Oregon coast, in Seaside (where my mother was born) this story of a mama bear and her cub causing a school shut down. All were safe however.
Fortean, Synchromysticism, Cryptids, UFOs in the fringe, Mad Scientists, . . .
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Did you know? Millersburg had its own Bigfoot-style monster (maybe)
Regan Lee, a paranormal researcher from Eugene, had hoped to write a book on the creature and said she has letters in her files from residents who remember the incident.
I still hope to write the thing. Inspiration. I'll put it up as a Kindle e-book or some such.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Dogman in Oregon
I am familar with the Dogman in the eastern part of the U.S. , but what about Oregon? Wondering if Dogman encounters occur in Oregon, I did a little search and came across a few reports of Dogman sightings in my state.
Albany, Oregon, from the Dogman Encounters website:
YouRube video of a sighting in the Oregon Cascases:
The Bigfeet and Dogmen of Oregon. An e-book
Discussing Oregon Dogman on Reddit: