From the UFOs, et al blog: Stan Johnson Encounters A Sasquatch.
I've been following Stan's story for many years, --he is deceased, but his story lives on. Johnson was a Sutherlin, Oregon resident who many experiences with Sasquatch of the high strangeness kind.
I met Stan once at a UFO conference in Eugene. Very charismatic man. I also had my own odd moment of high strangeness involving Stan regarding Sasquatch which I've discussed on-line many times. You can hear my description of this here; where Mike Clelland at thehidden experienceblog, interviewed me for his podcast.
Also a bit of synchronicity; just last night I was working on my manuscript of a similar case in Oregon, frustrated, once again, that I can't seem to get it done. Then I realized: it's because I haven't committed to what I think about "paranormal Bigfoot," -- I haven't gotten off the fence, and just say it. So I did, in the introduction, which caused everything else to fall into place. My next project concerns Johnson, and here I wake up to find this item on Johnson on UFOs, et al blog. Small synchronicitous Sasquatch world!
Fortean, Synchromysticism, Cryptids, UFOs in the fringe, Mad Scientists, . . .
There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying
Showing posts with label Stan Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stan Johnson. Show all posts
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
conversation with Regan Lee
Mike Clelland of hidden experience posted the audio interview from awhile back, thanks mike! Edited to add: in that interview, I talk about a strange experience I had involving a cone of light while discussing Bigfoot and Stan Johnson. Johnson was a so-called "Bigfoot contactee" though I dislike that term, who lived in Sutherlin, Oregon. Johnson had many encounters with a Sasquatch family and UFOs.
conversation with Regan Lee
conversation with Regan Lee
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sharon Lee: "the Ghost of Bigfoot and Mr. Mike"
Sharon Lee, from Bigfoot Field Reporter, brings us a thoughtful and odd item: The Ghost and Mr. Mike. This story isn't over yet. Mr. Mike (not to be confused with the "Mike" in Autumn Wililams book Enoch) seems sane, rational. As some of us have commented earlier, if he is senile, or has dementia, how is it he's taking care of an invalid ninety year old sibling? Yes, it's very odd several Bigfoot would be hanging around someone's backyard, near a freeway, and yet, as Sharon writes:
Mr. Mike's story does seem very strange, and yet, Sharon reports:
A couple of weeks ago, a story was reported that a man was seeing bigfoots in his back yard. Next to the freeway. In the middle of town. Well, it wouldn't be the first story about a bigfoot in someone's backyard. Or by the freeway. Or running through town.In some ways, Mr. Mike's story reminds me a little of Stan Johnson's (who is deceased) experiences. Stan lived near I-5 in Sutherlin, Oregon, and he met a family of Bigfoot on his property. Johnson wrote about his experiences with this family of Sasquatch in a couple of self-published books.
Mr. Mike's story does seem very strange, and yet, Sharon reports:
The History channel film crew has been on location for a little over 2 weeks now, and they are baffled as to what is occurring. The evidence they are capturing is extraordinarily mind blowing and unexplainable. They are having spikes of activity on their FLIR thermal imagers. They see nothing with their naked eye. But at the same time the heat images appear on the FLIR, Mr. Mike sees them.Not the first time high strangeness experiences with Sasquatch have been reported. The afore mentioned Stan Johnson, for example, not only met a group of Sasquatch on his property, but had many interactions with them, including telepathic communications, verbal communications, and being taken aboard a UFO.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Following Bigfoot Ballyhoo
Linda Newton Perry's Bigfoot Ballyhoo is a blog I've posted about here recently; I also had turned on the "follow" feature to her blog. I say "followed" because she's removed me from the follow option.
Newton-Perry is a Christian and has said her religious views don't allow her to condone the paranormal. Because I have a Bigfoot blog that focuses on the high strangeness aspects of Bigfoot research, linking to my blog or supporting it, even by mentioning it I guess, conflicts with her personal beliefs.
A few days ago, Newton-Perry responded to the e-mail I had sent her by reposting it her blog:
Seems she’s changed her mind about looking “forward” to “hearing more from” me.
This is a sensitive subject for researchers. If you put yourself out there as a researcher, you have an obligation to be honest to the data. As I asked in my previous post: if your religious views conflict with data, where does your responsibility end? If you reject, hide, or ignore data you don't like because it conflicts with your views, are you an honest researcher? I don't know, I'm asking. I asked that question in a spirit of discussion. I had asked in my previous post, what would Linda Newton-Perry do with, say, the recent BF report from the Oregon teacher who had a recent Bigfoot sighting on the Oregon coast if that teacher had included some weird detail like, BF dematerializing in front of her? Or a UFO appeared next to it? Or any other of the high strangeness things that have been reported by some Bigfoot witnesses?
Newton-Perry didn't answer, either directly to me, or on her blog. She preferred to ignore the question and remove me from the follow feature. Certainly her right to do so; but I wonder where that leaves the Bigfoot reports that are coming her way? What if, as I asked previously, one of those reports she’s posted on her blog contained "weird" data? Would Newton-Perry lie about it? Hide it? I think these are legitimate questions.
Since Newton-Perry writes for two newspapers about Bigfoot, has a Bigfoot blog, and has published books about Bigfoot, these questions are valid and assuming her participation in this discussion is sensible.
Newton-Perry said her beliefs don't allow for paranormal Bigfoot beliefs but as I pointed out, not all Christians share that opinion. For example Stan Johnson (deceased) was a Christian who had many so-called paranormal encounters with Bigfoot including telepathic communications and rides on space ships.
Like the UFO subject (sans Bigfoot) religious beliefs come into things, and there’s a variety of beliefs and opinions within any particular religion. I know Christians who believe UFOs and related entities are demonic, and don’t want to have anything to do with the topic. I also know Christians who don’t believe that at all. And everything in between.
On the one hand, if Newton-Perry believes, as she says, Bigfoot is strictly flesh and blood, and not paranormal, that’s fine. Many BF researchers, as we know, believe that, regardless of their religious beliefs. But again, the question is, what would a researcher do -- Christian or not -- with a ‘weird” BF report that came their way?
This post of mine isn't to pick a fight or become one of those self appointed gurus of UFO or Bigfoot research. Not me! This field, like the UFO field, has its share of the pompous, arrogant, and self-important. This field is also full of just plain mean people who have no problem openly insulting others. This isn’t about insulting anyone, making fun of anyone’s religion, or picking fights. It’s about sincerely asking questions concerning research. If you can’t participate in that then should your work be taken seriously?
To be fair, we all have our buffers and lines we won't cross. Concerning Bigfoot, I haven't found mine yet. (UFOs and related subjects, maybe, but that's another blog and another post entirely.)
I wish all researchers the best, except, those that promote a kill policy. I just can’t get past that, and well, that’s the way it is.
But as always, the question that’s been asked many times by many a Bigfoot researcher, what to do with those high strangeness reports? Not a new question, but one that won’t go away.
Newton-Perry is a Christian and has said her religious views don't allow her to condone the paranormal. Because I have a Bigfoot blog that focuses on the high strangeness aspects of Bigfoot research, linking to my blog or supporting it, even by mentioning it I guess, conflicts with her personal beliefs.
A few days ago, Newton-Perry responded to the e-mail I had sent her by reposting it her blog:
Thank you for the good words....Regan, I , however, can not list paranormal sites. My Christian beliefs prevent me from delving into that subject. I do not believe Bigfoot is in anyway paranormal. I believe he is flesh and blood and placed in the animal kingdom for a purpose. I respect your right to believe as you wish and I ask that you respect mine. Thank you for participating on this blog and I look forward to hearing more from you.
Seems she’s changed her mind about looking “forward” to “hearing more from” me.
This is a sensitive subject for researchers. If you put yourself out there as a researcher, you have an obligation to be honest to the data. As I asked in my previous post: if your religious views conflict with data, where does your responsibility end? If you reject, hide, or ignore data you don't like because it conflicts with your views, are you an honest researcher? I don't know, I'm asking. I asked that question in a spirit of discussion. I had asked in my previous post, what would Linda Newton-Perry do with, say, the recent BF report from the Oregon teacher who had a recent Bigfoot sighting on the Oregon coast if that teacher had included some weird detail like, BF dematerializing in front of her? Or a UFO appeared next to it? Or any other of the high strangeness things that have been reported by some Bigfoot witnesses?
Newton-Perry didn't answer, either directly to me, or on her blog. She preferred to ignore the question and remove me from the follow feature. Certainly her right to do so; but I wonder where that leaves the Bigfoot reports that are coming her way? What if, as I asked previously, one of those reports she’s posted on her blog contained "weird" data? Would Newton-Perry lie about it? Hide it? I think these are legitimate questions.
Since Newton-Perry writes for two newspapers about Bigfoot, has a Bigfoot blog, and has published books about Bigfoot, these questions are valid and assuming her participation in this discussion is sensible.
Newton-Perry said her beliefs don't allow for paranormal Bigfoot beliefs but as I pointed out, not all Christians share that opinion. For example Stan Johnson (deceased) was a Christian who had many so-called paranormal encounters with Bigfoot including telepathic communications and rides on space ships.
Like the UFO subject (sans Bigfoot) religious beliefs come into things, and there’s a variety of beliefs and opinions within any particular religion. I know Christians who believe UFOs and related entities are demonic, and don’t want to have anything to do with the topic. I also know Christians who don’t believe that at all. And everything in between.
On the one hand, if Newton-Perry believes, as she says, Bigfoot is strictly flesh and blood, and not paranormal, that’s fine. Many BF researchers, as we know, believe that, regardless of their religious beliefs. But again, the question is, what would a researcher do -- Christian or not -- with a ‘weird” BF report that came their way?
This post of mine isn't to pick a fight or become one of those self appointed gurus of UFO or Bigfoot research. Not me! This field, like the UFO field, has its share of the pompous, arrogant, and self-important. This field is also full of just plain mean people who have no problem openly insulting others. This isn’t about insulting anyone, making fun of anyone’s religion, or picking fights. It’s about sincerely asking questions concerning research. If you can’t participate in that then should your work be taken seriously?
To be fair, we all have our buffers and lines we won't cross. Concerning Bigfoot, I haven't found mine yet. (UFOs and related subjects, maybe, but that's another blog and another post entirely.)
I wish all researchers the best, except, those that promote a kill policy. I just can’t get past that, and well, that’s the way it is.
But as always, the question that’s been asked many times by many a Bigfoot researcher, what to do with those high strangeness reports? Not a new question, but one that won’t go away.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Sasquatch Inside Mt. Shasta
Taking I-5 down to California, I had the joy of passing Mt. Shasta; even just viewing it from the car, it was magnificant. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the time to stop; it was just a sightseeing event, seeing Mt. Shasta from the interstate, and at rest stops. But that was pretty cool, even that. A trip to Mt. Shasta is definitely in my future.
I picked up some maps and did some surfing on the internet, and one thing that struck me as interesting are the caverns inside Mt. Shasta. Certainly those caverns are home to Bigfoot and all kinds of entities, as a large body of lore suggests.
There are a lot of stories out there about UFOs, Bigfoot, and other anomalous events on Mt. Shasta; too many to repost here. A Goolge, etc. search will give you lots of links to follow on the subject.
However, here is an interesting account by a psychic on Sasquatch within Mt. Shasta from the Hollow Earth Insider website, here’s a snippet:
In April 1974, psychic Joyce Partise of Southern California held a sealed envelope in her hands. Unknown to her, that envelope contained a photograph of a Sasquatch footprint … [Ms Partise gave her feeling] “These things are coming from outer space – it’s an outer space war! The first area will be Portland, Oregon. There’s a mountain with a hole in it. Someone should investigate this mountain because they’re down in there already. You know those hairy things that run around, the ape-man? He’s not an ape. They’re underground in contact with outer space and their intentions toward mankind is total destruction!” . . .
“This gorilla man … their eyes are extremely light sensitive from being underground. These tunnels I’m seeing is part of their habitation. They’ve dug them. I think it may even go into California…” ~
Big Foot, the Abominable Sandman, Nessie and The People who live Under Mt. Shasta”; Hollow Earth Insider website)
And of course, Oregon resident Stan Johnson (deceased) one of the subjects in my book Two Oregon Tales: Bigfoot and UFOs in Oregon, (not yet released) visisted the inner world of Mt. Shasta with the Sasquatch:
My Star friends came for me last night. I was teleported to Mt. Shasta. I was taken to a big rock. Behind that big rock was a door. There was an arch over the door that was rainbow-colored. The door was an etheric door, opening the way into the inside of the mountain to those of higher consciousness. I believe the star people close that door after they enter, and to our third dimensional iyes, it becomes just another side of a cliff of the mountain.
Above the arch was a large eye. This eye was "looking" at me. It was approximately two feet long and it ws a beautiful blue color. I don't know what that eye was, but it seemed like it was alive. As we passed under it, I fel the eye following me. I wondered if this beautiful, blue eye might be symbolic of the third eye, the one eye of the unified vision of the soul, the seat of the inner vision of the higher consciousness. ~
Sasquatch and the Star People, on the White Wolf Gallery website)

On the Argonaut-Greywolf website, is a drawing of a Bigfoot and UFO, as seen by a witness who lived in the area, although the site makes clear the UFO and Bigfoot sighting did not occur at the same time. Scroll down a bit and it’s on the right.

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