these guys. They tell me over and over that they are now in my head, at all times, and will know if I’m even thinking of telling someone. If I say anything, they tell me, not only will I be killed, but many in my family.
I go back to the house, naturally everyone is happy to see me and are full of questions. I just keep saying over and over that I don’t remember anything. I tell everyone I must have fallen and that caused amnesia of some kind.
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Another Southwest, Regan Lee |
Friday, January 13, 2012
Pools and Bigfoot
I'm on the Oregon coast, I think we just moved there. My husband is with me. It's very hot. There's only one public outdoor swimming pool in the whole area. It's huge, the size of four or five regular sized pools. So many people want to use the pool when it's hot that there's a lottery. Thousands of people are here, waiting to use the pool. The pool is outdoors, lots of concrete and in fact, the pool is surrounded by parking structures (not something you'd see on the Oregon coast) that are three, four stories high. I'm excited to hear I'm one of the winners. I have to quickly change into my bathing suit and jump in. But the bathrooms are a ways away and I don't want to waste all this precious time going all the way to the bathroom to change. But I can't change out in the open either. I notice a couple of people who are used to this duck under one of the parking structure pillars or posts to change. I call up to my husband, who's standing in one of the parking structure levels that surround the pool (lots of people hanging out on the levels) to toss my suit down to me. He does, and I run into the parking structure closet to me, and change behind a pole. I'm a little nervous about this -- I certainly don't want to be seen! But it seems to be all right. I worry a little bit about my clothes but oh well. I jump in, oh, feels so good!Then, damnit, the alarm went off!
We all have a good time. Later, it occurs to us and some friends, as we're talking about the day, the coast, the future of the area, etc. that what this town needs is an indoor, year round pool. Why hasn't anyone thought of this?! A few days later, my husband and I are walking around the town, and notice a huge sign that reads "Newport Pool" or something like that. We go inside, and find a man has just opened up the first indoor year round pool in the area. Fantastic! He's really done it right too: a small pool just for kids, a lap pool, an exercise pool, and three pools for recreational swims. I notice this man -- who seems to be in his sixties, gray haired, glasses, nice enough looking man and pleasant -- is wearing a black fleece vest with an emblem on it that has the initials of a Bigfoot research group -- an Oregon one, that investigates Sasquatch on the coast. I feel a thrill but don't say anything. The man says to us, sort of randomly, after explaining the pool hours and rules, "Bigfoot is around here, he's here in the woods." And I say "Oh, I know!" He says "My dog smells them all the time, and they know we know they're here." He asks us if we want to see his film of Bigfoot. Of course we do! We follow him upstairs to his room. It's very dim in there and he starts the camera rolling. An old camera with reels and film, and a screen he pulls down hanging on his wall. He tells us he hasn't seen Bigfoot but has "felt, heard, and smelled him," many times, and is sure he's caught fleeting images of movement on the film that can only be Bigfoot. He describes the chuffing kind of sound he's heard many times, so close, that can be no other kind of animal. Only Bigfoot. He's in telepathic communication with Sasquatch, this is clear and yet, he doesn't really come out and say this. We all know this but it's unsaid. It's too "crazy" to come out and say so, but it's understood.
We watch the film, it's in murky color but the images are clear, and sure enough, we see movement behind the trees. It can only be Bigfoot. Of that we're sure.
Related posts:
Bigfoot Dream
Bigfoot in Australia -- Kind of
Weird Little Dream About Aliens and Bigfoot
Jovial Guy in a Bigfoot Suit
Friday, April 8, 2011
Updated: Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena
I've updated this: below is what I posted yesterday, just throwing up a link, and not commenting, mainly because I was tired and also, I am fed up with the anti-Autumn Williams cabal:
Updates on rants against Autumn William's book Enoch on the BFRO:
Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena
Here's the link to what Autumn has to say, along with several comments left by others at her blog Oregon Apology to all the Mikes.
Why is this pack at the BFRO going at it once more at this time, almost a year after Autumn's book Enoch was published? I wonder if some of this doesn't have to do with the 2nd OSS (Oregon Sasquatch Symposium) coming up in June -- are they fanning embers?
Autumn can take care of herself, and she does so in her post. Still, this latest round from those at the BFRO is another example of the ugly nonsense that goes on in Bigfoot research. (The parallels to UFO research and other esoteric and Fortean realms applies.)
Someone calling him/her self "navigator" -- and the fact this person uses a screen name and not their real name is noted -- posted on the BFRO:
The fellow who told Autumn Williams (by phone) the stories that she eventually published in a book titled “Enoch,” is actually a yarn-spinning homeless person in central Florida who our investigators had encountered in 2006 in Polk County, FL.2006. Autumn's book came out in 2010. And, as Williams points out, it's probably a correct assumption to say there is more than one person named Mike in Florida. And where is "navigator's" documentation on his allegations?
Another poster: "JRawk12" comments on both Autumn's book and her mother's -- Sali Sheppard Wolford -- book Valley of the Skookum, which came out in 2006:
Is this really a big surprise in the first place? Usually the math doesn't add up for a reason...Good story, but it was painfully obvious that it was a fictional story from jump street. Same thing with her moms book. They're both good storytellers though! (Weird how defensive everyone was when people called B.S on her story back when it came out)Personal opinion is personal opinion; we're all entitled and you think what you think. It's opinion Valley of the Skookum is "fictional," not fact. (Yes, the same can be said of my opinion . . .)
What irks me however is that, instead of looking at Valley of the Skookum, as well as Autumn's book, from a Fortean, open minded perspective, there seems to be a deliberate campaign against Williams (and Woolford) as well as debunking a particular aspect of Bigfoot research. That is, anything that presents itself outside of the flesh and blood box is considered suspect.
The former is ugly pettiness, sad but typical in Bigfoot, UFO, etc. circles. The latter is harmful for what it says about Bigfoot research. As with UFO research, the number of narratives in Bigfoot encounters that include high strangeness elements is huge. Yet many researchers continue to ignore these events and dismiss them with a virulence that is pathological at times.
What is ignored are the common threads of experience in high strangeness Bigfoot encounters. Whatever the causes for the similarities, they are... what about them? How to explain them? A glib response that witnesses are "whacked," or "lairs" simply isn't honest research.
I'm not suggesting Enoch and Valley of the Skookum are along the same lines -- they're not. Enoch is not "high strangess," (although, not doubt there are some out there who might say the relationship Mike describes is just that) and Williams writes about the roles of witness and researcher; an extremely important point that is too often missed by some.
For more, see my post for Oregon L.O.W.F.I.: Thoughts on Autumn Williams' Enoch.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Dream: Bigfoot in Australia, Kind Of . . .
A funny and beautiful dream last night. I'm with a team of Bigfoot researchers somewhere near Australia, or New Zealand, sort of in between the two. A large island maybe.. wherever this is, it is simply the most beautiful, and very unusual, place I've been. Astoundingly lush. We're in a large park like area near water; the ocean, but it is calm and quiet, more like a large lake. Highly unusual earth mounds, or cliffs, that lead down to the water. These go on for miles. Velvet green grass everywhere. Glistening white concrete paths, wide and curved, with black iron rails, or fences, also curved.
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Regan Lee, Alice's Wall, acrylic on canvas |
But, suddenly! Yes! I see Bigfoot! I cannot believe this! Adding to the amazement of seeing Bigfoot is that this one is unusually colored; silver crested head, darker silver chest and back, black legs. I see him down below, on the opposite side of the ocean/lake, where the water is extremely shallow. He's almost flying. Walking very fast, gliding over the water. I call to the others and we all run down to catch up with the Bigfoot, me leading the way.
I have a slight lucid moment where I think "Shouldn't this be called a Yowie, isn't that what he's called here?" and "This is the second dream I've had of a fast moving Bigfoot on the water's edge."
We catch up to the Bigfoot. And it's not Bigfoot at all, but a man on a bicycle. Wearing a sliver hooded windbreaker, with a darker bottom, and dark pants, happily "sailing" along on his bike, which was hidden from our view by the water and other things. That, and the way the sun was hitting the man on the bicycle, gave the appearance of a Bigfoot.
To the slight embarrassment of the others on the team, I run up to this man and tell him how excited we were, what we thought he was, and what we're doing; looking for Bigfoot. It's only after I tell him this I realize he'll probably think I'm a lunatic, but he thinks the whole thing is fascinating, and apologizes good naturedly for not being Bigfoot. As I'm talking to him, and enjoying his company (he's cute for one thing :) I have a nagging feeling he's lying, or something strange going on here. I wonder, feeling a bit silly, if he knows more than he's telling, or if he's a shape shifter, because, as far fetched as it would have been to see a Bigfoot out there, it was a Bigfoot that I saw! I even have a fleeting moment where I remember seeing the Bigfoot morph into the man as we got closer to it/him.
Shape-shifting Silvers
It seems my dreaming mind has a thing about shape shifting, "fake," not-what-they-seem, gray or silver Bigfoot. I had forgotten about this dream, that I wrote about here.
And Water
Those two dreams, and this one, all have Bigfoot near, or on, water. In a dream -- and OOBE -- Bigfoot is by the ocean's edge, moving very rapidly over wet rocks. I remember thinking how agile this creature is, to be moving so easily and lightly over slippery rocks in the misty, dim atmosphere. The Bigfoot in this dream wasn't silver or gray; he was a dark brown. Nor was he pleasant as in the other two dreams, but highly annoyed I was there.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Yeti/Wild Thing Synchronicity
I was telling someone at work about this dream and described the "Yet-its" as looking like the characters from Where the Wild Things Are. And a minute later, someone walks into the room with a T-shirt with a large monster character from the book, with the title, in large letters: Where the Wild Things Are.
So, owls and Yetis and Wild Things; a message, synchronicity? Maybe the "message" is simply the appearance of the synchronicities themselves, appearing in animal form, since that's where I like to be -- in the animal realm.
As to the nature of the yucky dream; had another violent dream the night before that, though not involving animals. Sadly, a person I know. Some personal issues in my life right now. Not surprising, given that and my run down state, that my dream mind conjures up attacking Yetis!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Something About the Blood; A Dream About Chupacabra
So we get down to the interview/discussion. All ears in America, lol, and beyond, have tuned in. Prime time. Coast to Coast has nothing on us! This is huge. The interviewer is someone not particularly knowledgeable about this stuff, which is both good and bad; but it works out all right.
The interviewer asks me about my thoughts on the two versions of chupacabra, as I commented recently in this post. As I'm talking, in the dream, it turns out I've been to Puerto Rico and did some research. (I wish that were true! However, in real life, strictly an "arm chair" commentator at this point.)
Then, as I'm describing the deep puncture wounds the creature has been known to leave behind, and the complete lack of blood within, and around, the victim, I have the distinct and powerful awareness that the clue to this mystery is in the blood. Something about the way the blood is drained, and the blood itself; the need for the blood, and what is done with the blood, -- the reasons why the creature needs the blood -- the answer is there. And I'm given the answer, or at least solid clues leading to the solution.
This revelation is so important in the dream that I have a lucid moment: I tell myself I have to remember this when I wake up and make sure I write it down.
Then of course, I wake up, and forget what the answer was!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Weird Little Dream: Aliens and Bigfoot
I probably had this dream because for the past couple of weeks I've been working on a presentation about "high strangeness Bigfoot," especially in terms of how to present this topic to an audience of "flesh and blood" researchers, without completely alienating them. (that was a pun, wasn't it? grin)
The DreamWell, that's it. I woke up around 6:00 pm and at first, was disoriented, I thought it was 6:00 am, the time I usually wake up during the week. I thought "I just laid down for my nap! It can't be time for work again!" when Jim told me it was the evening, same day.
I'm in the woods, by a river. I'm standing behind some trees, and can see several aliens (not grays but somehow, I know they're ETs.) They're short, maybe, at the tallest, five feet, but the majority of them are under five feet tall. They're all dressed in the same uniform of some kind of dark coppery armor, complete with helmets. These uniforms, in style, remind me a bit of the Samurai warriors from a Kurosawa
These aliens are patrolling the banks of the river. It's obvious they are not nice beings at all; they are very intelligent, and very cold; quick to kill if they have to. What the aliens are patrolling are a few Bigfoot, who are doing some kind of work, like picking up rocks and taking samples and things like that, putting them into little containers, for the aliens.
The Bigfoot are under the control of these aliens. The control is a sort of combination mind control and remote control -- like the electronic collars used by some dog owners -- and this is the only thing keeping the Bigfoot in subjugation.
The Bigfoot are highly intelligent and wise; more so than the aliens. The aliens however, are more "intelligent" as far as technology is concerned. It's not fair to say the aliens are more intelligent because of technology; it's just a difference in culture. The Bigfoot are perfectly capable and intelligent enough to create the same technology if they wanted to. They simply chose, a very long time ago, not to. The Bigfoot are also far more evolved emotionally -- even, spiritually -- but they can't (at least for now) escape the physical control of this remote control device.
The Bigfoot are very sad, and so am I. Scared and sad for them. We both belong here; the Bigfoot and I, the aliens don't. They're intruders, dangerous intruders, but nothing I can do.
And yet, as awful as this is, the Bigfoot understand that in time, this will end, and they will be free. I don't how this will happen, but they seem to be more compassionate and understanding than I'm capable of being.
I don't take the dream seriously in the sense I think aliens are controlling Bigfoot, even though that's a storyline that exists in the lore. But it was interesting!
Visit my blog: Regan Lee Oregon
Sunday, July 12, 2009
On Blogsquatcher: All in our minds?
Blogsquatcher discusses Jung, archtypes; quotes from a Daily Grail review of Benny Shannon's The Anitpodes of the Mind and asks some intriguing questions,and asks if we might share a knowing of "half man half animal" even within our minds. The use of consciousness shifting drugs takes explorers, or psychonauts into these realms, but more specifically, shared imagery regardless of culture.
If Bigfoot is a paranormal creature and not just a big hairy ape, maybe a fairy or damion, as Patrick Harpur (Damonic Reality) or Lisa Shiel (Backyard Bigfoot) suggest, it's possible we can access a place where Bigfoot resides; a place where our minds are able to travel to, aided by substances such as ayahuasca.
I'm not sure what to think of this either, but it is very interesting, and, like the subject of UFOs and encounters with that phenomena while having ingested psychotropic drugs, it isn't all just a case of simple hallucinations and general tripping. Work done by Hancock, McKenna, Lily, Lear, Pinchbeck, tell us that it isn't that simplistic.
Related items:
Read about the McMinnville UFO gossip and more!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Demons in My Neighborhood: Beware the Batsquatch
Here's the first e-mail, the one that appeared in my mailbox. The only thing changed is the exclusion of the name of the sender:
I trust the person that saw it. It was near Eugene, off of the Lorain Highway, about five miles from town.
Can it be baited with a lamb? I'm thinking of putting shark hooks with 3/32" braided steel leader in the lamb's fur along the back. I want to tether the lamb near the edge of a field near the woods. I am concerned about coyotes getting the lamb first.
Do you know anyone game for this? Do you know anyone with a night vision scope? I know this sounds a bit crazy, but I'm willing to try. I want to work quickly while it may still be in the area.
The "thing" was about 15 ft. from the witness at about 1:15 A.M. behind his house. He accidentally locked himself out of his house while working in his garage late last night. He went around to the back of his house to climb in through a window. He heard something and used the light from his cell phone, pointing it in the direction of the sound. The thing had a human form only quite large over seven feet with red reflecting eyes and very large wings. It jumped into the air flying off with the sound of massive air displacement with each wing stroke.
I tried to tell him it must have been a bear or a really large bird. He is really sure of how he described the creature. This is a very trustworthy 19 year old young man. He usually comes into town every day. He is staying home to protect his home now.
I hope you respond.
Thank you,
I was a bit unnerved at the idea of using a live lamb, or any animal, as bait. And the whole thing just sounded off to me. What was this person doing at 1:00 a.m., working in his garage (possible, but, ... sort of screamed crank freak to me) and how did he manage to lock himself out of the house in the country? Again, possible -- it's not that any of these things are strange in themselves, but overall, I just had a strong intuitive reaction that this all seemed off somehow.
I wrote back:
Certainly interesting if true.
I have to tell you however that your idea of using a lamb --or any other live bait -- repels me. I do not support such an action. I hope you reconsider. While finding proof or strong evidence of anomalous creatures is always the goal, there are other factors to consider when collecting such evidence. Using live bait is not one of them.
I've never heard of Batsquatch in this area, though I know there are reports of the creature in Washington state.
Another reason why I'm suspicious is your spelling of Lorane -- unless you don't live in the area.
I'd like more information; do you have an image from your friend, for example?
I recommend reporting this to MUFON if you're truly interested. They have qualified field investigators.
Night vision scopes have revealed very interesting things, mainly UFOs, that can't be seen with the naked eye. If you have a scope, try it.
R. Lee
And, the response to my e-mail above:
Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 8:22 AM
Hello Regan,
Sorry about the misspelled name. I am a long time resident of Eugene. Yes, the town is spelled Lorane, I was in a hurry. I don't know what other bait may draw it. The witness tried to get photos of the footprints but it was raining hard off and on all day (and some that night) so it was really muddy and he was not able to get a good photograph of any prints.
It has been reported these are probably taking small farm animals so I think a lamb would be a good bait. Do you object to this on humane grounds? I don't know how else to prove this creature exists other than to catch it. I doubt anyone has really ever tried so it may not be wary of such an attempt. It was within 20 or so feet from the boy's house so it is not that afraid of human dwellings.
I don't think photographs or eye witness accounts are going to be enough evidence of this things existence. It has probably moved on by now anyway. The Willamette Valley is a likely corridor for the thing moving North and South foraging. The Coast Range is probably the habitat it prefers (in the foothills). There is probably a humane way to capture this using nets, but it would take more time and equipment than for which I have resources.
I will contact MUFON to see what they think. This thing may still be in the woods nearby the boys house so hopefully someone is near Eugene to investigate.
I give it another try; I admit, while feeling squeamish, I am also still curious:
Is it possible to make sketches of the prints, how do they compare to known animals in the area, for example, and is there an estimate as to size?
I object because I do not believe in using animals gratuitously. I don't believe we have the right to "prove" the existence of a creature if it means sacrificing a living creature. I'm absolutely against it, don't approve of it, and will not support such an act.
Frankly, I don't care much for capturing, alive, and certainly not dead, such creatures.
Interesting theory about the range. . . . it's quite possible. Assuming this is a true story.
Well, I admit my curiosity is most certainly aroused here -- I am interested, in at least giving you a call. This might have to wait until the weekend, due to my work schedule...I might be able to get out there Sunday. I'm not sure if MUFON would be interested, there's no Eugene MUFON chapter, -- try Autumn Williams, Bigfoot researcher, she lives in the area.
I realize it's not Bigfoot, still...
As I say, I am interested but I do not know why, am also suspicious. We'll see.
But whatever, I encourage you to not use a live animal, or, kill one to use the body, for "bait" -- my values, my opinion, but there you go.
R. Lee
And I send along this as well right after the above:
One more thing about the lamb; I didn't say this at first because I realize it would sound odd but here goes; the whole symbolism of sacrificing a lamb to an unknown, so-called "monster" -- well, speaks for itself. The obvious religious (and I am NOT religious in any way) symbolism is one thing, but there's also the idea of extending an invitation to this thing. By setting out a living (or even dead) creature with the intent -- the invitation -- of showing itself, and coming into your home, your life, you have no idea what you're asking for, and what might happen.
R. Lee
Things get testy; I receive another e-mail where I'm told he thinks I would have been "all over this" and I'm really tired of hearing about tying up some poor lamb on hooks, bleating into the wilds of the night. Below is the last e-mail I've received (so far) with my reply:
Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 6:02 PM
Hi Regan,
I have seen both UFOs and demons / monsters. I am afraid of neither. In fact, I would relish having trapped or captured such as they are no friend to mankind.
I've seen plenty of UFOs as well, to "monsters" no, I haven't. Do you consider the Sasquatch a "monster" or worse, a "demon?" To be killed? I sure hope not.
As to this so-called "Batsquatch" -- whatever it may be, to think it's a "demon" -- well, it scares me there are people such as yourself that think this way.
The lamb was just a suggestion as there is an abundance of them right now it being Spring. I can buy a small one for about $20.00.
So? I hope you do not. For what purpose? To prove to who, the world? that such a creature exists? Then what? Is your ego that important? I'm asking out of a genuine need to understand this urge to want to capture a "monster," and to use a live animal as bait, as if it's your right to do with what you will with other creatures. It isn't your right.
I have shark fishing gear. I would like to have a large net also. There is an old abandoned barn right down the hill that would make a good ambush point.
Groovy, but I don't sanction such thinking or desires, and want no part of it.
I would have thought you would jump at the opportunity to try this.
I've written many times on-line that I don't think capturing a creature is right. Who are we trying to prove it to, and why? Isn't the personal experience of a sighting enough?
Once caught, if alive, such a creature is then a prisoner of science and the authorities, to do with what they will. Is this right? Not in my world view.
Demons feed off of fear. When faced with them, don't be intimidated and yes, I am a believer in Jesus as the Christ, Son of God. Demons are actually cowardly when they are confronted with faith in God. I am concerned for the safety of the young man that told me the story. His faith may not be strong enough to sustain him.
I accept that evil exists, and that negative and "evil" entities exist, but as to the religious interpretation of a Christan or any other religious construct, no, I don't believe these things are "demons," nor do I believe God, Christ, Allah, or whoever has anything to do with it.
But back to the creature, assuming it exists. IF it exists, why the assumption it's a "demon?" This is very backwards, superstitious thinking, and, very dangerous. It's just a creature. Because we don't understand it, or know where it comes from, doesn't make it "the devil." Is a rabid animal Satan? Is any animal, doing what it does, a "demon" because it kills, or scares, or ...?
I hope you reconsider; it all sounds very stupid, arrogant, thuggish, dangerous and irresponsible, both for the humans involved and the creature.
R. Lee
Batsquatch has been reported in Mt. Shasta, and in Washington state. I'm not sure about Oregon but I haven't found anything. Who knows what, if anything, is going on out there on Lorane Highway. Speaking of Lorane Highway, that is the location of where I saw my "orange orb" sighting (and the hovering silver orb that emitted a beam of light) and experienced missing time.
Maybe there's something mysterious out there after all.