There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying
Showing posts with label Sasquatch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sasquatch. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Paul Sincair's 'Wolf Lands'

 Just watched paranormal researcher Paul Sinclair's new documentary Wolf Lands on Amazon Prime.  The documentary is about the unexplained encounters with a werewolf/dog man/sasquatch (?) type being in the forests of Yorkshire.  Excellent documentary. Sinclair interviews witnesses but he also goes into the history of Yorkshire. Place names, for example. Many translate to words like wolf, or hound. It seems hundreds of years ago shamanic activity took place in the woods. Does a place hold energy? Of course it does. Whatever it is these people are seeing it's something. Something weird and huge and at a loss for a reasonable explanation. 

Other paranormal activity as well: UFOs, orbs, etc.

One thing that resonated with me: one witness described the sudden fear he felt while in the woods. He felt he was being watched, and like a switch had been turned on, as he explained it, a deep fear arose within him. Terror. Had to get out of there! As soon as he left, the fear left. Again, like someone threw a switch.

I had a similar experience, which I blogged about here in the past. A beautiful sunny day. I was taking a drive in the country, just because. I stopped at the top of a hill, pulled over to look at the view. I got out of my car. Below me, on my right, was the valley. Gorgeous view! Behind me, steep embankment, thickly wooded. Suddenly, a terrible fear entered me. It came from behind, came roiling down the hills, through the trees. It was horrible. More horrible because it was so damn weird. I was really very very scared. The message was clear: GET OUT! LEAVE! So I did. The whole thing only lasted about ten, fifteen seconds, but it was enough. For a split second I thought of staying; I'm not crazy after all, I'm not listening to some imagined thing, I'm being silly. Then I realized it was foolish to stay. This wasn't coming from me at all. It was definitely an energy, an intelligent energy, sent my way. So I got out of there fast. The fear left me completely after about a quarter mile. Everything back to normal as if nothing strange had happened at all.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Why So Coy? Missing 411: The Hunted

 I watched the David Paulides  2019 documentary last night: Missing 411: The Hunted. (You can stream it on Hulu.) It started off with the expected cases of  individual hunters who went missing; their disappearances remain unsolved.  Paulides then camps out with Bigfoot researchers Ron Morehead and Scott  Nelson. Morehead and Nelson describe their experiences over the years in the area; strange noises, orbs, lights and more. The audio is eerily familiar to other recordings of Bigfoot. As are the descriptions of strange lights. These have been reported by many a seeker of Bigfoot. But not once during the Paulides interview does Morehead or Nelson say the words Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Not once. I had the distinct feeling that Paulides instructed them to not say those words.

Paulides has been coy over the years as to any connection with Bigfoot and the missing. I have no idea if the two are connected, but it seems there does seem to be some kind of relationship at times. . Paulides consistently skirts around the idea, but never comes out and suggests it as a possibility. True, it is all speculation but nothing wrong with speculation as long as it’s made clear that it’s speculation.

The documentary also includes an interview with Bruce Mcabbee’s wife, who saw a strange transparent being moving through the trees while she was sitting up in a deer blind.  She describes it as looking something like the being in Predator. Around the same time, witnesses in the town saw a UFO. A very curious encounter for sure.   

These two items concerning strange lights, UFOS, Bigfoot type voices and transparent beings don’t seem to have anything to do with the missing. They could have; it’s absolutely possible. But in the documentary it wasn’t made clear the two had anything to do with the missing hunters. And at no point did Paulides say “This is why I’m including these incidents.”  In fact, David Paulides has been downright cranky when asked about any Bigfoot connection; he’s been downright cranky if he even thinks someone thinks he did when they didn’t. Yet there are highly interesting clues that suggest a Bigfoot type connection, or something appearing as Bigfoot. An energy that is non-human and manifesting as a being that is clearly intelligent. The following are from children who went missing and were later found alive:

Three year old boy found safe after being lost in the woods for two days. The boy says he was kept safe by "a bear."

The 3-year-old boy who spent two days lost in the woods of eastern North Carolina tells his family he “hung out with a bear” for companionship while hundreds of people searched frantically in cold and rainy weather to find him. 

Lost Boy in Woods Found Safe; Hung Out with Bear

David Paulides, of the Missing 411 books, has written that missing people, including children, often happen when it rains, or has been raining. I remember a couple of survivors Paulides writes about that mention a bear or ape like creature who helped them. Bigfoot? Paulides is coy about that, but it's possible. Or, angel, spirit, who knows. Bears are hibernating this time of year. Not to mention a bear might well attack, rather than protect. But, again, who knows?

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Bigfoot Video: Canada

Tim Binnall at Coast to Coast shares a video of Bigfoot  in Canada that is pretty compelling. Unless it's fake, of course. I'm always a bit suspicious when the photographer just happens to be at the one clear spot at the exact moment a Sasquatch happens to walk through. On the. other hand, it is a very realistic looking Sasquatch, color, movement, body shape, etc. 

Monday, August 15, 2022

Alaskan Killer Bigfoot: Spoiler Alert

 Alaskan Killer Bigfoot airs on the Travel Channel. It's about a team of researchers going out to Portlock, Alaska. Portlock was a booming fishing town seventy years ago but several gruesome and mysterious deaths occurred. Finally, humans abandoned the place and no one has lived there. Now, with the approval of indigenous elders, a small group was sent to Portlock in order to find proof of Nantinaq, their name for a Bigfoot type creature believed to be the possible cause of those deaths. Hoping to reclaim Portlock and once again have it inhabited, the tribe wants it safe of course. In order to do that, Nantinaq has to be vanquished.

They brought in Ron Morehead, who certainly knows his stuff. His assessment: Bigfoot is there all right. They brought in a psychic; she was too shaken up by the negative vibes of a malevolent energy and left in a hurry. They brought in a demonologist (eye roll here) and a sensitive. The sensitive was very interesting; she picked up on a lot of things that coincided with the experiences of others on the team. 

Plus, tree knocking, rock throwing, stenches and reeks, strange howls and whistles, "mind speak," feeling disoriented, unexplained lights. 

Assuming of course these were actual happenings and not made up or exaggerated stuff for para-tainment.

I usually watch these shows, and even with a grain of salt, overall accept that something very weird is going on. Assuming that what they say is true, it seems obvious there is a hugely strong presence. Whether or not it's Bigfoot, or a Bigfoot like creature, who can say. Lots of similarities with Bigfoot. Or it could be an elemental. Of course, Bigfoot could be an elemental. 

If that's the case: ticked off elemental, unliveable island, horrific deaths due to "evil" elemental/spirit/Bigfoot, why bother? Leave the thing there. Leave it alone. I know this is probably politically incorrect. The native people want their land; in order to continue survival, to have a home for the generations to come. But it seems that, while yes indeed, the indigenous peoples were there before us, it seems clear that whatever is the energy of Nantinaq has been there much longer.

In that case, let it be. Or, treat it with not just fear (you wouldn't find me looking for it) but respect. Make offerings. Gifts. Talk to it. It seems evil to you, well of course. It does to me too, if that is the cause for the murders. But from its perspective, it wants humans out of there. It's defending its space.

The next to the last episode of Alaskan Killer Bigfoot had the demonologist cleanse the forest, using a giant squirt gun filled with holy water. (I think it was a combination of rose, sage and holy water but not sure.) It reminded me of the Monty Python hunting mosquito episode. After the cleansing, everyone felt better. Only one day, with everyone feeling lighter, they decide Portlock was now safe. 

Hubris? Ignorance? Why would anyone believe that after only day, with something so old and powerful, would be vanished after a quick spray of blessed water? 

Sure enough, as the happy team leaves Portlock, full of good feelings of success, they turn back to look and  . . . Fire! 

The little shack they built as a symbol of hope and future buildings to come, was mysteriously on fire.

I wasn't at all surprised.

Next episode is the final episode. Don't know if it's the season finale, or the show finale. 

Friday, October 5, 2018

Local Sasquatch Synchronicity: Answering My Call?

(Not a literal call; more on that good old metaphysical side of things)

More on the incredible Sasquatch-work-synchronicity. (see post below)

Met briefly with the person related to the co-worker who had a Bigfoot encounter in the Cottage Grove area. Which is a local hot bed of not only Sasquatch activity, but UFO and general all over weirdness vibes. Turns out the researcher he was with was Ron Morehead! He asked me if I knew Morehead; I said no, not personally, but I was familiar with Morehead. But at the time, I couldn't place the name of the researcher with the theory. When I got home I looked him up and of course! Moorhead was on Coast to Coast not long ago, and he discussed the more anomalous, paranormal aspects of Sasquatch.

While I go on about Sasquatch in my area (Oregon; Willamette Vally) as well as everywhere -- terrestrial and none terrestrial -- I miss the obvious. As in, a gathering of local researchers and interested parties in the Cottage Grove area. Which I will be sure to attend this month!!!!

What seems odd in the past two days is the location. There are several schools in our district... many elementary schools. (I am an EA in an elementary school.) What are the odds staff members -- not only close in terms of area of sightings such as the Cottage Grove area roughly 25 miles south of here) but friendship, as well as work location? Not only do I feel an affection for this co-worker (long before I knew of the Bigfoot connection) but our rooms are in the same wing, and only separated by one room.

It's logical to assume that these same people, or, myself, could be at another school in another part of town, and never know each other.

Adding to this Fortean type connection: just this week, I was putting out "the call" concerning Bigfoot.  Show me a connection, a message, something, a dream visit, I asked, and, a few days later, this.

Monday, September 17, 2018

A Note in the Back of the Book: Thom Powell's Edges of Science

A few pages to the end of Thom Powell's excellent Edges of Science. I had set the book aside for a long time, not because I wasn't enjoying it, but just due to life. Work, etc.

I had forgotten that I wrote the following in the back of the book:

December 22, 2017

Last night, I dreamt I was in a lighted tunnel/cave -- narrow. The others with me refuse to go in with me. I come upon a barrier; I could have gotten around it if I really wanted to, but I had the distinct feeling -- the knowledge -- that beyond this point was Sasquatch Realm. I really shouldn't go any further. I was curious, as in awe, but not afraid. Yet I knew it really wouldn't be wise to continue. So I left.

When I finished writing the above dream in the back of the book, I turned back to where I left off. The first paragraph at page 121. Read to the bottom of the page, where Powell quotes researcher Toby Johnson who, Powell writes:

"Toby insists he still was not scared, but stricken by awe." (Thom Powell, Edges of Science, p 121.)
This in context of Johnson walking "right into something invisible but tangible."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

LGF Pages:Texas DNA specialist writes that Sasquatch is a modern human being.

LGF Pages - Texas DNA specialist writes that Sasquatch is a modern human being.

According to a copyright application, rural Texas veterinarian/DNA lab owner, Melba Ketchum, DVM, is coming out with the news that the folklore beast called Sasquatch or Bigfoot is real!!

"Beast?" Sigh. Worse, weirder and more bizarrely, Dr. Ketchum is applying for a patent. Surreal to consider that, if Sasquatch is more human than not, or, even human indeed in some way, that this being can be "patented." Then what? That is a huge question. All this time I thought the NO KILL/NO CAPTURE issue was the only one to be concerned about.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Pools and Bigfoot

I had another Bigfoot dream this morning. I just realized that I've had several dreams about Bigfoot and water. (I searched for one "dream" I could have sworn I had posted here some time ago, but I can't find it. That dream involved an OOBE and an unexpected run in with a Sasquatch on the beach.) I also realized, after writing this, that once again, concrete is involved. What the symbolism means I have no idea yet.
I'm on the Oregon coast, I think we just moved there. My husband is with me. It's very  hot. There's only one public outdoor swimming pool in the whole area. It's huge, the size of four or five regular sized pools. So many people want to use the pool when it's hot that there's a lottery. Thousands of people are here, waiting to use the pool. The pool is outdoors, lots of concrete and in fact, the pool is surrounded by parking structures (not something you'd see on the Oregon coast) that are three, four stories high. I'm excited to hear I'm one of the winners. I have to quickly change into my bathing suit and jump in. But the bathrooms are a ways away and I don't want to waste all this precious time going all the way to the bathroom to change. But I can't change out in the open either. I notice a couple of people who are used to this duck under one of the parking structure pillars or posts to change. I call up to my husband, who's standing in one of the parking structure levels that surround the pool (lots of people hanging out on  the levels) to toss my suit down to me. He does, and I run into the parking structure closet to me, and change behind a pole. I'm a little nervous about this -- I certainly don't want to be seen! But it seems to be all right. I worry a little bit about my clothes but oh well. I jump in, oh, feels so good! 
We all have a good time. Later, it occurs to us and some friends, as we're talking about the day, the coast, the future of the area, etc. that what this town needs is an indoor, year round pool. Why hasn't anyone thought of this?! A few days later, my husband and I are walking around the town, and notice a huge sign that reads "Newport Pool" or something like that. We go inside, and find a man has just opened up the first indoor year round pool in the area. Fantastic! He's really done it right too: a small pool just for kids, a lap pool, an exercise pool, and three pools for recreational swims. I notice this man -- who seems to be in his sixties, gray haired, glasses, nice enough looking man and pleasant -- is wearing a black fleece vest with an emblem on it that has the initials of a Bigfoot research group -- an Oregon one, that investigates Sasquatch on the coast. I feel a thrill but don't say anything. The man says to us, sort of randomly, after explaining the pool hours and rules, "Bigfoot is around here, he's here in the woods." And I say "Oh, I know!" He says "My dog smells them all the time, and they know we know they're here." He asks us if we want to see his film of Bigfoot. Of course we do! We follow him upstairs to his room. It's very dim in there and he starts the camera rolling. An old camera with reels and film, and a screen he pulls down hanging on his wall. He tells us he hasn't seen Bigfoot but has "felt, heard, and smelled him," many times, and is sure he's caught fleeting images of movement on the film that can only be Bigfoot. He describes the chuffing kind of sound he's heard many times, so close, that can be no other kind of animal. Only Bigfoot. He's in telepathic communication with Sasquatch, this is clear and yet, he doesn't really come out and say this. We all know this but it's unsaid. It's too "crazy" to come out and say so, but it's understood.

We watch the film, it's in murky color but the images are clear, and sure enough, we see movement behind the trees. It can only be Bigfoot. Of that we're sure.
Then, damnit, the alarm went off!

Related posts:
Bigfoot Dream
Bigfoot in Australia -- Kind of
Weird Little Dream About Aliens and Bigfoot
Jovial Guy in a Bigfoot Suit

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Stan Gordon at McMinnville, Oregon UFO Fest

Just got back from the 12th annual UFO Fest in McMinnville. Stan Gordon was this morning's presenter. It was a fascinating presentation!

Gordon is a great speaker and his material was chock full of Fortean and UFO goodies. We were in for a treat, since Gordon really gave us two presentations in one. He began with the Kecksburg case, and even if you were familiar with this case and thought you knew a lot about it Gordon's information was refreshing. It's almost always nice to hear material presented in person, there were details I hadn't heard before, and overall, excellent presentation.

When Gordon was finished with Kecksburg, he moved on to Bigfoot-UFO high strangeness. Be still my beating heart! Truly fascinating stories of witness encounters with BHMs (Big Hairy Monsters) or Bigfoot. Aside from the Bigfoot sightings, UFO and other unexplained phenomena accompanied these Bigfoot events. While the height of these encounters occurred in 1973, they are still occurring.

I had the pleasure of meeting Stan and talking with him for a short bit; he was very nice and open.

I appreciated what he said about all of this: Kecksburg, UFOs, high strangeness Bigfoot, etc. and that is, he doesn't know what they are or where they came from. He just knows that "it" (UFOs, BF, etc.) are. Gordon doesn't have answers, and he doesn't pretend to have any. That might drive some people crazy, but I like that willingness to acknowledge bafflement in the midst of exploring and investigating the weird.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

JREF BF Thread No. 30 Something or Other. . .

"Tianca's Starship Bigfoot Thread" yep, on the James Randi Forum. We're up to 32, 33, 35, I don't know, something like that -- over 30 threads about Bigfoot, which doesn't exist, on the good old JREF.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Bigfoot Threads on JREF

Two new Bigfoot threads on the JREF; check the sidebar on your right. 18 threads now over there on how Bigfoot doesn't exist. Gotta love it!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Monster Quest: All Female Bigfoot Team

Tonight is Monster Quest on the History Channel. 10pm, I think 7pm Pacific but check your listings. Tonight's episode: Bigfoot in Washington state, and an "all female" research team.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Peter Guttilla’s Bigfoot Files

A must have book for any true esoteric or Bigfoot researcher.

I just finished this book, and enjoyed it very much. It’s full of accounts of Bigfoot sightings (and a few other weird beings) of the stranger kind. UFOs, orbs, and much more high strangeness encounters in connection with Bigfoot are related in this book.

I’ll share some of the sightings from this book, as well as others, later on; these encounters include the three toed tracks, webbed prints, and creatures with red or orange glowing eyes.

Aside from the juicy collection of really weird things, is Peter Guttilla himself. I love his attitude. These accounts exist, and he has no patience with those researchers who continue to ignore, dismiss, or mock such encounters. Guttilla doesn’t have any patience with the skeptical camp either. Good for him. Enough is enough; now let’s get on with the investigations, and stop debating if there’s anything to investigate. (The same can be said of UFOs.)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Seeing Bigfoot From Space?

I was going to title this "Bigfoot From Space" then I realized that'd give the wrong impression. This time I'm not talking about the idea of Bigfoot coming from space, but seeing Bigfoot from space, as well as other cryptids.

Benjamin Radford is an arch skeptic. He’s one of the standards that appears on UFO, Bigfoot and other Fortean documentaries; like Michael Shermer and Joe Nickell, Radford appears on these programs to offer us their reasons on why bigfoot, or UFOs, or abductions, etc. don’t exist.

Radford’s recent article for Live Science: Satellite Searches Could Spot Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, offers the suggestion that satellites could prove these creatures existence.

He acknowledge the difficulty of finding a Bigfoot in “heavily wooded areas” but comments that:
While satellites would be of limited use in heavily wooded areas, Bigfoot creatures have been reported in many places with relatively little forest, including Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Texas and Arizona. A single 12-foot Bigfoot may or may not be hard to spot, but a family of them would be easier to find

He then makes a weird turn on the logic train:
Of course, if such searches are done and still reveal no solid proof of the monsters' existence, few minds will be changed. Diehard believers can always claim that all the monstrous beasts somehow hid undetected or are masters at camouflage. Or the searchers didn't look long enough or in the right places. It only takes one live or dead Bigfoot or lake monster to forever prove that they exist, but no amount of failed searches will ever prove they don't.

Well, if a satellite search doesn’t turn up a Sasquatch -- “twelve foot” tall or not -- that doesn’t prove anything. It’s only data: a search was done by satellites, nothing found. The conclusion that “there is no Bigfoot” is merely interpretation of that data. An assumption that none exists. It isn't proof it doesn't exist.

I recall seeing footage of some kind of giant snake (anacondas?) on some documentary af few years ago. They were filmed from the air, and these things were huge. There they were; on film, and even so, denial of exactly what they were, how big they “really” were, and so on, continued. Pretty amazing stuff, this footage, and yet it slowly sank from the cultural milieu. Now if you bring up “giant anaconda’s” you’re treated like a kook. (We also have film footage of Big Cats and there's still debate on that.)

So, if we spend the money on satellite searches for Bigfoot and other cryptids, and we do get images of these creatures then what?

Will further argument about their existence cease? Will all the thousands of witnesses be vindicated? Will the pathological skeptics and debunkers apologize to those they’ve insulted, and worse, once it’s shown there “really is” a Bigfoot?

I’m not against any kind of satellite search for these creatures. I just don’t care. For those that have seen them, they have the proof. For others, like myself who’ve never seen a cryptid, that’s okay. I’m fine with it. I tend to think they exist, but if it’s somehow proven they don’t (and how can that ever be proven?) okay. And if it’s proven they do, I’ll have mixed emotions.

On the one hand, it’ll be nice to know, and everyone can relax. But it will also lead to all kinds of issues about protection of the species and its environment. We’ll also have questions and controversies surrounding the new question: “Okay, we know it exists, but just what exactly is it? Which leads to the possibility of killing one for study, something I am absolutely against.

I find it a little topsy turvy that an industrial strength skeptic like Radford would urge satellite searches for Bigfoot and other cryptids. On the one hand, he dismisses such “beliefs” with typical scofftoid aplomb. On the other, he considers using high technology to search for the things. What does he want to do with such knowledge if one of these cryptids is found? Would he be okay with further study, including expeditions to kill one?

I think those skeptics who dismiss the possible reality of Bigfoot and other creatures, yet suggest ways to look for the things (like the use of satellites and so on) need to take another step forward and tell us what they think they'll do with such knowledge, er, "proof" if one is ever found. It'd be interesting to know where they stand on such issues. Do they support a kill policy? Work towards protection of habitats? That's a good question for all concerened, skeptic or not.

Thanks to Lisa Shiel of Bigfoot Quest and Nick Redfern, There’s Something in the Woods. Lisa has a poll right now about science searching for Bigfoot.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Sasquatch Inside Mt. Shasta

Taking I-5 down to California, I had the joy of passing Mt. Shasta; even just viewing it from the car, it was magnificant. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the time to stop; it was just a sightseeing event, seeing Mt. Shasta from the interstate, and at rest stops. But that was pretty cool, even that. A trip to Mt. Shasta is definitely in my future.

I picked up some maps and did some surfing on the internet, and one thing that struck me as interesting are the caverns inside Mt. Shasta. Certainly those caverns are home to Bigfoot and all kinds of entities, as a large body of lore suggests.

There are a lot of stories out there about UFOs, Bigfoot, and other anomalous events on Mt. Shasta; too many to repost here. A Goolge, etc. search will give you lots of links to follow on the subject.

However, here is an interesting account by a psychic on Sasquatch within Mt. Shasta from the Hollow Earth Insider website, here’s a snippet:
In April 1974, psychic Joyce Partise of Southern California held a sealed envelope in her hands. Unknown to her, that envelope contained a photograph of a Sasquatch footprint … [Ms Partise gave her feeling] “These things are coming from outer space – it’s an outer space war! The first area will be Portland, Oregon. There’s a mountain with a hole in it. Someone should investigate this mountain because they’re down in there already. You know those hairy things that run around, the ape-man? He’s not an ape. They’re underground in contact with outer space and their intentions toward mankind is total destruction!” . . .
“This gorilla man … their eyes are extremely light sensitive from being underground. These tunnels I’m seeing is part of their habitation. They’ve dug them. I think it may even go into California…” ~
Big Foot, the Abominable Sandman, Nessie and The People who live Under Mt. Shasta”; Hollow Earth Insider website)

And of course, Oregon resident Stan Johnson (deceased) one of the subjects in my book Two Oregon Tales: Bigfoot and UFOs in Oregon, (not yet released) visisted the inner world of Mt. Shasta with the Sasquatch:
My Star friends came for me last night. I was teleported to Mt. Shasta. I was taken to a big rock. Behind that big rock was a door. There was an arch over the door that was rainbow-colored. The door was an etheric door, opening the way into the inside of the mountain to those of higher consciousness. I believe the star people close that door after they enter, and to our third dimensional iyes, it becomes just another side of a cliff of the mountain.

Above the arch was a large eye. This eye was "looking" at me. It was approximately two feet long and it ws a beautiful blue color. I don't know what that eye was, but it seemed like it was alive. As we passed under it, I fel the eye following me. I wondered if this beautiful, blue eye might be symbolic of the third eye, the one eye of the unified vision of the soul, the seat of the inner vision of the higher consciousness. ~
Sasquatch and the Star People, on the White Wolf Gallery website)

On the Argonaut-Greywolf website, is a drawing of a Bigfoot and UFO, as seen by a witness who lived in the area, although the site makes clear the UFO and Bigfoot sighting did not occur at the same time. Scroll down a bit and it’s on the right.

Monday, July 23, 2007

One Long Thread

It goes without saying that skeptwoos don't "believe" in Bigfoot; that BF doesn't exist. Paranormal or flesh and blood. So why has there been an active thread since July, 2005, about BF on the JREF (James Randi) forum? It boggles the mind. I don't have the patience or desire to get involved, but if you're so inclined, you can join the fray here.