Fortean, Synchromysticism, Cryptids, UFOs in the fringe, Mad Scientists, . . .
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Monday, February 7, 2022
Finds in the Files: Bigfoot's Strange Blood and Other Things
I've been having fun going through the hundreds of books in our "book room." Over the years I've called it the Room of Doom, The Hell Room . . . Karyn Dolan once suggested I call it the Room of Opportunity to change my response to the room. I used to go in there and just freak at the mess, the boxes, the sheer number of books. Overwhelmed. Once I literally fainted when I walked in there; I just couldn't. Deal. At. All.
But some shift happened lately, thankfully. I've made a lot of progress and every day I go in there and work in the room. Actually, I think of it as play. I can't wait until I get to the point I can unleash my inner librarian and start organizing the books -- all UFO, cryptid, paranormal and folklore related -- that I'm keeping. Not to mention the books of various genres (vintage sci-fi, westerns, detective, and being an X-Files nerd, X-Files ephemera.)
Found these gems today:
An article from a 1989 issue of FATE by Jon Erik Beckjord on "weird" Bigfoot blood.Questions Remain After Highway Crash Involving Monkeys - The New York Times
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Bigfoot "contactees"
Saturday, January 8, 2022
Bigfoot and Portals . . .
Including a high strangeness sighting near my home town of Eugene, Oregon. Mysterious Universe reports.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Giant Sasquatch Creature in the Pick-up
Don't know what my subconscious was trying to tell me, but I dreamt the other night I was driving a white pick-up truck. The bed was longer than usual. Everywhere I went, I bought along with me my "Sasquatch" except it wasn't really, more of a cousin to Bigfoot. This creature was huge; a good ten feet tall, thin, with long shaggy glossy dark brown fur. It was extremely gentle. Happy to be folded up into the back of the truck and driven around.
As I go from town to town, I am irritated that no one is interested in this amazing, fantastic being. I mean, it's a damn Bigfoot! Sasquatch! Just about. Close enough. You'd think people would be curious, and want to know all about my odd creature but no. They just glance at it then move on. A few are a little scared but what do they know -- they haven't even checked it out to know to be scared or not.
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Monday, February 1, 2021
Synchronicity: Husband's Bigfoot Dream
My husband has an active dream life, as do I. But he's never had a dream that he recalls about Sasquatch. (Nor has he seen one.) But this happened: the same night I was listening to a Coast to Coast program with Darcy Weir (, which my spouse did not know I was listening to -- he had an intense dream about a Bigfoot.
He told me the Bigfoot was a good eight to nine feet tall. Scary, incredible, and the BF came across the water. Wading, up to his waist, across the water. Plus, Jim dreamt he was a woman. He/she and others were watching the Sasquatch come across the water, towards them. The BF was scary, they were hiding as they watched the Sasquatch being ripped apart people. Jim did not know why the BF was doing this.
No, I don't think this is any magic demonic omen. Simply an interesting bit of synchronicity regarding images and timing.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Oklahoma Lawmaker Files Bill to Establish Bigfoot Hunting Season
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Is Sasquatch a Tulpa?
Are some Bigfoot sightings sightings of a Tulpa? Kind of a moot point, because, if witnesses see a Bigfoot, then, well, you have a Bigfoot. But the reason, in some cases, for the creature's existence is what's interesting.
In an article on Tulpas by Joshua P. Warren, he has this to say in context of Bigfoot:
Warren's article is about Tulpas and how to create them. Interesting read. I would suggest that if you are going to try to do this, you protect yourself, spiritually, and be very clear on your intent.
Monday, October 19, 2020
Saturday, October 17, 2020
House Fairy Strikes Again, Maybe . . .
The other day, came in from grocery shopping. Hands full, purse slipping down, jacket in a tangle, bags of groceries. I didn't want to put everything down to move the exercise bike out of the way so I could put my glasses in the basket where I keep them. Basket was on other side of the bike. So I set the glasses down somewhere -- and said to myself "Hmm, better not, you'll forget." Then I said to myself "Oh you won't forget. Just get this stuff put away."
Of course, later that day, I couldn't find my glasses. I looked everywhere. And of course, Jim said to me every few minutes "Where did you put them last?" Yes dear, that helps.
Three days go by, can't find my glasses. Jim looked, I looked. Nowhere. We both even checked the basket where I keep them, not there.
I finally had it. I said to my guides, the angels, the house fairy/elf: "Please! This is your job! Help me find my glasses! Give me a clue, send me a nudge, come on!"
I don't know why, but today I looked once again in the basket, and yes. There they were. Just right there, on top. I swear they were laughing at me.
Friday, October 9, 2020
The "X Thought Experiment"
Last night I was turning the radio dial and happened upon an interview with a scientist about "X." I don't remember the station, or know what program it was. Turned out the scientist was Michael Shermer. I only listened for about two minutes, but it went like the following, and of course, I am paraphrasing:
Shermer: (remember, I'm paraphrasing) For example, Bigfoot. If you hear a claim that Bigfoot exists, okay, you then have X. If there's Bigfoot, there has to be more than just one or two. If there's more than or two, X says there are thousands. If there are thousands, X then says there'd be bodies: road kill, etc.
The problem with this X idea or process is that it is based on a lot of assumptions about a being that is allegedly non-existent. If we don't know Bigfoot exists how can we assume things about it? We don't know what Bigfoot is. So we can't assume Bigfoot is like other animals.
Shermer -- as well as many Bigfoot researchers -- assume that Bigfoot is just a flesh and blood animal. Nothing paranormal or supernatural about it. Simply a really big kind of bear or ape. Probably intelligent, but, not as smart as humans. Just a big old animal lumbering around out there. So of course the X game follows these assumptions as a given. Big animal, have to be a lot of them, needs a lot of food, we'd find their bodies as road kill or maybe bones off in the woods. Surely hunters would have found something by now.
Another problem is that, while assuming all those things about Bigfoot (number, bodies, etc.) Shermer, etc. ignores the data that is there. Witness narratives about their Bigfoot encounters are entirely valid. Anecdotal evidence is not proof, but it is evidence. And if a scientist cannot sift through a very large data pile of reports and cannot discern a pattern to those witness accounts, then that scientist is being dishonest and disingenuous.
When it comes to the paranormal and/or cryptids, going through the X process won't get you very far.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Owl Symbolism, Gifting and Sasquatch
In the excellent Where theFootprints End (Cutchin, Renner) the authors write about Bigfoot gift giving. Which is strange enough, of course. Stranger still is the symbol of the owl drawn on rocks said to be left by Bigfoot as a gift to humans.
Gifting, by humans to Sasquatch, and from Sasquatch to humans. Sasquatch is not the only entity to leave gifts for humans. Fairies are known to leave gifts for humans. Some suggest that Sasquatch is a type of fairy.
In the book, Cutchin and Renner tell the story of Samantha, who found rocks left on her property from Bigfoot. Describing the rocks, Samantha says that “There’s stuff etched into them, especially owls.” (page 140) Why owls? It’s said that Sasquatch imitates owl calls. Owls are known to be an iconic symbol in high strangeness encounters. Giant owls, owls morphing into aliens, etc. appear in abduction, UFO and other supernatural tales. If Bigfoot is a supernatural entity the connection with owls seems fitting. Books about owls as messengers from other realms discuss the relationship of owls and strange experiences in detail. (see Mike Clelland); The Messengers; Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee and Hidden Experience: a Memoir of Owls, Synchronicity, and UFO Contact.) Where the Footprints End is the first mention that I recall of a relationship between owl imagery and Bigfoot.
As the Colonel said in Twin Peaks: “The owls are not what they seem.”
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Satanic Cult Goings On at Big Bear Lake, Calif.
Signs posted around Southern California's Big Bear Lake read: ATTENTION CAMPERS: Due to increased Satanic Cult activity in this area, camping is not advised until further notice. SEVERAL PETS HAVE BEEN REPORTEDLY SACRIFICED IN SATANIC RITUALS.” (source: Boing Boing)
You guess it! The signs are fake. Well, they're real signs but they weren't posted by the US Forest Service.
I like this for the overall weirdness, of course, but also, I have spent time at Big Bear, being from Southern Cali. So, always interested in the latest devil in the woods stuff.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Monday, July 13, 2020
Phantoms and Monsters - Real Eyewitness Cryptid Encounter Reports: Small Hairy Hominids Observed by Fossil Hunters in...
From Lon Strickler's Phantos and Monsters, this report of small hairy hominids:
Phantoms and Monsters - Real Eyewitness Cryptid Encounter Reports: Small Hairy Hominids Observed by Fossil Hunters in...: A man and his daughter were fossil hunting in the flatlands east of the Davis Mountains in west Texas, when they encountered 4 small hairy ...
By the way, reading the excellent Where the Footprints End, vol. 1 (Joshua Cutchin, Terry Renner) and small hairy beings are mentioned as well as the tall, Bigfoot type beings. And while some might think Texas is an odd place for Bigfoot type creatures (if they were young Bigfoot) Texas does have a lot of BF sightings.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
On Lon Strickler's Investigation Team
Monday, July 6, 2020
Silly Bigfoot Retirement Dream
My husband and I have a small RV camper, and our car. One of my sisters and her husband have the same. We're traveling around together. We come to a little touristy town with cute shops. My husband tells me I can go into one of the boutiques and buy myself whatever I want to celebrate my retirement. Money is no object. He doesn't go in with me though, he'll wait in the car. My sister and I go in.
We look at all kinds of things. My sister finds a rack full of Bigfoot themed clothing! I am surprised to see Bigfoot anything in an upscale place like this. The clothing is not your usual t-shirt kind of thing, but very fancy. I fall in love with a well made black t-shirt, tailored for women. Very nice and stylish, with an Art Nouveau style drawing of a Sasquatch. And, rhinestones. Tasteful, not tacky. Oh I want this shirt! It's also 30% off! Which then makes the price only ninety something dollars. I realize the shirt is way too much money. I know my husband said it's okay but I don't feel right spending so much on a piece of clothing. But, I must have it! I deserve it. I want to celebrate my retirement! So I buy it. I love my shirt, get lots of compliments.