There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Dream Dictionaries: Bigfoot

I was surprised to find that some dream dictionaries -- which are both interesting as well as "to be read with a large grain of salt" --  include Bigfoot as a dream symbol. Here's one interpretation:

Dream Dictionary Bigfoot, Dreaming of Bigfoot: What it Means to see this Legendary Creature in your Dreams: When you can't get Bigfoot out of your mind when you are dreaming, then what this usually suggests is the idea that you want to be more elusive with your emotions. You feel as if you are too upfront with many aspects of yourself and it has hurt you in the past. Thus, you now strive to hide away your feelings on many subjects and try to keep your emotions from others in the hopes that you will not be made fun of for your beliefs. [More at]
This one is from

BigfootTo dream of bigfoot represents shock or surprise that you are seeing something. You may be in disbelief that someone elusive has appeared in your life. It may also reflect situations or news that takes you by complete surprise. You are metaphorically pinching yourself or having trouble accepting something amazing that has happened. [link]
 I like that one better than the first interpretation.

There's a defunct thread on Bigfoot discussing Bigfoot dreams. Too bad this thread stopped; I think you can learn a lot more from people sharing their dreams and talking about them with each other than a single interpretation from a dream symbol site.

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