There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying
Showing posts with label bigfoot books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bigfoot books. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Henry Franzoni - Don't Miss This!

Blogsquatcher has done a valuable thing for Bigfoot research;
brought us a lot from Henry Franzoni,
introduced thusly:
Henry's views of the bigfoot phenomenon are not your garden variety views. He has a very idiosyncratic viewpoint built up over years of personal experience, and also though interacting with various PNW Indian tribes. I know that some of what Henry says and thinks will be very hard for most bigfoot enthusiasts to swallow.

That’s something that cannot be ignored!

I'm only halfway through the interview so far but was so excited had to post the link here. Franzoni is an amazing person; from his background, how he "fell backward" into biology, and his views on Bigfoot, or as he calls Bigfoot, Seatco. Why does he call Bigfoot Seatco? You have to read the interview to find out!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ivan T. Sandseron on "Flix," The Creature in Conser Lake

In my book The Ghost of Conser Lake, (unpublished) I cite an interesting passage from Ivan T. Sanderson’s book Abominable Snowmen about the creature. (You can read a previous section of the book here. Mention of “Flix,” the Bigfoot like being that appeared in Millersburg, Oregon in the late 1950s -early 1960s, is one of those interesting high strangeness BHM (big hairy monster) cases. Here’s a section from my book, with added comments in parentheses.

Flix Gets Around

Flix made the news for a good two years. He was seen off and on in the area during that time. Clarence Starr, owner of the Owl Cafe in Albany at the time, told Westby (Betty Westby, the reporter who wrote several articles about Flix for the Democrat Albany Herald newspaper) that the monster “had trampled down a lot of mint on his farm and that he will not be able to harvest much of his crop.

An elderly woman “who came from one of the early pioneer families,” the paper noted, walked into the Greater Albany office to give her story of her encounter with Flix:

“That monster was in our pasture last night. My neighbor took a shot at it. He found some blood on the ground, so he thinks he hit it. We saw its tracks, and the women in our neighborhood are scared to go anywhere at night or even sit on porches or leave the doors or windows open. I think he sheriff an state police should Hunt this creature down before it kills someone.”

The newspaper tried to explain to the woman a “big white cow” had recently escaped from its owner’s truck and that this is what she saw, but “she refused to believe our explanation.”

Mrs. Penning in Devers-Conner, about 30 miles south of Millersburg, told Betty Westby she heard "dripping sounds," even though it was August. (Interesting that Mrs. Penning described the “dripping” sound; remember that Flix’s footsteps were also described as “squishy.”) Looking out her living room window she saw a “large, light form,” hurrying away, and heard a “low pitched cry that seems to start from its toes, tapering off to a squeal like a pig’s.” Penning also fond fingerprints on her bedroom window, and Westby spectacled that they were web shaped, due to the four fingered, spread-out shape of the prints.

Three years later, the story of the Creature of Conser Lake was still news. In an article by Martin Clark, Albany Journal staff writer, he comments on writer Keith Sosebe’s upcoming talk on the “monster.”

Leaping from the shadow of a deep gully, the thing stood fully 7 feet tall in the ghostly moonlight. Petrified with mingled horror and curiosity, the young people sat motionless in their car. Suddenly, the apparition took at enormous leap over the gully and slipped away trough a tangle of boughs.”

By October, Flix, or a similar creature, was reported in Stanton, Oregon, 30 miles from Millersburg. (Oregon) It seems that Flix moved within an approximate 30 mile radius. This is assuming it was the same creature of course. Calls came into the Stayton police station of an “eight foot tall hairy monster,” and monster hunters were quick to look for the creature. Fortunately the police stopped a group of teens, armed with guns and beer, who decided to go monster hunting, before they could do any damage.

A Herd of Flixes?
Cryptozoologist and biologist Ivan T. Sanderson discussed the Conser Lake monster briefly in his book Abominable Snowmen:Legend Come to Life, citing a small item that appeared in the January, 1961 edition of FATE magazine, reporting that the “monster” was “still on the loose.” Sanderson also writes in Abominable Snowmen that a source wrote Sanderson in October of 1960, insisting that there was not only the one Flix, but several “Flixes” in the area. According to Sanderson’s unnamed friend, there were more than one BHM, several in fact, and fingerprint as well as footprint casts were taken. Referring to Flix, the letter writer described the creature:

he makes extremely high pitched sounds. his hair or fur had slight glow in the dark . . .feet make a squishy sound. Has been seen at day and night and seen to disappear into the lake.”

This last part about Flix disappearing into the lake gives some support to the theory about BHM, and/or Bigfoot, living underground. Sanderson also supported this idea. The letter writer mentions a “Hal Starr” who has had contact with more than one of these creatures. In the correspondence sent to Sanderson about the Conser lake “monster,”
the letter writer reports that “Creatures (italics mine) were still being sighted on a farmer’s farm.” The name given was Hal Starr; is this the owner of the Owl Cafe mentioned earlier?(Cal,or Hal?)

Flix himself verified Sanderson’s source that there was more than one creature. The creature told psychic Jane Waterby (Waterby was a friend of Betty Westby's and the two visited the lake to try and communicate with Flix.) that he wasn’t the only creature of his kind:
"I am sorry for you alien friend. What are you called?”
“I am called Flix. there are many like me, but I am the one called Flix.”

Another typical, yet frustrating detail Sanderson’s friend gives is the writer’s comment that a “finger print [was] lifted off a house window including a plaster cast of a foot print.” Sanderson's friend also said he had physical evidence:
“Have personal taped accounts of this creature . . . this includes photographs.”

But no photographs, fingerprints, footprints or recordings have turned up. As with much of UFO, cryptid and Fortean phenomena, evidence is as elusive as the phenomena itself.

copyright Regan Lee
March 1, 2009

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Daily Grail Interviews Nick Redfern

New interview with Nick Redfern at The Daily Grail.

Not only does he have a new book out; There's Something in the Woods, but this is what he says about his new book on UFOs, due out next year:
I’m doing at least one more UFO book – a very controversial one due to be published next year that may actually unsettle a lot of people –

What, Body Snatchers wasn't controversial enough? Looking forward to that one!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Man-Monkey, by Nick Redfern, arrived in the mail yesterday, and I got right into it. Enjoying it very much so far, and it's nice to "hear" Nick's voice come through; he writes about himself, a sort of self-reflexive tone, which I like.

I also ordered the third "Mysterious Valley" book by Chris O'Brien, who writes of mysterious events in Colorado.

I'll post more when I finish Redfern's book. (I'm still working on things inspired by Andrew Colvin's Mothman book.)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Bigfoot Sightings of East Alabama

Finished the booklet; not much to read, but what's there is interesting. Local accounts of Bigfoot sightings, and UFOs in seeming connection, in the area. What I like about the book is the fact that an individual is interested/obsessed enough (not necessarily a bad thing) to self publish a little collection of regional accounts. It all adds to the data. There are typos and sometimes a few things aren't clear; that's due to grammar and the way it's presented, I think. The illustrations are very simple. I don't regret the purchase however, not at all. Things like this are interesting to me from a folklore/collector perspective.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Alabama Bigfoot Booklet

My copy of Bigfoot Sightings of East Central Alabama came today. Haven't had a chance to read it yet. It's a self published book; photocopied pages, folded over, stapled book. (Nothing wrong with that; I did a comb binding on my little bigfoot book years ago, sold a few on eBay, ....) I'll report more when I've finished the book.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Book: Bigfoot Dreams

Do they mean Bigfoot dreams, as in, has dreams, or that one dreams of Bigfoot? Or does it matter? . . .

Searching e-Bay today for Bigfoot books, found this one titled Bigfoot Dreams. The author is Francine Prose, it was written in 1998. The item description says the novel is about a feminist who writes for a Weekly World News kind of publication, printing stories about “Bigfoot and Elvis.” She gets fired because the things she writes about come true, so she takes off to the Grand Canyon and meets up with Bigfoot her own self. Hmmm. . .

Monday, November 26, 2007

Cabinet of Wonders: Strange Bigfoot

Checking on my “who links to me” link, I found that the Cabinet of Wonders blog (a great blog overall) has a linked to Frame 352 in his article on the high strangeness Bigfoot encounters in The day Bigfoot went zorbing. A good piece with links to interesting places; he’s also the author of a Darklore article The Unbelieveable Strangeness of Bigfoot. (Interesting, he mentions Stan Johnson (who is deceased) who is one of the subjects of the book I'm working on.)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Book: Historical Bigfoot

Historical Bigfoot, by Chad Arment, is on my list. I've read a few reviews of the book over on (by the way, check out my own reviews and Listomanias!) and it seems interesting, and a good resource. I don't believe the book delves into theories or attempts to solve anything, just a record of news clippings from the 1800s to about 1940.

Since I've ordered Captured! (Stanton Friedman's and Kathleen Marden's book on Barney and Betty Hill) the other day, I have to wait on this one.

Friday, November 9, 2007

A Little Bit of Bigfoot Synchronicity

I’m reading Peter Gutilla’s Bigfoot Files, which I’m enjoying very much. Last night I read the chapter The Lemon Grove Hoax. Very interesting case. (Of course, aren’t they all?) I don’t know if Gutilla set it up intentionally or not, but the way the chapter started out, combined with the “set-up” of the title, had me assuming at first it was a case of hoaxing. Well, not so fast . . .

I go to read what’s become one of my favorite bigfoot blogs (others being Lisa Shiel’s Bigfoot Quest, for one) The Blogsquatcher, and see this: Hoaxes and the Hoaxing Hoaxers Who Hoax Them: Culpeper. Sadly, in Blogsquatcher’s case, it seems like a case of someone behaving badly.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bigfoot Files: Peter Gutilla

I just ordered the book Bigfoot Files, by Peter Gutilla. It should arrive here Tuesday, very excited. Gutilla is very clear and upfront about "paranormal Bigfoot." I'll review the book soon.