There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Sunday, October 7, 2007

From the BlogSquatcher: Bigfoot Epistemology

Another good post from the BlogSquatcher, this one on a Bigfoot Epistemology. Blogsquatcher (for I don’t see a name anywhere on the blog) has given us a list and definitions of the types of Bigfoot “beliefs” and researchers. Of the Bigfoot is an ape theory he writes:
Bigfoot is an Ape – These folks follow from the earliest investigators, notably John Green and Grover Krantz. They hold that bigfoot is a real creature somehow related to modern apes. They have almost universally held to scientific materialism in their writing. The difference between them and Extreme Skeptics is their exposure to and openness to evidence. Note that this viewpoint doesn’t spring from physical evidence. This is the crowd that supports the idea of bigfoot descending from Gigantopithecus, without any real physical evidence to support this theory (beyond the size of bigfoot).

I think Lisa Shiel and some others would agree.

BlogSquatcher has parsed the “paranormal bigfoot” theories into distinctive categories. Instead of the sort of catch all “paranormal bigfoot” he’s divided these ideas into Paranormal, Inter-dimensional, UFOs, etc.

It’s clear from this post and others the BlogSquatcher knows his or her stuff.

Washington State Sasquatch Exhibit

Olympia, Washington is hosting a Sasquatch exhibition at its Capitol Museum:
Giants in the Mountains: The Search for Sasquatch" The exhibit will be there for a year.

From Cryptomundo: Small Pterodactyls Among The Indians

Over on Cryptomundo, Loren Coleman has posted on the insect invasion at the recent baseball game. (Don't ask me what game; what do I know?)This doesn’t have anything to do with Sasquatch, but it’s such a neat post that I had to report on it here.

I’m not a baseball fan; the whole idea of the sports things just eludes me, but I really enjoyed this post. I have nothing against baseball, I just don’t seem to get it. Any of it. (And yet, some of my favorite films are baseball films. It’s the story I suppose, not the “thing” it’s hinged on. Of course, one could argue the “thing” it’s hinged on is the story.)

Leave it to Loren Coleman to tie in cryptids, baseballs and Native Americans. Very cool. I didn’t know Coleman was of Native American descent, though it’s not surprising. I wonder how many in this field of Fortean, anomalous and cryptid research are of Indian heritage? I’m of Cherokee and Lenape descent. It’d be an interesting survey to take.

Anyway, great post on Cryptomundo.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Bigfoot Blog; Ape Canyon and more

The Anomalist a link to a "relatively new" bigfoot blog called The Blogsquatcher. (good name.) I haven't had time to read what's over there yet but take a look. I'm looking foward to reading his entry on Ape Canyon.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Seeing Bigfoot From Space?

I was going to title this "Bigfoot From Space" then I realized that'd give the wrong impression. This time I'm not talking about the idea of Bigfoot coming from space, but seeing Bigfoot from space, as well as other cryptids.

Benjamin Radford is an arch skeptic. He’s one of the standards that appears on UFO, Bigfoot and other Fortean documentaries; like Michael Shermer and Joe Nickell, Radford appears on these programs to offer us their reasons on why bigfoot, or UFOs, or abductions, etc. don’t exist.

Radford’s recent article for Live Science: Satellite Searches Could Spot Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, offers the suggestion that satellites could prove these creatures existence.

He acknowledge the difficulty of finding a Bigfoot in “heavily wooded areas” but comments that:
While satellites would be of limited use in heavily wooded areas, Bigfoot creatures have been reported in many places with relatively little forest, including Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Texas and Arizona. A single 12-foot Bigfoot may or may not be hard to spot, but a family of them would be easier to find

He then makes a weird turn on the logic train:
Of course, if such searches are done and still reveal no solid proof of the monsters' existence, few minds will be changed. Diehard believers can always claim that all the monstrous beasts somehow hid undetected or are masters at camouflage. Or the searchers didn't look long enough or in the right places. It only takes one live or dead Bigfoot or lake monster to forever prove that they exist, but no amount of failed searches will ever prove they don't.

Well, if a satellite search doesn’t turn up a Sasquatch -- “twelve foot” tall or not -- that doesn’t prove anything. It’s only data: a search was done by satellites, nothing found. The conclusion that “there is no Bigfoot” is merely interpretation of that data. An assumption that none exists. It isn't proof it doesn't exist.

I recall seeing footage of some kind of giant snake (anacondas?) on some documentary af few years ago. They were filmed from the air, and these things were huge. There they were; on film, and even so, denial of exactly what they were, how big they “really” were, and so on, continued. Pretty amazing stuff, this footage, and yet it slowly sank from the cultural milieu. Now if you bring up “giant anaconda’s” you’re treated like a kook. (We also have film footage of Big Cats and there's still debate on that.)

So, if we spend the money on satellite searches for Bigfoot and other cryptids, and we do get images of these creatures then what?

Will further argument about their existence cease? Will all the thousands of witnesses be vindicated? Will the pathological skeptics and debunkers apologize to those they’ve insulted, and worse, once it’s shown there “really is” a Bigfoot?

I’m not against any kind of satellite search for these creatures. I just don’t care. For those that have seen them, they have the proof. For others, like myself who’ve never seen a cryptid, that’s okay. I’m fine with it. I tend to think they exist, but if it’s somehow proven they don’t (and how can that ever be proven?) okay. And if it’s proven they do, I’ll have mixed emotions.

On the one hand, it’ll be nice to know, and everyone can relax. But it will also lead to all kinds of issues about protection of the species and its environment. We’ll also have questions and controversies surrounding the new question: “Okay, we know it exists, but just what exactly is it? Which leads to the possibility of killing one for study, something I am absolutely against.

I find it a little topsy turvy that an industrial strength skeptic like Radford would urge satellite searches for Bigfoot and other cryptids. On the one hand, he dismisses such “beliefs” with typical scofftoid aplomb. On the other, he considers using high technology to search for the things. What does he want to do with such knowledge if one of these cryptids is found? Would he be okay with further study, including expeditions to kill one?

I think those skeptics who dismiss the possible reality of Bigfoot and other creatures, yet suggest ways to look for the things (like the use of satellites and so on) need to take another step forward and tell us what they think they'll do with such knowledge, er, "proof" if one is ever found. It'd be interesting to know where they stand on such issues. Do they support a kill policy? Work towards protection of habitats? That's a good question for all concerened, skeptic or not.

Thanks to Lisa Shiel of Bigfoot Quest and Nick Redfern, There’s Something in the Woods. Lisa has a poll right now about science searching for Bigfoot.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bigfoot Dream

Had a dream I saw Bigfoot. The dream was all mixed up with work place stuff, home stuff; something about cleaning out an old storage/garage kind of structure with one of the new teachers where I work. This shed like thing was right next to my house. Behind both the shed and the house was where the woods started.

There was a crowd of people here, all helping to clean out this thing. Suddenly the teacher “yells’ but in a stage whisper: “Get back! Everyone get back!” and motions us with her arms outwards, while she’s stepping backwards. We all move back a little, and she points to the dark wooded area.

At first I see a couple of tall, black (in shadow) birds, like wild turkeys or pheasants. Then I see a Bigfoot; a tall, dark figure striding across, off to the right. I am amazed, and awed. I’m not frightened, but a bit nervous. After all, it’s a Bigfoot! A little respect here, please. It knows we’re all here, we’re all looking at it, but it doesn’t care. It just wants to get to where it’s going.

In this dream, I am so ecstatic over seeing such a creature. It’s unbelievable. No doubt at all, at all, that it was exactly what it was; a Bigfoot. It just was, end of story.

And in the dream, I had the thought that I was damn glad there were plenty of other witnesses, because if I had been alone and seen it, who’d have believed me? Here, about fifty people saw the creature.

I run onto my porch to see if I can follow the Bigfoot; sure enough, he comes around the back and down along the side. There’s a cyclone fence between the other side of my house and the Bigfoot. I watch him walk off, he disappears from sight as he walks between the houses across the street.

I’m so excited I run down the street a couple of blocks to the town, where there are buses, etc. I run around like a crazy person, asking everyone I see, “You saw it, didn’t you? I know you did, you were there!” and they say “Yes, we did, it’s true.”

Later, I go back to my porch to see if I can see Bigfoot again. I see him! I’m so damn excited; then realize, no, it’s not a Bigfoot, it’s a teenager in a hooded sweatshirt. He’s imitating Bigfoot! My first response is anger, how dare he pull off this hoax?! Then I realize, somehow “know” that he didn't’ hoax a thing, that was a real Bigfoot all right. This kid is just trying to protect Bigfoot by acting like him. Which doesn’t make sense, but it was a dream, after all, and dreams have their own logic.

I call out to the kid, good naturally, that I’m on to him. He turns and smiles sheepishly at me and hurries on.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Hot on the trail of the elusive Big Foot

My people believe in Sasquatch. We do not require proof because we know he exists'
HARRISON LAKE, B.C.–Nepal has the Yeti. Scotland has the Loch Ness Monster. North America has the Sasquatch.

Sightings of these legendary creatures provoke fierce debate. Are they hoaxes, figments of overactive imaginations, culturally based metaphorical symbols or are they real?

Hoping to find an answer, we're sitting in Sasquatch Tours' high-speed jet boat on Harrison Lake, a two-hour drive east of Vancouver. The four-hour tour teaches about Chehalis' culture, highlighting their belief in the elusive Sasquatch, and includes a trip down Harrison River to a group of rare pictograms.

We gaze at the snow-capped, forested mountains ringing the lake while Sasquatch Tours' owner-operator Willie Charlie welcomes us to his Chehalis homeland.

Accompanying himself on a drum, his song reverberates along the 60-kilometre-long lake. It's a blue-sky day, and the drumbeat, songs and mountain views transport us to the realm of magic and mystery.

Rest here.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Longest Running Thread? Bigfoot Debate on JREF

I long ago quit "debating" with pathological skeptics and the like, but I do lurk. The thread on Bigfoot over at JREF (James Randi's message board) -- Patterson-Gimlin footage in particular -- is still going! I wonder what the record is for longest thread arguing about something no one agrees on? Whatever is the point dahlings?

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Bigfoot Attacks!?

Speaking of guns and charging/attacking Bigfoots, Cryptomundo blog has a link to a YouTube video that's priceless: Bigfoot Attack Video?

Lots of comments over there about the video; I'd post a comment myself but forgot my sign in name. Just going to comment to a few who found posting such videos a waste of time. Come on guys, it's funny! Clearly not a real BF -- you know, with all going on the world today, the last thing we need to do is take ourselves so damn seriously.

Monkeys Use Baby Talk with Infants

I found this link on UFO Review; very interesting, but not surprising. Monkeys Use Baby Talk to Interact with Infants

Shooting Sasquatch: A Gun Mindset?

Someone emailed me the other day about my Finding Sasquatch item for Trickster’s Realm on BoA. He had nice things to say, thank you. In that piece I said how I was adamantly “no kill” and, while the e-mailer agreed, he did point out that shooting one in self-defense is understandable. If one finds themselves being charged or attacked, what are you going to do? I admit I hadn’t thought of that, it just never occurred to me. This possibility might seem obvious to some field researchers, but as I said in the article, I’m not a field researcher. I’m also not a ‘gun person’ in the sense I don’t own one, and am not used to going out in the woods (or anywhere) with a gun, or thinking along those lines. I don’t have that gun mindset.

I’m not anti-gun; I think that if (er, when) we move to the country we might end up getting a gun. Rifle. Shotgun. I dunno, those are all different, right? LOL. Quite obviously, I’ll need to be better educated about it when the time comes.

But this point about going out in the woods with a gun in the first place when going Bigfoot searching, is an interesting one. Why go out with a gun at all? Does going out with a gun create a potential situation for disaster? (ie, Bigfoot being shot or killed.) Would having a gun prove to be a temptation, if one finds oneself faced with a Bigfoot?

I don’t know the answer to these questions, just something to think about.

Monday, August 20, 2007

For Trickster's Realm: Finding Sasquatch

My new Trickster's Realm column for Tim Binnall's site, BoA is up now. Entitled Finding Sasquatch, I talk about "belief" in the existence of Bigfoot, as well as looking for Bigfoot.

As always, be sure to read all the other great columns over there. Lesley of the Debris Field blog and Beyond the Dial in UFO magazine has a very good piece on the critics who find fault with "making money" from UFO research in her current Grey Matters column.

There are also audio interviews you can download for free with all kinds of interesting people in UFO and Fortean research.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Aquatic Ape Theory

Wikipedia’s entry on Aquatic Ape Theory, or AAT.

AAT is the theory that our ancestors (humans) lived in aquatic settings.
“The aquatic ape hypothesis (AAH), sometimes referred to as the aquatic ape theory (AAT), proposes that the ancestors of humans went through one or more periods of time living in more aquatic settings than modern non-human apes and that this history accounts for many of the characteristics of species in the Homo genus that are not seen in other primates, such as chimpanzees or gorillas. “
Not a new theory at all, been around for a very long time.

Interesting however. Read more here.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Manitoba Mounties nab Whiteshell 'sasquatch'

Don’t get excited; turns out some bozo thought it’d be funny to
scare campers, wearing a “gorilla mask.” He’d been doing this for two years.

Among other things, seems pretty careless; a lot of trigger happy hunter types out there who love to shoot at anything that moves. I had to laugh at one woman, scared by the mask wearing clown, who “The woman who complained gave the man quite a tongue-lashing,”

This story does bring up questions and reminders about research and investigation. Have there been stories of Sasquatch sightings in that area the past two years? If so, have field researchers gone out there? It would seem that after the first couple of moments of being scared/startle, you’d quickly realize it wasn’t Bigfoot or some OOP creature at all.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Lisa Shiel: Bigfoot and UFOs: Parts Two and Three

Whoever pilots the UFOs enjoys toying with us. The trickster element of UFOs has been well documented. A similar type of trickster element exists within the Bigfoot phenomenon. ~ Lisa Shiel

Lisa’s posted Parts Two and Three of her series The Bigfoot-UFO Connection: An Explanation. In
Part Two,
Lisa discusses the “Prime Directive” -- intent of aliens (or us, if were we the visiting entities) in relation to involvement with other beings.In Part Three,Shiel discusses the Trickster element in both UFO events and Bigfoot phenomena.