There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Navajo Skinwalkers and Legends

Nick Redfern comments on Navajo Skinwalkers and Legends about the high strangeness in the four corners area: Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico. This sounds like a fascinating documentary and I can't wait to get my copy.

Another author that writes about one of the four corners is Chris O'Brien, who writes the "Mysterious Valley" series, about the UFO, high strangeness, cattle mutilations and other Fortean events in Colorado. And for something about Utah, there's Hunt for the Skinwalker, of course, but also The Utah UFO display: A biologist's report by Frank Salisbury.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Animals That Aren't: Editor of Paranormal Magazine Comments on Cryptos

Creatures such as Mothman, Bigfoot (at least the parnormal kind) Owlman, and all other types of entities that go beyond the simple designation of strictly "flesh and blood" have a hard time with labels. They're not exactly crypto, cryptid, cryptozoological animals. They're not animals. Quite. They're not . . . they're both . . . maybe . . . yet they are.

Guest blogger Richard Holland, editor of Paranormal Magazine, shares his opinions on this topic for Jon Downes' Cryptozoolozoology Online.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Nahu's Psychic Bigfoot Experience and Words About Beckjord

Nahu is author of UFOS: GOD FROM INNER SPACE. Here's Nahu's recent comment he left me on Facebook about an experience he had with Bigfoot and researcher Eric Beckjord (deceased.)
Have you ever heard of Eric Beckjord? He is or was the director of a group who investigated Sasquatch and other anomalous phenomena. I talked with him on the phone once and got into a semi-argument about my contention that I could find a Bigfoot using my psychic abilities. This was back in 1982. He challenged me to meet him at a coffee house in Seattle and sit down, have coffee and talk about it. I was surprised when I saw him--he is a huge Swede, blond bigfoot. Anyway to make a long story short I picked a spot intuitively out in the Weyerhaser forests near Sasquatch Park B.C. We stayed a couple days and decided to give it up due to excessive rain. The upshot of this story is that I got a phone call from Beckjord about a week or so later and a group that monitors Bigfoot activity and reports in Washington reported that someone reported spotting a bigfoot right in the area where I took him to explore . I always felt an empathic aura with this much maligned being.

I told Nahu that Erik and I had corresponded a few times; Eric liked the fact I took the paranormal Bigfoot idea seriously, but he argued with me on the particulars. One time he refused to join a Yahoo group I had going at the time -- I think it was called Maverick Bigfoot Research or something -- because we didn't go far enough!

As most Bigfoot and cryptid/o researchers know, Eric had quite the reputation for being argumentative. But I had no negative interactions with him, even when he'd shoot off an email to me that I was "wrong" -- he never attacked me in public or spread lies. Though I realize he did so in regards to others. Like many other Fortean researchers, whether they're writing about UFOs, Bigfoot, ghosts, . . . Beckjord was a "troublemaker" and his theories, as well as his style, were not presented in the best way. And yet there is a there there. With so much of this stuff it's easy to throw that messy baby out with the bathwater.

Nahu commented further:
He seemed like such a huge bear of a man. Aries, as I recall, like to challenge. We had a number of outright disagreements. But once out in the woods, he seemed like he was in his element. What his problem was with me, he resented the idea that I had the arrogance to think I could attract a bigfoot the first time out when he had been out on expeditions looking for him for five years and hadn't seem more than a glimpse of him. His interest in me was primarily a challenge and only secondarily curiosity, I think. At that time, I presented my theory to him my that Bigfoot was an intrad-dimensional being recurring at certain cyclic points from the collective unconscious, so to speak, in attunement to an individual's vibration. Like the white buffalo story. Native Americans looked upon bigfoot as a medicine--I agree--he definitely had the ability to scare the sickness right out of someone, almost like the bogey man in caucasian mythology.

Checking back on my Facebook page, I find Nahu has added more:
h, by the way, I believe the year was 1981 during the winter season. I had a couple distinct times I felt I was quite close to contacting this intra-dimensional being, once while in the woods of Sasquatch Park while camping, and another time in a wooded area near Escondido, California. While living in Oakridge, Oregon when is pretty primitve, heavily wooded and quite near an area as I recall named Blue Springs, where Sasquatch was often seen I felt his presence also. I never felt any negative energy, just calm, as though I was close to a very ancient, spiritual fount. I could sense elements of my own subconscious fears holding a face-to-face off from happening. Although to be honest, I was never really afraid of this being.

On another note,I did feel some extremely strange vibrations while out in the West Virginia hills near where the Silver Bridge collapsed that gave me the willies, though.

On to Nahu. Nahu also lives in Eugene, Oregon (so does Bigfoot researcher Autumn Williams, whose mother, Sali Shepherd-Wolford wrote about her experiences with "paranormal Bigfoot" in Valley of the Skookum) and is a healer, psychic and author.I interviewed him a couple of years ago for UFO Magazine, focusing on his book UFOS: GOD FROM INNER SPACE.

Nahu has a blog NAHU'S HOLOVERSE where you discover how to develop your focused intent using the Holoversal Method. (Now, it is New Age stuff, but so what. . . I've been exploring the idea of, and the use of, what Nahu and others call "focused intent" since this past summer, and it works. Whatever labels we use, whatever context we put this into, I will say this, that intent is powerful.) Much to explore on his blog, including the varied services Nahu offers, including on-line, and contact info.

Here's an example of Nahu at work; he very kindly took a look at an experience/"dream" I had several months ago that I wrote about on-line. You can read about it here.

I'll be posting an article here soon that Nahu wrote about his experiences and thoughts on Bigfoot. (And there's talk of my joining others along with Nahu on a search for Bigfoot in the spring.)


The fifth episode of Paratopia is now available. Hosts Jeremy Vaeni and Jeff Ritzmann interview me here. I spent an hour or more babbling, fresh home from a long day at work, and right to the phone. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Ghost in Conser Lake

It’s no surprise Oregon has its share of Bigfoot encounters; including paranormal Bigfoot events. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the town of MIllersburg, Oregon, (about forty five miles north of Eugene) experienced some very strange events involving a white Bigfoot or “BHM” (Big Hairy Monster) with a lot of high strangeness surrounding the encounters.

The creature was called the “Creature of Conser Lake,” also the “Ghost of Conser Lake” (because of its white color) and the “Monster of Conser Lake,” the lake’s name was Conser at the time, but isn’t called Conser Lake anymore, the name has been changed and is on private property. I’m not revealing the name of the lake out of respect to the owners.

Reported as a bigfoot type creature; about seven feet tall, bipedal, white shaggy fur, the creature mystified Millersburg residents for over a year. The story begins with a story of a UFO or strange light crashing into Conser Lake in either 1959 or 1960. Soon after the strange light crashed into Conser Lake, a Millersburg truck driver was understandably startled to find a white, shaggy furred bigfoot type creature trotting along beside his truck as he was driving down the road. The driver, a mint farmer, was going about 35 miles an hour; the creature was easily keeping pace with the moving vehicle.

The creature was described as being about seven feet tall. The mint farmer described the creature as a “shaggy gorilla.” Local Bruce Hamilton remembers the creature in Conser Lake, and a story about a “young couple driving by the lake; a seven or eight foot creature ran alongside their car.”

As if the truck farmer’s experience wasn’t odd enough, another report of a tall, white furred shaggy Bigfoot type creature running alongside side a truck made its way into the news. This time the creature was seen in Telephone, Oregon, in Eastern Oregon. (I realize the town doesn't seem to show up on maps or Google searches, as I have found, and a recent e-mail alerted me to. However, this is the name cited by several sources. Many small "towns" are not listed, also, it's possible the name has changed, the area incorporated, or simply disappeared over time.) Witness C.A. Cissman saw a bright light approach, hover about 30 minutes, then disappear, shooting upwards and disappearing within seconds. Later, in Prospect, Oregon a logger was shocked to see a white furred, Bigfoot or Bigfoot type being, leisurely jogging alongside his truck on a deserted rural road.

Stories of Bigfoot running alongside cars aren’t new, either. A report from 1926 tells of a Bigfoot creature encounter in Yankton, Oregon: “Bigfoot following alongside a truck looking in. Sheep and children would disappear.” (UFO Casebook) It seems there was a history of bright zipping lights and white Bigfoot -- or white somethings -- following cars and trucks in Oregon.

Other reports of white Bigfoot creatures can be found; for example, Chris O’Brien writes in his Secrets of the Mysterious Valley about a “New Mexico cattle inspector” who told O’Brien:
he watched with binoculars a white bigfoot clamor up a rocky slope . . a witness in Washington “reported seeing a Bigfoot with large pointed ears” (p 231 Secrets of the Mysterious Valley, Christopher O’Brien)

The reference to “pointed ears” is interesting; Flix, our creature in Conser Lake, was also described as having pointed or “cat like” ears. A “ten foot white Bigfoot” was seen on the banks of the Ohio river in the 1960s. In fact, sightings of a white Bigfoot in the area were reported from the 1900s to the 1990s .(The I-Files: True Reports of Unexplained Phenomena in Illinois, Jay Rath)

Peter Guittilla’s The Bigfoot Files contains stories of white BHM or Bigfoot like creatures that transcend the flesh and blood variety. Guittilla references an account from Fate magazine out of Peter Bottom, Arkansas. In 1966 reports of a “monster” living in the Bottom emerged. The creature was described as being nine feet tall with snow white fur. Aside from giving off a strong smell, the creature “made a sound like a radio signal . . . the signal sounded like ‘beep, beep, beep.” (The Bigfoot Files, p 86)

The synchronicity of the white bigfoots is intriguing, along with the mysterious lights in the sky. As far as the Conser Lake “monster” goes, witnesses reported feelings of disorientation, dizziness, severe headaches, and hearing loud thuds and running footsteps right by them but no source for the sounds. Some insisted they were in telepathic communication with the being, who said his name was “Flix” and was from outer space.

Flix was Bigfoot like in many ways, yet there were other characteristics described by witnesses that are strange. Flix was said to have claws and or webbed feet and hands and cat like ears.

There are some similarities with Bigfoot; the height, bipedalism, shaggy fur. As noted, there were other similar beings in Oregon scattered throughout the state. But enough high strangeness episodes take the idea of a strictly flesh and blood creature out its comfortable unknown animal category, and into the truly Fortean or esoteric. All the above noted incidences: UFOs or bright lights, telepathy, sounds with no visible source, feelings of disorientation, and the synchronicty of similar creatures adds up to something beyond a flesh and blood Bigfoot.

Janet Bord; Colin Bord: Bigfoot Casebook
Peter Guittilla: Bigfoot Files
Regan Lee: The Ghost in Conser Lake
Christopher O’Brien: Secrets of the Mysterious Valley
Jay Rath: The I-Files: True Reports of Unexplained Phenomena in Illinois
photos by Regan Lee

On Paranormal Bigfoot from the Chattahoochee Blog

Nice post about one Bigfoot blogger's ideas on paranormal bigfoot at the Chattahoochee blog.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Chattahoochee Bigfoot Blog

A blog I was unaware of, until a few moments ago: The Chattahoochee Bigfoot Blog. I like where blogger/researcher Jeffrey Teagle is coming from regarding Bigfoot, including the idea that Bigfoot knows you're there long, long before you've arrived.

This is also a bit of synchronicity, because I found his blog when I saw that he's following my blog Women Of Esoterica. I clicked on his link, and found his Bigfoot blog. Nice, since tomorrow night I'll be on Paratopia, talking about paranormal Bigfoot.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Three Bears in a Tree

Weird image of three bears high up in a tree. I realize bears climb trees, but something about this seems off, like it's a joke. Either way, it's a good image.
On the Coast to Coast site.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Crypto Squad USA

I am very happy to say that I am a member of the great team Nick Redfern has put together -- and is continuing to put together -- at Crypto Squad USA. Check the blog daily for all kinds of Fortean, crypto news.

Crypto Squad USA

Nick Redfern has a new blog; this one is called Crypto Squad USA and is pretty neat; with bloggers and crypto researchers from all over sharing their thoughts and research.

Read about the McMinnville UFO gossip and more!
Check out my published content!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bigfoot and UFOs: The Uniontown Case

I always love a good UFO Bigfoot story, and here's a 1973 classic from researcher Stan Gordon. Thanks to Cabinet of Wonders for this.

Read about the McMinnville UFO gossip and more!
Check out my published content!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


MoMo was the BHM (Big Hairy Monster) Bigfoot type creature that abruptly appeared in Missouri in the early 1970s. While unique and overall weird, in delightfully Fortean ways, MoMo does share commonalities with other, similar creatures that were bipedal,and "bigfoot like." They all seemed to appear from nowhere, communicated telepathically, made strange noises like gurgling, high pitched buzzings and beepings. Here's an interesting account of an encounter with MoMo.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I Know It's Pointless, But . . .

I was lurking on the James Randi forum, where there are several new threads about Bigfoot. Maybe sometime I'll get around to linking to them all, or at the least, posting the titles, but I got bored with that at around number 37. Anyway, while surfing through the threads over there, noticed a discussion on a combined thread on Sylvia Browne and Bigfoot. That's weird enough, but what got my attention was the blatant "people who believe in Bigfoot are nuts" refrain. Nothing new there of course. One poster commented that many otherwise smart, sane people for some reason believe Bigfoot exists, and this is baffling.

The skeptics go on about no proof, and lousy evidence. But I always wonder about the fact that people say they've seen a Bigfoot. Forget about proof; and just go with the anecdotal evidence. Relax, and listen. When someone you know is "sane," and "smart," and who knows damn well what a bear looks like, etc. and tells you they saw a Bigfoot -- what then? You have little choice here: the person has suddenly gone insane, or is lying. I suppose a third option would be a hoax; the poor witness was a victim of a prankster walking around in a Bigfoot suit. But at a certain point, the so-called rational explanations become irrational.

I know several witnesses who are average people, sane, smart, know the area, know the woods, and they've seen a Bigfoot. They're not lying. I doubt they're mentally unstable. And I also doubt that, in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere, someone decided to lug a Bigfoot suit out there and put it on just to scare them.

At some point, you have to have the intelligence to at least say "I don't know" instead of calling Bigfoot witnesses fruitcakes and losers.

Bigfoot and UFOs;

One of my personal favorite high strangeness topics, Bigfoot-UFO encounters, is discussed in this 8 part video series. Bigfoot-UFO researcher George Lutz gets candid - an 8-part video interview by Roger Marsh, with interview of George Lutz, and the:
The Uniontown UFO-Bigfoot account from October 25, 1973 is one of the most fascinating paranormal investigations of the 20th century. Multiple witnesses reported observing a UFO land on a farm - and soon after - two Bigfoot creatures were seen nearby. Additional witnesses recount the glowing piece of land where the craft came down and other paranormal phenomena. Investigator George Lutz reflects back on the 35th anniversary in this firsthand video account of what happened that night.

Monday, December 8, 2008

High Strangeness Deer Photos

On the Coast to Coast site, three very weird photographs of a dead deer atop a telephone pole. This is very odd: who put it there, and why? If it's a human action, the only reason that makes sense is a sick one; some creep thinking this was amusing or something. You can see the photos here. As weird as this is, I remember coming across other stories along these lines but don't recall where. The brief article that accompanies the photos link to Linda Howe's Earthfiles site for more.

And there is also the very eerie photo of three deer looking into the camera, with two glowing red orbs above. Assuming it isn't faked; photo shopped or something, it's very mysterious. If it is faked, it's still creepy looking.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Do Bigfoot Hear Cameras?

Another interesting idea, and one that isn't far off, I think. William M. Dranginis considers that cameras and other equipment make high pitched sounds we might not hear, but a creature such as Bigfoot can. Read more about this on Cryptomundo.

Invisible DNA and Bigfoot

More good stuff on invisible Bigfoot. Read about it at Cryptomundo. Art Bell will discuss this idea with Michio Kaku on Invisibility & DNA on C2C tonight. Promises to be very interesting!