I've been having fun going through the hundreds of books in our "book room." Over the years I've called it the Room of Doom, The Hell Room . . . Karyn Dolan once suggested I call it the Room of Opportunity to change my response to the room. I used to go in there and just freak at the mess, the boxes, the sheer number of books. Overwhelmed. Once I literally fainted when I walked in there; I just couldn't. Deal. At. All.
But some shift happened lately, thankfully. I've made a lot of progress and every day I go in there and work in the room. Actually, I think of it as play. I can't wait until I get to the point I can unleash my inner librarian and start organizing the books -- all UFO, cryptid, paranormal and folklore related -- that I'm keeping. Not to mention the books of various genres (vintage sci-fi, westerns, detective, and being an X-Files nerd, X-Files ephemera.)
Found these gems today:
An article from a 1989 issue of FATE by Jon Erik Beckjord on "weird" Bigfoot blood.