Fortean, Synchromysticism, Cryptids, UFOs in the fringe, Mad Scientists, . . .
Saturday, January 7, 2023
From UFOs to Lost Civilizations: The 150 Most Fascinating Stories of 2022 - The Daily Grail
Rare snowy owl in California draws crowds to Cypress neighborhood | Boing Boing
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Did you know? Millersburg had its own Bigfoot-style monster (maybe)
Regan Lee, a paranormal researcher from Eugene, had hoped to write a book on the creature and said she has letters in her files from residents who remember the incident.
I still hope to write the thing. Inspiration. I'll put it up as a Kindle e-book or some such.
Why So Coy? Missing 411: The Hunted
I watched the David Paulides 2019 documentary last night: Missing 411: The Hunted. (You can stream it on Hulu.) It started off with the expected cases of individual hunters who went missing; their disappearances remain unsolved. Paulides then camps out with Bigfoot researchers Ron Morehead and Scott Nelson. Morehead and Nelson describe their experiences over the years in the area; strange noises, orbs, lights and more. The audio is eerily familiar to other recordings of Bigfoot. As are the descriptions of strange lights. These have been reported by many a seeker of Bigfoot. But not once during the Paulides interview does Morehead or Nelson say the words Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Not once. I had the distinct feeling that Paulides instructed them to not say those words.
Paulides has been coy over the years as to any connection with Bigfoot and the missing. I have no idea if the two are connected, but it seems there does seem to be some kind of relationship at times. . Paulides consistently skirts around the idea, but never comes out and suggests it as a possibility. True, it is all speculation but nothing wrong with speculation as long as it’s made clear that it’s speculation.
The documentary also includes an interview with Bruce Mcabbee’s wife, who saw a strange transparent being moving through the trees while she was sitting up in a deer blind. She describes it as looking something like the being in Predator. Around the same time, witnesses in the town saw a UFO. A very curious encounter for sure.
These two items concerning strange lights, UFOS, Bigfoot type voices and transparent beings don’t seem to have anything to do with the missing. They could have; it’s absolutely possible. But in the documentary it wasn’t made clear the two had anything to do with the missing hunters. And at no point did Paulides say “This is why I’m including these incidents.” In fact, David Paulides has been downright cranky when asked about any Bigfoot connection; he’s been downright cranky if he even thinks someone thinks he did when they didn’t. Yet there are highly interesting clues that suggest a Bigfoot type connection, or something appearing as Bigfoot. An energy that is non-human and manifesting as a being that is clearly intelligent. The following are from children who went missing and were later found alive:
Three year old boy found safe after being lost in the woods for two days. The boy says he was kept safe by "a bear."
The 3-year-old boy who spent two days lost in the woods of eastern North Carolina tells his family he “hung out with a bear” for companionship while hundreds of people searched frantically in cold and rainy weather to find him.
Lost Boy in Woods Found Safe; Hung Out with Bear
David Paulides, of the Missing 411 books, has written that missing people, including children, often happen when it rains, or has been raining. I remember a couple of survivors Paulides writes about that mention a bear or ape like creature who helped them. Bigfoot? Paulides is coy about that, but it's possible. Or, angel, spirit, who knows. Bears are hibernating this time of year. Not to mention a bear might well attack, rather than protect. But, again, who knows?
Saturday, December 17, 2022
PARA-NEWS - Zoological Journalist - Richard Freeman, Considers the Question: Is Bigfoot A Man, Another Ape, An Unknown species of Bear, or All of the Above?
The confusion comes from a mistranslation of one of the beast's many names, Metoh-kangmi, Sino-Tibetan for 'abominable man of the rocks'. It was mistranslated as 'abominable man of the snows. This is where we get the western term ‘Abominable Snowman’ from. (Richard Thomas, Para-News)
Nobody knows what killed dozens of crows along a Vancouver trail | Boing Boing
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
LA Animal Control issues first ever license for pet unicorn ownership | Boing Boing
LA Animal Control issues first ever license for pet unicorn ownership | Boing Boing:
Last month, a young girl named Madeline write a letter to the LA County Department of Animal Care and Control requesting formal government permission to keep a unicorn in her backyard. Presumably, Madeline had already asked her parents if she could have a unicorn, and rather than disappoint their child by letting her know how impossible it would be to actually capture and domesticate a unicorn, they passed the buck to the bureaucrats instead —
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Bigfoot Video: Canada
Tim Binnall at Coast to Coast shares a video of Bigfoot in Canada that is pretty compelling. Unless it's fake, of course. I'm always a bit suspicious when the photographer just happens to be at the one clear spot at the exact moment a Sasquatch happens to walk through. On the. other hand, it is a very realistic looking Sasquatch, color, movement, body shape, etc.
Carry On Pets
First it was a cat that got itself cozy inside a suitcase and was discovered by TSA, now a poor doggo found its way into a backpack.
Odd coincidence.
And here's an item about a Great Pyrenees who killed eight coyotes while defending his sheep.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Dogman in Oregon
I am familar with the Dogman in the eastern part of the U.S. , but what about Oregon? Wondering if Dogman encounters occur in Oregon, I did a little search and came across a few reports of Dogman sightings in my state.
Albany, Oregon, from the Dogman Encounters website:
YouRube video of a sighting in the Oregon Cascases:
The Bigfeet and Dogmen of Oregon. An e-book
Discussing Oregon Dogman on Reddit:
Monday, December 5, 2022
Lab Meat
I wouldn't eat it. Too futuristic mad scientist for me. I don't eat meat anyway; just some fish and chicken or turkey. "Shmeat." The meat is created in a lab, from living animal cells. I'm reminded of that heart wrenching and horrific scene from Torchwood, where a giant living creature was kept chained in a room, and slices of its flesh taken for consumption. (Yes, I know it was fiction.)
HT to boing for this item.
Saturday, December 3, 2022
The Owls Are Not What They Seem
The Norwegian Blue Owl. Beautiful. Magical. But not true. Maybe it exists in some other realm, but sadly, not in Norway, or anywhere else in this reality.
Cattle Deaths in Colorado a Mystery
Item in New York Post. Forty cows have died recently in Meeker, Colorado. No one knows the cause of death. Wolves, bacterial infections, are two theories, but anything definitive remains elusive.
Officials have utilized aerial flights, howling surveys and game cameras to look for wolves and wolf tracks to no avail. There have been no confirmed wolf reports in the area, only unconfirmed sightings, leaving officials confused and desperate for an answer. (New York Post)
Friday, November 25, 2022
Bigfoot Dream: BF/UFO
Bigfoot dream the other night:
I attend a lecture about Bigfoot. It's in a classroom, old school style. Green chalkboard. A woman, about forty, is the one giving the lecture. I'm excited to go. I arrive with notebooks and journals -- all kinds of material about Bigfoot. She starts her presentation; sticks little sticky notes up all over. Her talk is okay but it's lacking something. I start to add info; she is nice about it, not at all offended. After a few minutes she says "Oh, I had no idea! That is so interesting. You need to come up here and give the presentation."
So I do. I'm so happy doing this. While at first there were only a few people attending, word gets around, and soon the classroom is standing room only.
Then the talk turns a little weird. I start talking about UFOs in connection with Bigfoot. I have maps and eye witness accounts. This doesn't turn anyone off; but many are surprised and didn't expect this direction.
And that, my friends, is a look inside my dreaming mind.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Sheriff reports "non-human creature" brutally killed farmer's horse | Boing Boing
He has cameras and stated he checked it already and [no one] had been there since he was yesterday. Upon further inspection, we were able to determine that a human did not do this to the horse….
That's a curious statement -- "...were able to determine that a human did not do this . . ." how, why was it determined?
Friday, November 18, 2022
These sheep walking endlessly in a circle is pure folk horror | Boing Boing
Monday, November 14, 2022
Article about Flix, The BHM in Oregon
Monday, October 24, 2022
Bigfoot May Still Exist, Says Veteran Science Writer
Bigfoot May Still Exist, Says Veteran Science Writer: Kranz discovered she is related to Grover Krantz, a professor of anthropology at Washington State University and one of the most famous Sasquatch researchers of the 20th century. Grover was convinced Sasquatch was real after discovering footprints he believed could only belong to the giant primate.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Why Do I Believe Bigfoot Exists if I've Never Seen One?
What's the Intrigue?
It's interesting to think about the researcher who researches. What is their motivation? What makes a person intrigued by a topic like UFOs, or ghosts, or cryptids?
Sometimes it's because the researcher herself saw something. Something so unusual that she has to pursue it. Or the person has had a lifetime of odd experiences. (I fall into those categories concerning ghosts, UFOs, psychic experiences, but not Bigfoot. Well, even if with Bigfoot I did have one odd episode. More on that later.) And sometimes the person is a skeptic, a debunker even, who is out to disprove the existence of ghosts, Bigfoot, UFOs, aliens, etc.
So why do I, who has never seen a Bigfoot, believe that the being exists? I watch just about every Bigfoot show I can. I have dozens of books on my shelf about Bigfoot. I can't get enough. Why? Someone asked me that not long ago; why am I so intrigued?
Part of it is the mystery. I love mysteries. Part of it is the fact I have personally met many people here in Oregon who have seen a Sasquatch. People of all ages, genders, occupations . . . including teachers, doctors and psychologists. I believe them. Why would they lie? And do I think they're stupid enough, or ignorant enough, about local wildlife that they mistake an elk or bear for a Sasquatch? Of course not.
There's the added factor of paranormal type activity connected to many Bigfoot encounters. What is going on with that?! Orbs, strange lights, cloaking, "mind speak," or telepathic communications, UFOs, black helicopters, cover-ups. All seemingly part of Bigfoot's existence. Who can resist chasing after that mystery?
There's just enough evidence to strongly suggest -- very strongly suggest -- that Bigfoot exists. Footprint casts, heat images on camera, calls, tree knocks, rock throwing, structures, synchronicities, not to mention eye witness accounts.
My Bigfoot Encounter: Sort Of
I've written before about my odd episode concerning Bigfoot. I was inside the local New Age bookstore in Eugene discussing with the owner Stan Johnson. Stan Johnson, (deceased) lived in Sutherlin, Oregon and self-published a couple of books on his interactions with a family of Sasquatch. (They did not like to called Bigfoot, they told him.) Johnson's experiences included many telepathic communications with several Sasquatch on his ranch, and journeys inside a spaceship. Johnson's experiences included UFOs, conversations with a family of Sasquatch, and a new age version of Christianity. (I met Johnson once; he was in his eighties, I believe, but extremely vivacious. Definitely had charisma. He shook my hand; he was so strong I thought he was going to break it.)
So, the bookstore owner and I were talking about Bigfoot and Stan Johnson, when suddenly, I saw/felt a cone of light come down through the ceiling and cover us. Things were a bit blurry through this cone of light, like looking through gauze. Sounds were muffled. Colored streaks of light. I'm standing there, thinking this is very very weird. When our conversation finished, the cone shot up through the ceiling, and everything returned to normal. I mentioned this to the owner of course, who simply smiled and said "That sort of thing happens all the time when we talk about Stan."
So there it is.
Enough "there there" for me to continue my Bigfoot studies. It might seem odd to some that I hope that there will never be undeniable proof Sasquatch exists, i.e. a dead body. Or even a live one, as in captured. I doubt either will ever happen. I sure hope not. For those that have seen a Sasquatch, no proof is needed. That's enough for me.
So I'll enjoy the journey, the process itself. I hope I am fortunate enough to see a Bigfoot some day. Whether I do or not, I will continue to believe Bigfoot exists.