There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying
Showing posts with label Blogsquatcher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogsquatcher. Show all posts

Thursday, September 10, 2009

On Blogsquatcher: "Recent Posts"

On the Blogsquatcher blog, a post about "recent posts" on other Bigfoot blogs, with kudos to researcher Autumn Wiiliams and Linda Martin. I very much like what Autumn has to say about Bigfoot research:
Those of you who know me well know that the only strong stance I take related to the nature of bigfoot is that I REFUSE to take a strong stance on WHAT bigfoot is or is not. I have some suspicions, but that’s all they are. Suspicions. Something akin to conclusions that have been tentatively reached in order to form hypotheses and direct my field research. If they don’t work, I immediately head back to the drawing board, rather than sticking to hypotheses that don’t serve me well.

I know Blogsquatcher quotes that as well, highlighting her comments, but it's so worthwhile, I had to repeat it here. I'd also paraphrase Autumn's sentiments here regarding BF research to say the same about the UFO phenomena, but that's another story! Unless of course, it's a Bigfoot-UFO encounter, then . . . :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

On Blogsquatcher: "Bigfoot Intelligence in a report from Alabama"

Very interesting report from Blogsquatcher, who discusses information he's received on an encounter with Bigfoot in Alabama. I liked this description of the startled reaction when the witness saw the BF:
I had looked in every dang tree around the place. It spooked the heck out of me when he seemed to appear from nowhere. It was like he had been let down from the sky on a rope.

I don't think he was suggesting BF did come from space, just that it seemed so. . .(although, if not from outer space, another dimension, as some speculate? But I'm digressing...)

It does get a bit weirder however. If you want to know more, visit Blogsquatcher to find out!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Blog Find: Oregon Bigfoot, Gable Film Update

I don't think I knew there was an Oregon Bigfoot blog, how could I have missed that? Quickly realizing after checking out her site that, duh, it's Autumn Williams, Oregon bigfoot researcher... who runs But here it is, with an update on the Gable film. Hat tip to Blogsquatcher for the link.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

On Blogsquatcher: All in our minds?

The Blogsquatcher has an interesting post: Giving the "It's all in yer mind" theory some ammo You know how uber skeptics like to say, in complete seriousness, that Bigfoot is simply all in our minds? Blogsquatcher thinks it's ridiculous too, but he takes this idea in a different direction, even while acknowledging he isn't exactly in agreement with it. He is however, willing to explore the idea and put it out there, which I appreciate;too many BF as well as UFO writers don't like to stray too far from their comfort zones.

Blogsquatcher discusses Jung, archtypes; quotes from a Daily Grail review of Benny Shannon's The Anitpodes of the Mind and asks some intriguing questions,and asks if we might share a knowing of "half man half animal" even within our minds. The use of consciousness shifting drugs takes explorers, or psychonauts into these realms, but more specifically, shared imagery regardless of culture.

If Bigfoot is a paranormal creature and not just a big hairy ape, maybe a fairy or damion, as Patrick Harpur (Damonic Reality) or Lisa Shiel (Backyard Bigfoot) suggest, it's possible we can access a place where Bigfoot resides; a place where our minds are able to travel to, aided by substances such as ayahuasca.

I'm not sure what to think of this either, but it is very interesting, and, like the subject of UFOs and encounters with that phenomena while having ingested psychotropic drugs, it isn't all just a case of simple hallucinations and general tripping. Work done by Hancock, McKenna, Lily, Lear, Pinchbeck, tell us that it isn't that simplistic.

Related items:
  • Feeling a Lack of Control? Bigfoot Can Help

  • Fairies, Bigfoot, and Hauntings

  • Read about the McMinnville UFO gossip and more!
    Check out my published content!

    Saturday, April 18, 2009

    Tuesday, March 24, 2009

    Henry Franzoni - Don't Miss This!

    Blogsquatcher has done a valuable thing for Bigfoot research;
    brought us a lot from Henry Franzoni,
    introduced thusly:
    Henry's views of the bigfoot phenomenon are not your garden variety views. He has a very idiosyncratic viewpoint built up over years of personal experience, and also though interacting with various PNW Indian tribes. I know that some of what Henry says and thinks will be very hard for most bigfoot enthusiasts to swallow.

    That’s something that cannot be ignored!

    I'm only halfway through the interview so far but was so excited had to post the link here. Franzoni is an amazing person; from his background, how he "fell backward" into biology, and his views on Bigfoot, or as he calls Bigfoot, Seatco. Why does he call Bigfoot Seatco? You have to read the interview to find out!

    Thursday, August 21, 2008

    Thursday, August 14, 2008

    On Blogsquatcher: Back Story . . .

    The Backstory You May Or May Not Have Heard, from Blogsquatcher.

    Blogsquatcher puts it all out there much better than I ever could.

    Only question to this stupid time wasting mess is why? Why why why. Then there's the thing about Biscardi and any future credibility. Anyone remember Santilli's alien? Brings back memories.

    The YouTube video clip on Blogsquatcher is good too; I love it, "It's a Bigfoot man!" Oy.

    Check out my published content!

    Saturday, December 8, 2007

    Blogsquatcher: Bleating of the Goats Part 2

    Part 2 of The Bleating of the Goats by Blogsquatcher. Good reading! I was intrigued the whole time, reading his report. The dream is interesting I think, as well. (What dream, you may ask. Well, go over there and read it!)

    Tuesday, December 4, 2007

    Over on Blogsquatcher: Oregon "bigfoot" and a great story

    As usual, Blogsquatcher has some good items. One is Part I of a story about following up on reports of Bigfoot sightings. As is often the case, the people invovled are as interesting as the Fortean/weird/anomalous thing they're going after.

    There's also a video from my state of Oregon of a "Bigfoot."

    Saturday, November 17, 2007

    The Blogsquatcher on Skepticism

    Or, as he titled his blog entry: Skepticism and the skeptical skeptics who skeptify us . . .

    Like The Blogsquatcher, I'm also intrigued (and baffled) by what makes "skeptics" tick, most particularly the pathological-chronic types, bless their little Pelicanist heads.

    Blogsquatcher directs us to Micheal Prescott's blog, who also wonders at the mindset of the "skeptic" and does it very well. I've followed Prescott's blog for awhile now; he writes very well and insightfully about this peculair breed.

    Part of what makes skeptics what they are may be the need to be in control, according to Prescott. I agree.

    Take a look at the Blogsquatcher's blog, as well as Prescott's; you'll find a lot of good things on both.

    Monday, November 12, 2007

    Friday, November 9, 2007

    A Little Bit of Bigfoot Synchronicity

    I’m reading Peter Gutilla’s Bigfoot Files, which I’m enjoying very much. Last night I read the chapter The Lemon Grove Hoax. Very interesting case. (Of course, aren’t they all?) I don’t know if Gutilla set it up intentionally or not, but the way the chapter started out, combined with the “set-up” of the title, had me assuming at first it was a case of hoaxing. Well, not so fast . . .

    I go to read what’s become one of my favorite bigfoot blogs (others being Lisa Shiel’s Bigfoot Quest, for one) The Blogsquatcher, and see this: Hoaxes and the Hoaxing Hoaxers Who Hoax Them: Culpeper. Sadly, in Blogsquatcher’s case, it seems like a case of someone behaving badly.

    Friday, October 26, 2007

    Watched: Get Out!

    Blogsquatcher has a good item on that weird “I’m being watched” feeling one gets in the woods in the context of Bigfoot being about: The Sense of Being Stared At . . . in the woods!

    One theory for this feeling of being watched, according to Blogsquatcher, is the effect of pheromones. And or infrasound. I think the infrasound makes some sense. This is the first I’ve heard about infrasound in connection with Bigfoot and that urgent feeling of “I gotta get out of here! I’m being watched!”

    I love the woods. I enjoy being by myself. There are few things I enjoy more than being by myself, walking through the woods, or just sitting by a lake or river, watching the wildlife, and just “being.” (I enjoy the same on the beach.) I am far more uneasy in town, with traffic and people; not a good time.

    But I had one weird experience in the woods a few years ago that I can’t figure. I had that “Something isn’t right here!!! And I better get the hell out now!” feeling -- urge -- that made no sense, but I literally could feel it in my gut. A literal “gut feeling” -- I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. The weird thing about this moment was that there wasn’t anything I could see, or smell, or hear. Nothing at all appeared to give me that feeling. And, as always happens in these moments of high strangeness, the pragmatic side of the self kicks in, and you find yourself scolding yourself “What, are you crazy? What do you mean, you “have to get out of here, NOW?! It’s a beautiful day and a beautiful view. You’re not even out in the woods proper yet, you’re on the road. It’s daylight. What’s wrong with you?”

    I love to take drives out in the country, and that’s what I was doing that day. Just a nice long drive, out of town, quickly into the rural areas with fewer homes and more woods, until I was out on the road and hadn’t seen any homes or building for a few miles. Up a pretty good hill, fantastic view. Woods behind me. Below, a valley view. Crisp, nice day. All alone, and the air smelled great. Out of nowhere, like a blast, I just felt this huge feeling of fear from something watching me. From behind, and around me, but stronger further up the road, and to my left (the woods.) There was the very strong knowledge that if I went just a few yards further . . . this "thing" was going to be very unhappy. Unhappy with me. As foolish as I felt -- what could be “watching” me, to instill such fear? -- I had to get out of there, and fast.

    I am sensitive, and if I had felt there was some animal around, a bear, a cougar, etc. I would have been wary, cautious, and still maybe would have left, but I wouldn't have had that huge, scared, all encompassing feeling. I don’t know how else to explain it, but the feeling was that there was a thing out there, and it was a big thing. In a way, literally, yes, but more than that. I truly got the feeling it was bigger than anything in the woods; it was an entity of some kind. Whether it was Sasquatch, or something else it was not happy with me being there, it did not want me there, and it was going to get ugly about me being there if I didn’t leave.

    So I left.

    I have never felt that before, and don’t want to again.

    Anyway, read Blogsquatcher’s piece on sounds in relation to Bigfoot. As always, he brings a bit of freshness to Bigfoot studies.

    Sunday, October 7, 2007

    From the BlogSquatcher: Bigfoot Epistemology

    Another good post from the BlogSquatcher, this one on a Bigfoot Epistemology. Blogsquatcher (for I don’t see a name anywhere on the blog) has given us a list and definitions of the types of Bigfoot “beliefs” and researchers. Of the Bigfoot is an ape theory he writes:
    Bigfoot is an Ape – These folks follow from the earliest investigators, notably John Green and Grover Krantz. They hold that bigfoot is a real creature somehow related to modern apes. They have almost universally held to scientific materialism in their writing. The difference between them and Extreme Skeptics is their exposure to and openness to evidence. Note that this viewpoint doesn’t spring from physical evidence. This is the crowd that supports the idea of bigfoot descending from Gigantopithecus, without any real physical evidence to support this theory (beyond the size of bigfoot).

    I think Lisa Shiel and some others would agree.

    BlogSquatcher has parsed the “paranormal bigfoot” theories into distinctive categories. Instead of the sort of catch all “paranormal bigfoot” he’s divided these ideas into Paranormal, Inter-dimensional, UFOs, etc.

    It’s clear from this post and others the BlogSquatcher knows his or her stuff.