There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thom Powell's Edges of Science

My copy of Thom Powell's Edges of Science arrived yesterday. I started reading right away and reluctantly put it down only because I had to get to sleep in order to be fresh and bright eyed for students the next day. So far, I 'm loving the book. Powell writes about interesting examples of dreams concerning Sasquatch from witnesses. More on that later.

The point is, Powell is of the "paranormal" school regarding Sasquatch, citing other researchers who also fall into this camp. The division is a strong one, bordering on down right vicious at times, but there are those who have experienced the "stranger side of Sasquatch" and aren't shy about sharing their theories.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I Knew I Should Have Brought My Phone!

A little synchronicity; the other day, right after I had posted my posts about Sasquatch, dreams and other Bigfoot related things, I took a walk. As I was putting on my coat I thought to myself: "I should bring my phone, (for the camera) you never know what you'll find."

But I'm not a phone person. I still have a land line. My cell phone is an off the rack, flip cover phone. One I rarely relate to; half the time I don't know where it is, or if it's charged. I'm old school, phone wise. I only carry my cell for emergencies, or, the convenience of its funky camera. When I remember.

So of course, as I'm walking, I walk by a truck parked on the street with a large yellow "Sasquatch Hunter" decal, complete with an image of Sasquatch, on its rear window.

Little synchronicities.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

When Bigfoot Crashed A UFO: A Crypto-Fairy Tale – Rune Soup

Came across this wonderful piece from Gordon White at Runesoup ("Magic. Culture. Paranormal.")  in the UK. The post is five years old. Here's an excerpt:

When Bigfoot Crashed A UFO: A Crypto-Fairy Tale – Rune Soup: Depending on whether you have looked into this before, you may or may not be aware that Bigfoot sightings frequently occur in conjunction with UFO sightings... sometimes they are even seen piloting disc-shaped objects. Now, unless Chewbacca is actually real -which would be eleven kinds of awesome- this further weakens the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) as the source of UFO phenomena.

Bigfoot then, is best understood as another denizen of Magonia. And it is important to emphasize that an extradimensional origin does not automatically mean the being is non-physical. Whilst it is likely, for instance, that flying saucers are more Tardis and less USS Enterprise, they still show up every single day on radar all around the world and almost by definition that means at least some of them have to be physical. (How else do they generate a radar signal? That's the whole point of the technology.) (Rune Soup)
 White is still blogging, he's published books, and has a podcast.

Dream Dictionaries: Bigfoot

I was surprised to find that some dream dictionaries -- which are both interesting as well as "to be read with a large grain of salt" --  include Bigfoot as a dream symbol. Here's one interpretation:

Dream Dictionary Bigfoot, Dreaming of Bigfoot: What it Means to see this Legendary Creature in your Dreams: When you can't get Bigfoot out of your mind when you are dreaming, then what this usually suggests is the idea that you want to be more elusive with your emotions. You feel as if you are too upfront with many aspects of yourself and it has hurt you in the past. Thus, you now strive to hide away your feelings on many subjects and try to keep your emotions from others in the hopes that you will not be made fun of for your beliefs. [More at]
This one is from

BigfootTo dream of bigfoot represents shock or surprise that you are seeing something. You may be in disbelief that someone elusive has appeared in your life. It may also reflect situations or news that takes you by complete surprise. You are metaphorically pinching yourself or having trouble accepting something amazing that has happened. [link]
 I like that one better than the first interpretation.

There's a defunct thread on Bigfoot discussing Bigfoot dreams. Too bad this thread stopped; I think you can learn a lot more from people sharing their dreams and talking about them with each other than a single interpretation from a dream symbol site.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Of Sasquatch and Trains

Yesterday I was thinking about all things Fortean; nothing specific, but thinking about all my blogs, and writing in this realm, and how I've been fairly quiet this past year. A few meager posts here and there but nothing big. My silence isn't due to boredom concerning these topics -- never that! But… not sure why.

I was also thinking about my recurring dreams about trains (getting stuck, time to leave, can't find the ticket, etc.) Suddenly the phrase "Trains and Sasquatch" popped in my head and I thought: "Where did that come from?"

Last night I had the following dream. (No, wait! Come back!)

I'm in a cozy rustic A-frame cabin in the woods. With my spouse and a few friends. They all go off into town for supplies. I stay here, to work on my writing.  
I'm alone. Feels good. I'm sitting at the table, at my laptop, and suddenly, I feel the presence of Sasquatch. Several of them. They are here. I can't see them, but their combined energy is huge. Fills the entire room. I know they are just outside, among the trees, but they communicate telepathically and are here, in this room with me with their massive energy spirit.
I'm awed in the true sense of the word. A bit fearful, though not afraid exactly, and just overwhelmed by this gift, this visit, this experience.
They tell me to listen. Just listen. Don't ask so many questions of them. Don't force things. Don't' expect answers, or answers to some of my questions. In other words, simply because I asked doesn't mean they will address my question. It's not just me asking them -- it's them choosing to respond to me. As well as teach me. 
The first thing is: stop, listen. Allow the silence to speak to me. 
So I do. It is overwhelming, amazing. There is so much. 
They are real. They are here. They have been here a very long time. And they are not human, nor are they alien. They are of this earth, this planet. But they are aware of aliens and have communicated with them; they have an understanding.
They are supernatural. They are physical. They come in and out of dimensions. 
I have never seen a Sasquatch, and they tell me it doesn't matter, for I have communicated with them, and that is a type of seeing.
Later, I tell the others about this experience, and the people in the area. Most believe me. Some pretend they don't, only because they are not sure of my intentions regarding Sasquatch, but later acknowledge they believe they exist.
I haven't seen a Sasquatch, though I have had a couple of interesting experiences about Sasquatch, as well as synchronicities both in waking life and the dream world.

The debate about Sasquatch being a supernatural (cryptid) being, alien, or simply a flesh and blood animal continues. But I'm convinced (fairly) that not only is Sasquatch real, but transcends the mundane flesh and blood explanation.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Coast to Coast Tonight: Killing Sasquatch

Tonight's C2C: 2017 Predictions/ Capturing Bigfoot - Shows -- although, it's not so much "capturing" as killing, if that's what it takes, a Sasquatch. Don't know if I'll listen or not. Part of me wants to, in order to hear what the justification is for killing Sasquatch. Uh oh, that's right, there is none. But another part of me doesn't want to waste my time.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Monkeys Could Speak, If They Were Wired For It | The Daily Grail

Can monkeys speak? Recent news:

Monkeys Could Speak, If They Were Wired For It | The Daily Grail: A new paper submitted to Science Advances shows the pendulum swinging back in the other direction. Researchers at Princeton University and the University of Vienna have proven monkey vocal tracts are speech-ready. Rather than using a cadaver, William Tecumseh Fitch and Asif Ghazanfar taught a macaque to sit in a chair while they took x-ray videos of the monkey's throat. Once they had enough footage showing most configurations of their vocal tract, the data was plugged into a program capable of simulating speech with surprising results. (source: The Daily Grail)
Once at the (fabulous) Daily Grail site, scroll down for the audio of a monkey speaking words.

Never any doubt animals certainly communicate. Of course they do; among themselves. But with us humans as well. That is not the question. The issue is speech that is the same as us humans.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Scientists stunned to discover that one mythological animal is perfectly real, and has now been captured on film - Green - News - Catholic Online

Scientists stunned to discover that one mythological animal is perfectly real, and has now been captured on film (Green  News; Catholic Online). The discovery of the horse deer. Considered a myth until it showed up on camera. Now it's validated -- it does exist. In 2004 a "specimen" was caught and DNA taken. More than a decade ago.

Which had me wondering about photos and video of Sasqutach (famous "Patty" footage at the top of the list) -- no arguments about the horse -deer, image proves it does. No so with Sasquatch. Arguments and controversy swirl around these images, despite witness accounts. True, no physical evidence to support visual images. Still, it seems one would lean more towards the reality of Sasquatch than not.

Thanks to The Anomalist for link.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Keegan Reid and Sasquatch

This is how it begins, for many of us. A strong feeling of a connection, not sure why exactly, a grouping of high strangeness events …

And the intense need to share. Share one's personal experiences, conversations with others, what's been discovered, thoughts, musings, theories. It's a journey and a process.

Keegan Reid has had UFO -- including an orange orb encounter! -- experiences, as well as communications with Sasquatch. The two may be connected. Anyway, listen to what he has to say. And share your experiences as well, with him, with me, with whoever. By yourself. The more of us who share our truths, the better. It's all part of the data, the evidence; despite what some may say about all this -- those yahoo types out there who want to "hunt themselves a Bigfoot." As Keegan told me the other day during a lovely telephone conversation, you can't be an honest researcher if you negate the high strangeness aspects of Sasquatch encounters. Something I've been saying for years!

Keegan's links:

Friday, July 29, 2016

More Strangeness . . .

Regarding the post below --  which is cross-posted at my Orange Orb blog -- more strangeness.

My friend "Diane" told me the other day that whenever "they" come, she finds that her tablet is turned on in the morning. She insists she has turned it off. Her husband verifies this. (Wakes up with strange marks, etc.)

After she read my blog post, she called me to tell me her computer was on again this morning. Also, she had entered my phone number into the tablet, but this morning, it was gone. She couldn't find my name or number anywhere.

I also notice that this Sunday, Coast to Coast has the  "The Dark Side of Bigfoot" with guests Tim Baker, Jim King and Brenda Harvey. And the next night, the guest will be David Paulides, author of the Missing 411 books, to talk about his new book Missing Hunters.

Missing 411, The See-through Rock People, and Sasquatch. . .

(posted at my Orange Orb ufo blog)

I’m deeply intrigued with David Paulides work in his Missing 411 series. While I’ve read one of his books (so far, plan on reading them all) and follow his work on-line, I haven’t recently been giving any particular attention to any of the missing 411 cases, or the phenomena. So I am curious about this very vivid and slightly disturbing dream I had last night:

I live in a semi-rural area, on the edges of the suburbs. The location has a southern California feel to it, or southwest. Desert like, but not completely. Surrounding the dozen or so houses out here are soft, rolling hills, probably sandstone. Layers and layers among the hills, and large gray boulders.

manipulated sepia version

My friends and I go out for a small hike. We can see our house from where we are. We aren’t far, less than a half mile from the house.  I’m climbing up the side of a hill, my friends are maybe fifty feet away. 
Out of nowhere, I am grabbed by invisible hands. I sense their presence, I know that they are here, but I can’t see who -- or what -- they are. I get a glimpse of these things. They shimmer in and out, sort of like the Predator. These things look human like in some ways. They have two arms and legs like humans, etc. But they are about seven feet tall and muscle bound, like The Hulk. They grab me by the arms and feet and drag me up the hill. My friends are completely unaware of what’s going on. I scream with everything I have but they can’t hear me. 
I know, without a doubt, that this has something to do with what Paulides researches. I beg these beings, plead, cry, to let me go. I tell them I don’t want to end up dead and found in the middle of a lake or the top of a mountain.  I get the feeling that the more I beg and talk to them instead of giving up they might agree to keep me alive.  They tell me that they’ll me go when they’re ready.
A few days later, I find myself near the same spot where I was taken. Two men have brought me down here. They are also very tall, around seven or eight feet, but stocky. The men have long shiny black hair, like a Native person, but their features are not Native Amercian at all. They have flattened, pushed in faces. They are human, but more than that -- or, less than that. They are not quite all human, in other words. At the same time, I don’t get the sense they are ETs. I do get the sense some of this is related to Sasquatch, but how, I don’t know. It’s all very confusing and muddled. While I feel there is a Sasquatch aspect to this, the Sasquatch have nothing to do with any of this, not directly anyway, if at all. 

Another Southwest, Regan Lee
manipulated sepia version

 They communicate with me telepathically; that I am never to tell anyone anything about any of this. While I have no memory of what happened while I was missing, I do remember being taken by the weird near invisible beings, and these guys. They tell me over and over that they are now in my head, at all times, and will know if I’m even thinking of telling someone. If I say anything, they tell me, not only will I be killed, but many in my family.
I go back to the house, naturally everyone is happy to see me and are full of questions. I just keep saying over and over that I don’t remember anything. I tell everyone I must have fallen and that caused amnesia of some kind. 

I wake up, feeling very strange. Then I hear a loud clattering, scrambling sound that goes on for about five seconds. Things falling, like dishes or pots, among other things. My first thought is the cat tried to climb on the bookshelves beneath the window where I have some plants. The cats start meowing and running around, wanting to go out. At five-thirty in the morning! Unusual for them.  I get up to check, I don’t see anything out of place. I check the whole house -- nothing. I look out the window in our bedroom, thinking maybe an animal knocked over plants and rocks by the little garden pond, but nothing is out of place. All very strange.

As I’m in bed, thinking about all this strangeness, I get a sense this dream, the clattering, the cat’s odd behavior, has something to with my visit yesterday with friends who have had several UFO experiences, as well as paranormal experiences in general. Lately we’ve been involved in doing exercises to activate psychic skills. Energy play, “sending and receiving” imagery, oracle and tarot work, etc. And, of course, intense discussions about our experiences, including questions about those experiences. One more thing: I mention large gray rocks in the dream. A week or so ago, I was "receiving" from one of the people in our discussion group. One of the images that came to me was a gray boulder, about twelve feet tall, in a desert like spot. The rest of the area was semi-rural with green and trees, but the rock was off by itself in barren land.

I think it's one thing to talk about these experiences, but the questioning, as well as the agreement to participate in actively finding out, seems to have triggered something.

Note: Here the originals of the images shown above:

Another Southwest, Regan Lee

Friday, July 15, 2016

Bigfoot Topic on C2C:" Small Town Monsters"

Should be interesting; sounds like the discussion will be about localized Bigfoot type, or BHMs (Big Hairy Monsters):

Coast to Coast AM: The Best Paranormal News Show:Film director and radio host Seth Breedlove talks about his investigations into strange, Bigfoot-like creatures seen in small towns, such as the Minerva Monster, the Beast of Whitehall, and the Boggy Creek monster. Followed by Open Lines in the latter half. (C2C)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

From Micah Hanks: Did Ape Canyon Inspire Modern “Paranormal” Theories About Bigfoot? | Mysterious Universe

The Ape Canyon incident is familiar to us. Usually the tale is retold with a big scary monster hurling huge boulders through the walls vibe. But Micah Hanks clears some points up and focuses on a "paranormal" element that witness Fred Beck revealed in his published story in the 1960s. Hanks writes:

Did Ape Canyon Inspire Modern “Paranormal” Theories About Bigfoot? | Mysterious Universe: Not only did Beck maintain that the events detailed in the popular legend were true, but he also maintained that he had managed to glean evidence that the “creatures” they encountered were not of this world; they were, if anything, inter-dimensional beings of some sort, whose presence had been revealed to Beck and his companions through a number of surreal, psychic experiences …(Mysterious Universe, Micah Hanks)

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sasquatch Art

I love this Sasquatch artwork. I don't have a source for this -- I would like to give the artist credit. This was found on tumblr without a citation.

Monday, May 23, 2016

From Melissa Hovey: The Search For Bigfoot: Women in Bigfoot Research ~ Adrianne Brashear Arney

Milissa Hovey has a new post at her Search for Bigfoot blog about female Bigfoot researchers. In her current post she interviews researcher Adrianne Brashear Arney. I like the following:

The Search For Bigfoot: Women in Bigfoot Research ~ Adrianne Brashear Arney: Follow up: There are people, like myself, who are not "believers" simply because they haven't had a sighting. While I think your thoughts on this are well thought out and you obviously know how to make a well informed decision, others will not agree. They will say, "how can you believe Bigfoot is out there when you haven't seen it."
What would you say to those people?
Adrianne: I have hiked all over the hills in Kentucky ever since I was a child and I have never seen a bear or bobcat while hiking. But because I have never seen one doesn't mean they are not there, because they are! I have seen a Black Panther but according to KY forest rangers they do not exist there! (The Search For Bigfoot, Melissa Hovey)
I relate to this -- I haven't seen a Sasquatch myself, but I believe those many individuals who have shared with me their sightings and encounters.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Ghost Hunting Theories: Bigfoot and Spooklights

Sharon Day at Ghost Hunting Theories has   post about spook lights and Sasquatch. What is the connection (of course, assuming there is a connection.) Sharon suggests something different and counter intuitive for those out in the field searching for the answer.

Ghost Hunting Theories: Bigfoot and Spooklights: Those in the woods looking for Bigfoot or investigating cases, are running into small orbs of light that appear as if a distant porch light or lantern/flashlight in the woods. They are in areas that have no buildings or habitation. (Sharon Day, Ghost Hunting Theories)a

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Ron Morehead's Bigfoot Calls

Ron Morehead was on Coast to Coast last night, with host Connie Willis, (one of my favorite hosts.) Morehead had a lot to say about "paranormal" Bigfoot, though, as he said, he doesn't like the word "paranormal" in general. But the stranger side of Sasquatch certainly exists, and Morehead has experienced many interesting encounters. He's also collected vocalizations, which can be heard at the Coast to Coast site.

Speaking of Morehead's collection of calls, they sound very much like other Bigfoot calls I've heard recorded from other places in the U.S. Seems the specificity of these sounds would be hard to hoax.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Just in Time for Your Summer Garden Decorating Projects: Bigfoot Chia!

Too good to be true, but it is true! A Bigfoot Chia Pet. You know I have to get one. Could Mothman, Nessie and Lizard Man Chias be next? One can hope.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Nick Redfern on "Bigfoot, “Government Agents,” And “Giants”

Nick Redfern has an item at Mysterious Universe on hairy giants in British Columbia. This story goes back to the 1930s. Not just Sasquatch (the hairy giants) but government knowledge of the creatures:

Bigfoot, “Government Agents,” And “Giants” | Mysterious Universe: Back in the mid-1950s, a highly unusual and brief account of a cryptozoological nature surfaced. It came from one C.S. Lambert. The subject matter? The world’s most famous man-beast. We’re talking about Bigfoot, of course. In 1954, Lambert commented on his knowledge of very strange activity not too far from the Canadian city of Vancouver, British Columbia. It was activity which reportedly occurred almost two decades earlier, in 1935. ~ Nick Redfern, Mysterious Universe