There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Monday, November 28, 2011

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Water Gods: UFOs, Bigfoot,�Fairies

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Water Gods: UFOs, Bigfoot, and Fairies

Lisa Shiel has an intriguing post on Bigfoot as paranormal creature, and a fairy at that. A theory I've also pondered at an article I wrote awhile back for Binnall of America:  Fairies, Bigfoot, and Hauntings.

From Lisa's post at UFO Magazine:
UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Water Gods: UFOs, Bigfoot, and Fairies:
Bigfoot have exhibited some very un-apelike behavior, much of it concerning water. Apes don't swim. But Bigfoot have been seen swimming in lakes and rivers. They wade out into rivers to steal fishermen's nets full of fish. They like the water. UFOs have been seen going into or coming out of water. Some witnesses have watched UFOs suck the water out of lakes. They like the water too.

And what about fairies?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

On the Books: Laws Against Killing Sasquatch

A comment left by Terry the Censor on the previous post made me realize I'm not up on the latest regarding laws that prohibit the killing of a Sasquatch.

I knew there was such a law in Washington state; either the state or a county. One of the first links that popped up when I Googled this was the following post from 2009 on the Cryptomundo site. There is such a law in Skamania, WA -- an ordinance prohibiting the "...premeditated, wilful and wanton slaying ..." of a Sasquatch, which is a felony under that law.
Skamania County Ordinance

Ordinance No. 69-01

Be it hereby ordained by the Board of County Commissioners of Skamania County:

Whereas, there is evidence to indicate the possible existence in Skamania County of a nocturnal primate mammal variously described as an ape-like creature or a sub-species of Homo Sapiens; and

Whereas, both legend and purported recent sightings and spoor support this possibility, and

Whereas, this creature is generally and commonly known as a “Sasquatch”, “Yeti”, “Bigfoot”, or “Giant Hairy ape”, and has resulted in an influx of scientific investigators as well as casual hunters, many armed with lethal weapons, and

Whereas, the absence of specific laws covering the taking of specimens encourages laxity in the use of firearms and other deadly devices and poses a clear and present threat to the safety and well-being of persons living or traveling within the boundaries of Skamania County as well as to the creatures themselves,

Therefore be it resolved that any premeditated, wilful and wanton slaying of such creature shall be deemed a felony punishable by a fine not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) and/or imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed Five (5) years.

Be it further resolved that the situation existing constitutes an emergency and as such this ordinance is effective immediately.

ADOPTED this 1st day of April, 1969.

The above ordinance was partially repealed and amended in 1984 by Ordinance 1984-2:

The ordinance was amended to make the crime a gross misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in the county jail and/or a $1000 fine.

The new ordinance also created a million-acre refuge within the County.

Board of Commissioners of Skamania County

Some comments left at that post contain further information about laws, endangered animals, the feds, other protected cryptids, etc.

Animal Forteana: Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal Phenomena, Bigfoot, Mothman, UFOs and Other Unexplained Anomalies

Chester Moore, supporter of killing Sasquatch, is tonight's guest on Lon Strickler's and Eric Altman's Beyond the Edge podcast. Animal Forteana: Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal Phenomena, Bigfoot, Mothman, UFOs and Other Unexplained Anomalies I hope this view has changed but cynicism tells me probably not.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ghost Hunting Theories: Letter From Bigfoot to Humans

Funny post, and contains good truths in there as well, over at one of my favorite blogs, Ghost Hunting Theories. Not about ghosts, but Bigfoot, this time: Ghost Hunting Theories: Letter From Bigfoot to Humans

Friday, October 28, 2011

JREF Thread: "UFOs? Bigfoot? Is it 1975 in here?"

Did you know there was a "Woo-Infrastructure?" I know, either did I! But there is. And what's more, they/we think it's still 1975, because stories about Bigfoot and UFOs are still going strong. This is news that both "amazes and saddens"as the OP commented. Read the whole thread here: UFOs? Bigfoot? Is it 1975 in here? - JREF Forum Which by the way, makes about the 400th thread about Bigfoot over there. I lost count long ago, but as you'll see, skeptics can't stay away from Bigfoot!

Monday, October 17, 2011

On Monster Tracker: Demonizing Long Term Witnesses

I have a new article at Monster Tracker: Bigfoot Research: Demonizing Long Term Witnesses
At Cyrptomundo, Loren Coleman's bias towards UFOs, aliens, and the stranger side of Sasquatch -- which includes long term interactions with Bigoot, regardless of any other high strangeness events or not -- and witnesses reporting such is made clear:

“They really believe they are having these experiences,” Coleman said. “I don’t know if it’s hallucination or a psychological state.” ~ Coleman,Meldrum Question Contactee Claims.
Given that one quote, it seems that anyone who sees something strange in context of a Bigfoot sighting is, in Coleman's worldview, either hallucinating or suffering from some kind of mental illness.

The Cryptomundo article addresses skeptic Eric Niller's New Bigfoot Sightings: Proof Still Lacking, which quotes Coleman's research on "Bigfoot contactees." (I prefer, like Autumn Williams and others, to use the term "long term witness" or LTW.)

Niller's article looks at the story of LTW Robin Lynn Pfeifer of Michigan, who says she has an on-going relationship with several Bigfoot.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum has no patience with such stories either:

"There's no substance to any of her claims," said Meldrum, who is an expert in the evolution of early hominid gait. "If there were 10 to 12 around her home, she should be opening up a museum with all the artifacts."
Meldrum's thoughts are based on assumptions and ignore what the anecdotal evidence is telling us. According to Pfeifer, the Bigfoot are not open to being photographed:
The rest at Monster Tracker...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Saucers & Sasquatch Conference

A paranormal conference that is sure to be a good one! October 22-23 in Pittsburgh: Saucers and Sasquatch, which, oddly enough (to my mind anyway) is being sponsored by MUFON. Read more at UFO Mystic: UFOMystic � Saucers & Sasquatch

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

From North American Bigfoot: A Product for Women, not Sasquatches

This commercial clip posted on PNW Bigfoot researcher Cliff Barackman's blog is, well, disturbing and slighlty funny. I'll leave my whole sexual politics/women and standards of beauty rants aside and just point you to the link: North American Bigfoot: A Product for Women, not Sasquatches.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Free Short Story From Lisa Shiel: A Trace of Bigfoot | Lisa A. Shiel

A nice treat from author Lisa Shiel: Free Short Story: A Trace of Bigfoot | Lisa A. Shiel
That’s where it started,” Johansson said. He waved an unsteady hand at the region where the shadows of the trees swallowed the road. “It was no bear or nothing like that. I couldn’t see it real clear but I’m sure. I think it was…”
Read the story to find out! (can you guess?)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Honobia Bigfoot Festival 2011 Schedule

Among the speakers and music at the Honobia Bigfoot Festival in Oklahoma: Thom Cantrall, author of The Ghosts of Ruby Ridge. (Which, after all this time, I'm just about finished reading. Just too many books out there; hard to catch up.) You can check out the schedule of events at the festival site: Honobia Bigfoot Festival 2011 Schedule

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bigfoot & UFOs Invade the Comfort Zone! | Lisa A. Shiel

From Lisa Shiel, who is hard at work on her new book about strange Bigfoot encounters. I'm honored Lisa considered me as part of her research; we had a great discussion about the high strangeness aspects of Bigfoot encounters. Here she comments on what I and others have shared with her about, as researcher Eric Altman calls it, "comfort zones." Bigfoot & UFOs Invade the Comfort Zone! | Lisa A. Shiel

Barred Owl sounds

At SKOOKUM QWEST: Barred Owl, clips of, and links to, various sounds made by owls. Good to know!