There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Sunday, November 26, 2017

When Bigfoot Crashed A UFO: A Crypto-Fairy Tale – Rune Soup

Came across this wonderful piece from Gordon White at Runesoup ("Magic. Culture. Paranormal.")  in the UK. The post is five years old. Here's an excerpt:

When Bigfoot Crashed A UFO: A Crypto-Fairy Tale – Rune Soup: Depending on whether you have looked into this before, you may or may not be aware that Bigfoot sightings frequently occur in conjunction with UFO sightings... sometimes they are even seen piloting disc-shaped objects. Now, unless Chewbacca is actually real -which would be eleven kinds of awesome- this further weakens the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) as the source of UFO phenomena.

Bigfoot then, is best understood as another denizen of Magonia. And it is important to emphasize that an extradimensional origin does not automatically mean the being is non-physical. Whilst it is likely, for instance, that flying saucers are more Tardis and less USS Enterprise, they still show up every single day on radar all around the world and almost by definition that means at least some of them have to be physical. (How else do they generate a radar signal? That's the whole point of the technology.) (Rune Soup)
 White is still blogging, he's published books, and has a podcast.

Dream Dictionaries: Bigfoot

I was surprised to find that some dream dictionaries -- which are both interesting as well as "to be read with a large grain of salt" --  include Bigfoot as a dream symbol. Here's one interpretation:

Dream Dictionary Bigfoot, Dreaming of Bigfoot: What it Means to see this Legendary Creature in your Dreams: When you can't get Bigfoot out of your mind when you are dreaming, then what this usually suggests is the idea that you want to be more elusive with your emotions. You feel as if you are too upfront with many aspects of yourself and it has hurt you in the past. Thus, you now strive to hide away your feelings on many subjects and try to keep your emotions from others in the hopes that you will not be made fun of for your beliefs. [More at]
This one is from

BigfootTo dream of bigfoot represents shock or surprise that you are seeing something. You may be in disbelief that someone elusive has appeared in your life. It may also reflect situations or news that takes you by complete surprise. You are metaphorically pinching yourself or having trouble accepting something amazing that has happened. [link]
 I like that one better than the first interpretation.

There's a defunct thread on Bigfoot discussing Bigfoot dreams. Too bad this thread stopped; I think you can learn a lot more from people sharing their dreams and talking about them with each other than a single interpretation from a dream symbol site.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Of Sasquatch and Trains

Yesterday I was thinking about all things Fortean; nothing specific, but thinking about all my blogs, and writing in this realm, and how I've been fairly quiet this past year. A few meager posts here and there but nothing big. My silence isn't due to boredom concerning these topics -- never that! But… not sure why.

I was also thinking about my recurring dreams about trains (getting stuck, time to leave, can't find the ticket, etc.) Suddenly the phrase "Trains and Sasquatch" popped in my head and I thought: "Where did that come from?"

Last night I had the following dream. (No, wait! Come back!)

I'm in a cozy rustic A-frame cabin in the woods. With my spouse and a few friends. They all go off into town for supplies. I stay here, to work on my writing.  
I'm alone. Feels good. I'm sitting at the table, at my laptop, and suddenly, I feel the presence of Sasquatch. Several of them. They are here. I can't see them, but their combined energy is huge. Fills the entire room. I know they are just outside, among the trees, but they communicate telepathically and are here, in this room with me with their massive energy spirit.
I'm awed in the true sense of the word. A bit fearful, though not afraid exactly, and just overwhelmed by this gift, this visit, this experience.
They tell me to listen. Just listen. Don't ask so many questions of them. Don't force things. Don't' expect answers, or answers to some of my questions. In other words, simply because I asked doesn't mean they will address my question. It's not just me asking them -- it's them choosing to respond to me. As well as teach me. 
The first thing is: stop, listen. Allow the silence to speak to me. 
So I do. It is overwhelming, amazing. There is so much. 
They are real. They are here. They have been here a very long time. And they are not human, nor are they alien. They are of this earth, this planet. But they are aware of aliens and have communicated with them; they have an understanding.
They are supernatural. They are physical. They come in and out of dimensions. 
I have never seen a Sasquatch, and they tell me it doesn't matter, for I have communicated with them, and that is a type of seeing.
Later, I tell the others about this experience, and the people in the area. Most believe me. Some pretend they don't, only because they are not sure of my intentions regarding Sasquatch, but later acknowledge they believe they exist.
I haven't seen a Sasquatch, though I have had a couple of interesting experiences about Sasquatch, as well as synchronicities both in waking life and the dream world.

The debate about Sasquatch being a supernatural (cryptid) being, alien, or simply a flesh and blood animal continues. But I'm convinced (fairly) that not only is Sasquatch real, but transcends the mundane flesh and blood explanation.