There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Friday, August 3, 2018

Bigfoot is a Demon

Brett Tingley at Mysterious Universe writes about Christian author Timothy Dailey and his book The Paranormal Conspiracy. Dailey believes Bigfoot is evil:

Christian Radio Show Calls Bigfoot a 'Demonic Virtual Reality Projection' | Mysterious Universe: Dailey argues that Bigfoot and other elements of this “paranormal conspiracy seek to subvert and ultimately transform the rational view of the world through mysterious entities that thrive on instability, confusion, and fear.” He pointed out a Bible verse which mentions “powers of darkness that love darkness rather than light” as an explanation why most Bigfoot or other anomalies are photographed most often at night. I guess he hasn’t seen the Patterson-Gimlin film. [Brett Tingley, Mysterious Universe]

Haven't read the book so can't comment on that. While there are, in my opinion, parallel dimensions and portals, negative as well as positive energies, and entities messing with our heads -- no doubt posing, at times, as Sasquatch or aliens or what have you -- I personally don't believe in the literal and rigid Christian structure of Satan, etc. Keel, Vallee, talk about sources that are at the center of such manifestations, expanding outward to present themselves to us as. . . just about anything.  That I accept.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Bigfoot Porn Has Become A Major Controversy In A U.S. House Race. Seriously. | HuffPost

Google 'bigfoot porn politician' and you'll lots of links, like the one below from the Huffington Post:

Bigfoot Porn Has Become A Major Controversy In A U.S. House Race. Seriously. | HuffPost: Democrat Leslie Cockburn sparked a Twitter frenzy on Sunday by sharing a curious drawing, apparently taken from Republican rival Denver Riggleman’s Instagram page, showing a Bigfoot-like creature with its genitals obscured by a “censored” sign.
The synch/juxtapose of the name "Cockburn" though not pronounced that way, is too much in this creepy tale.

I've never liked the whole Bigfoot Porn motif; cheesy sleazy stuff indeed.

It's also not at all good that Riggleman is cozy with white supremacist. 

From Brent Swancer: Bigfoot as an Interdimensional Interloper | Mysterious Universe

 Over at Mysterious Universe:

Bigfoot as an Interdimensional Interloper | Mysterious Universe

Swancer points out the obvious (to Sasquatch as inter-dimensional beings nerds such as myself) points as to why this is likely the case.

Monday, July 16, 2018

My Ego (Oh Come On, We All Feel This Way at Times)

I always give credit to those that inspire me. If I read an article, someone's blog, book, or even a social media comment that motivates me to comment, rant or rave, I give a nod to the source.

I find it both amusing and slightly annoying when I read something on, say, a blog, a day or two after I've written about the very same thing, and no credit is given. No "I saw this on Regan Lee's Orange Orb blog and got to thinking .  . . " just an obvious riff on what I recently wrote about. There are a specific few blogs that do this consistently. But, since I am disliked by some (aren't we all?) as well as considered uneducated and even mentally unbalanced, no surprise there.

It's my own personal button-that-hates-to-be-pushed, this. It's a cousin to being called a liar. For whatever reason, or reasons, I hate being accused of lying when I most certainly have done no such thing. I've felt this way since I was a child.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Professional Tracker Watches a Sasquatch Carry Away Dead Black Bear | Bigfoot Base

In Washington state, a tracker reports he witnessed a Sasquatch carry off a dead black bear. As the article comments, this story isn't confirmed, but, here goes. Theory: the declining black bear population is due to Sasquatch.

Professional Tracker Watches a Sasquatch Carry Away Dead Black Bear | Bigfoot Base: The creature looked at them and released a “gut-wrenching” scream. It then leaned down and picked up the carcass of a full grown black bear. With the ungodly grace and strength only a giant could wield, the Sasquatch slung the bear over its shoulder. It effortlessly walked up a nearly vertical slope and disappeared into the thick treeline. [Big Foot]

Friday, June 29, 2018

Mysterious Encounters with Bigfoot at Military Bases | Mysterious Universe

Stories of Sasquatch on military exist, and have existed for some time. An aspect of Sasquatch encounters I'm intrigued by. Here's one story from the late 1970s as reported by Brent Swancer at Mysterious Universe. The witness, Edwin Goday, saw a Sasquatch type creature. Goday shot at the creature, which ran off. After reporting the sighting, Godoy was told to keep quiet, and personnel came out:

[Mysterious Encounters with Bigfoot at Military Bases | Mysterious Universe:] According to Godoy, the mechanics made a secretive radio call and not long after a group of men in what appeared to be lab coats and thick rubber gloves descended upon the area taking samples of the blood and making casts of the footprints. The whole time Godoy claims that he was not allowed to speak to anyone at all, and that he was kept to the side away from what was going on. The perplexed Godoy was then whisked away to the base hospital, but rather than be looked at by the usual medical staff he was examined by a doctor who was from the Air Force, which was odd considering it was an Army installation.
More at the site.

What to think of these stories? I have no idea. True, a cover for something else, what? One possibility is the government's awareness of many things of a paranormal/UFO/cryptid nature, used for their own agendas. The question then is, why? That's when the conspiratorial mind starts its journey down the rabbit hole.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal -

Lon Strickler has a report of a strange encounter involving MIB like "people" (?) in the middle of nowhere, flashing weird lights at both the witness and a Sasquatch in Crescent City, California:

Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal: it looked like a diving light, essentially, with a pistol grip and I don't even think they make diving lights like that anymore. It was big and bulky like I used to use when I was a kid when I was ship to ship diving, you know, with my dad out in Pugent Sound. So he pulls this thing out of the window and flashes down toward the Sasquatch. The Sasquatch has an immediate reaction when the light goes out over the swamp and this is, like, just around just after dusk. It's pretty... it's getting dark. It's not completely dark yet and the thing bellows and takes off across the swamp. I can hear it running out across the swamp until it gets a fair distance away. [Lon Strickler, Phantoms and Monsters]

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

No News on the Dream Front

Very frustrating! I had quite the dream about Bigfoot -- I even had a lucid moment in the dream where I said to myself that I can't wait to blog about this dream -- and of course, cannot now remember anything about the dream. Except that it involved Sasquatch, with a strong emotional component.

I'm fascinated by the fact we can remember that we had a dream, can remember that it was important, or frightening, or had to do with a specific subject, but we can't remember the actual dream itself.

And yet that dream exists somewhere. It happened. It's a memory. It's lodged somewhere, whether that somewhere is in our minds, or on the astral.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A collection of local animal news

I had saved the following news items from October, not knowing quite what to do with them. I only had the feeling they were important, and, was struck by the juxtaposition of these items; all appeared in the local paper on the same day. October 27, 2017.

Nothing of a supernatural cryptid nature, but still interesting for the number of animal related items on the same day, as well as the content itself.

All are from the Eugene-Springfield, Oregon, Register Guard newspaper.

First item: Cougar Sightings on the rise near Oregon Coast. 
An updated cougar management plan, approved by the Fish and Wildlife Commission in mid-October, found that the coast management zone has reported a rise in cougar sightings, as well as an increase in conflicts with the big cats. 
Now, state biologists based in Newport are beginning the first-ever coastal effort to attach GPS collars to adult cougars and track their movements to see just how far these predators wander, what they eat and where they might be going next. 
The coast management zone is a large area that includes the northern section of the Cascade Mountain Range, the Portland, Salem and Eugene metroplexes and the rural North Coast. For years these areas were written off, not considered good cougar habitat, said Derek Broman, carnivore-furbearer coordinator for the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Department.

Next: Clusters of butterflies stuck up North (could not find a link for this item)
An AP news item about Monarch butterflies still in the PNW and Canada, when they should be on their way to Mexico. Overall, Monarch butterflies have been staying in the northern part of the U.S., as well as Canada, long past when they should be staying. The reason: "…unusually warm weather and strong winds" according to biologist Elizabeth Howard. (Register Guard, October 27, 2017.)

Then an item about wolves in Oregon: Reward offered in killing of protected gray wolf.

Ending with Sea Lion Alert: The outbreak killing the marine mammal also is a danger to pets:
A bacteria outbreak is making sea lions sick along the Oregon Coast, so state officials are warning people and their dogs to stay away from the animals.
The outbreak began in September and likely will last into December, said Jim Rice, a researcher at Oregon State University. He studies and helps sick or stuck animals along the entire Oregon Coast as stranding coordinator with the Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network. Calls about distressed or dead sea lions have been coming in regularly.

“I’m getting at least one a day,” he said Thursday. “It’s sometimes four, maybe five.”OSU’s Oregon Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory has confirmed at least eight cases of leptospirosis in dead sea lions since the outbreak began, Rice said. The most recent such outbreak in Oregon was in 2010

Twenty something years ago, in grad school, I told my mentor/professor that I was collecting news items about animals, and specifically, any strange animal behavior items. (my area was supernatural folklore.) He told me that my project sounded promising, but, he asked, what was the "why?" Why was I doing this? What was I wanting to show, to learn?

I didn't know. I still don't. The above items are not supernatural in any way, but , aside from any unexplained mystery aspect, any news about animals is interesting. We can learn from the signals. The relationships, predictive programing, seeming prophetic signs. Clues to not just the mundane -- which is proving to be anything but, given our global envirnomental context -- but the things that go bump in the night.