There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012

Ancient Aliens Tonight!: Aliens and Bigfoot

Oh be still my beating heart! Ancient Aliens tonight, and it's all about "Aliens and Bigfoot!" Now you know I await this with great anticipation!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Guest Blogger: Imogen "I Know What I Saw..."

I'm pleased to have guest blogger Imogen share her piece on encountering Bigfoot:
I Know What I Saw… 
My interest in the Bigfoot phenomenon started when I read the following passage written by a friend who recounted a close encounter she had with the creature itself. Her account is brief, but compelling, and read as follows:
“At the risk of sounding crazy … I once saw something like a Bigfoot myself, high in the Cascade Mountains in the dead of winter, on a moonlit night, while descending a mountain snowfield. After watching "it" approach for about one minute, and when it had come to within about 200 feet, I turned to my climbing companion to say that I was having a REMARKABLE hallucination. But before I could say a word I saw that my companion had gripped his ice axe with both hands and had raised his ice axe above his head in self-defence. So NOT a hallucination. "It" was about ten feet tall and leaving BIG footprints in the snow. The scientists will tell you that there cannot be such creatures, and their reasoning is persuasive - unless, of course, you happen to have seen one.”
She makes a good point in the last sentence, and it is one that cannot be gainsaid by any scientist. In the words of the famous UFO documentary, “I Know What I Saw”. Yes, people can be mistaken. But not so mistaken that they are hallucinating a ten foot creature stood in front of them at the same time as another person to their right. Sure, some sightings could be as a result of substance abuse But how many? Seriously.
Watching the Paul Freeman footage from 1994 in the same mountain range, I just wonder if it is the same animal she saw. To my mind the Freeman footage is compelling. If I ever had any doubts, my friend’s story and the Freeman footage combined dispelled them forever. She would never lie about such a thing, and the fact that there were two witnesses just strengthens my belief in her story. There is nothing that is ten feet tall she could have mistaken it for. Likewise, the Freeman footage is too poor in quality and too early, technically, to have been faked or tampered with. Along with Jeffrey Meldrum’s analysis of the casts Freeman made, I find it to be credible testimony. Sometimes what you see is what is there. It is as simple as that.
Paranormal Theories
One much-debated aspect of the Bigfoot phenomenon centres around the possibility of Sasquatch being paranormal in nature. Perhaps, like Mexico’s mysterious dwarfs, and the fairies of long ago, there is transcendent quality to the creature. It seems to play with us, in the way that orbs tantalise us with their appearance and instantaneous disappearance. Could Bigfoot, some wonder, be a manifestation of the same inexplicable entities, in crypto-human form? What both UFO and Mexican dwarfs have in common is Close Encounters of the Third Kind. People not only see them, but are materially affected by them in the real world. The Mexican dwarfs knock people off their bikes and frighten children playing ball after dark. They are violent and malevolent in nature, and there have been dozens of reports, from quite traumatised, and in some cases injured, victims. There is no explanation for the encounters, but they have happened. The same is true of UFO encounters, of course, with real physical craft being witnessed and filmed all over the world, in the thousands. Some YouTube UFO posters have actually given up uploading their footage as they have so much of it. Orbs are a daily occurrence, and yet there is no explanation for them either.
Is Bigfoot A Paranormal Entity?
For me, no. I did consider the possibility that the creatures could be another type of ‘alien’ for a while. The fleeting sightings, the vanishing, the lack of hard evidence, the total inability of anyone to have secured irrefutable proof – to me these put Bigfoot into the ‘Nessie’ camp. I have read widely on the UFO phenomenon and the different ‘species’ of alien that are reported by witnesses varies enormously. From the ubiquitous ‘greys’, to the mysterious ‘Nordics’, all the way to the Reptilians and towering Annunaki, there is no shortage of close alien encounters, with no end of strange beings. Each witness knows what they saw. But does it make it real? It’s a subject I have still to tussle with, but since reading on this and other sites I have read enough evidence – which I did not know existed, I may add – to convince me that Bigfoot is a real world creature. A gentle, shy creature in fact. The gentleness of movements and the relaxed body language of the being captured by both Paul Freeman’s video are rather touching. I am glad to read that there are people speaking out against the Kill and Capture mentality of those who want another trophy on the wall and the attendant fame that would no doubt follow. What I saw on the Freeman footage is a vulnerable looking, gentle creature who needs to be protected, and defended, and certainly not hunted and killed.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Gralien Report � Bigfoot is an Archetype: Sasquatch Reigns Supreme among “Folk Devils”

Micah Hanks writes a intriguing article about the more mysterious happenings in some Bigfoot encounters:The Gralien Report: Bigfoot is an Archetype: Sasquatch Reigns Supreme among “Folk Devils”:

From time to time there are reports that fall under the “Bigfoot” category that are, to put it simply, present a lot of disturbing problems for eyewitnesses. While these “high strangeness” reports (an expression that had become innate to the study of odd occurrences tucked within the realms of Forteana) are in the seldom minority, they are often overlooked by the greater cryptozoology community for a number of reasons.
Primarily, this has to do with the fact that the study of creatures like “Bigfoot,” by virtue of the designated title cryptozoology (the study of hidden animals), approaches this mystery from the perspective that these entities, whatever they may really be, are in fact some form of biological entity that closely resembles humankind. To wit, if indeed the Sasquatch myth is anything more than a myth, the best avenue, and thus the most widely accepted approach to their study, seems to be afforded us in their treatment as flesh-and-blood entities. However, when peering a bit deeper into the mystery, these “beings” may boast a number of curious elements that beg further consideration… and may similarly warrant different modes of thought applied to understanding their overall meaning.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bigfoot Evidence: More Photos From London, Oregon Of The "most significant footprint find in the last 40 years" [Bigfoot Tracks]

More on the tracks found just south of Eugene, Oregon:Bigfoot Evidence: More Photos From London, Oregon Of The "most significant footprint find in the last 40 years" [Bigfoot Tracks]

I have a lot of respect for Thom Powell and I believe Cliff Barackman is sincere, but I just don't quite believe the tracks are the real thing. Good god, have I become jaded? Cynical? It's not that, I surely hope not. Just, well, seems too good to be true. So many damn tracks! Just so ... convenient. On the other hand, it's interesting the tracks are at the water's edge. Bigfoot and water, interesting connection there.

Well, time will tell, obviously.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bigfoot Lunch Club: London in Oregon

More information has come out about those BF prints seen just south of Eugene. Many bloggers have been posting info; including Sharon Lee, etc. Here's location from Bigfoot Lunch Club: Bigfoot Lunch Club: London in Oregon and Sharon's post.

Still giddy at the thought of Bigfoot so close to home, :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Should Bigfoot be shot? Hypothetical... - JREF Forum

A JREF thread posing the question: "Should Bigfoot Be Shot?" Many are against shooting a BF, but some are all for it. But the following is disturbing for not only the pro-kill belief, but the "it's okay to "wound" a possible human" stance:
Should Bigfoot be shot? Hypothetical... - JREF Forum:
I'd shoot to cripple, not to kill. Chances are it's a human; no felony charges involved if you don't kill them. And on the (very) off chance that it is the Boss of the Woods, a crippled one still proves the existence of the species.
Then there's this comment from notorious skeptoid (ain't no such thing as a Bigfoot!) "Parnassus":

Anyone who takes a shot at a "bigfoot" should be sent to jail, and have his hunting privileges permanently removed. I'd never hunt with anyone who had some idea that bigfoot was real.
Slightly confusing: he thinks shooting Bigfoot merits jail time (agreed!) yet he wouldn't go hunting with "anyone who had some idea that bigfoot was real."

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Right in my own backyard! "Bigfoot Evidence: Holy Matt-Moneymaker-on-a-pogo-stick! Over 120 Sequential Bigfoot Prints Found Near Eugene, Oregon!"

Bigfoot Evidence: Holy Matt-Moneymaker-on-a-pogo-stick! Over 120 Sequential Bigfoot Prints Found Near Eugene, Oregon!

Two weeks ago, on February 12th, a man named Toby and his friend, who is a hunter, discovered Bigfoot tracks near a tree line south of Eugene, Oregon. According to estimates by Thom Powell, Guy Edwards (, and Finding Bigfoot co-host Cliff Barackman, the tracks consists of over 120 prints.

South of Eugene, over 120 footprint tracks were found in a clay-mixed substrate that was a perfect material to capture and record footprints. We believe the tracks were made as recently as Saturday February 11th, although the first few prints were not discovered until Sunday the 12th.
Oh my god so many questions. South of Eugene, how far, where? Is the Toby mentioned Toby Johnson of OSS fame? So many areas within a crow's shout from my house in the small-mediumish city of Eugene that are wooded and perfect habitat for all kinds of beings, including, of course, Sasquatch.

However, and I am loathe to say this, positively loathed, dahlings, but the image of the print shown at Bigfoot Evidence looks too good to be true. (That doesn't mean it isn't true, or that I don't think Bigfoot doesn't exist.) It just looks too damn perfect. But if the prints are of Sasquatch, --- how wonderful.

Monday, February 20, 2012

"Psychic Sasquatch" ; Inter-Dimensional Vortex League, with Andy Colvin

I really like this. Music and video by Inter-Dimensional Vortex League, with Mothman Photographer's author and researcher Andy Colvin.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

OCCULT VIEW: Bigfoot Sightings Explained

From OCCULT VIEW, these ponderings on what Bigfoot is. Or, isn't. Sasquatch is probably a "standing bear:"
(Bigfoot Sightings Explained)
Ever see videos of a bear standing up? It looks like Bigfoot, especially if seen in the dark. A bear may walk on two legs if it is curious and wants to get a good look at something.
I've never seen a Bigfoot so couldn't say. I have seen standing bears and I don't think I'd confuse the two, if I should be fortunate enough to see a Sasquatch. Witness narratives about their Bigfoot sightings, well, it seems obvious that they weren't mistaking a standing-walking-on-two-legs bear. The given that some cases are indeed ones of bears going through campground sites in search of food, etc. aside, suggesting that all BF sightings are bears is pretty ridiculous.

The elusive wolverine is cited as further evidence Bigfoot isn't Bigfoot:
Doesn't trying to find a wolverine resemble trying to find a Bigfoot? The difference is researchers have found their wolverines. You’d imagine in the process they’d come across a Bigfoot too, if only by accident. Instead Bigfoot appears to hang around campgrounds so it can be videotaped.
Not if Bigfoot is the intelligent, possibly supernatural (for lack of a better term) being that it appears to be. However, an interesting possibility is offered for Bigfoot:
There may be an outside chance Bigfoot is actually an esoteric entity. History is full of legends and folklore of the Wild Man, of giants and trolls and ogres. These are not physical beings, but creatures of the imagination and hard to see or define: Blurry Beings. Trying to snap the picture of a troll would probably get results similar to our current assembly of Bigfoot photos…fuzzy and indistinct. Are Bigfoot sightings actually troll sightings?
Intriguing, and the idea that Sasquatch is a fairy or elemental has been suggested in the past by others. (see Lisa Shiel: Water Gods: UFOs, Bigfoot, Fairies.) However, trolls and ogres are usually malevolent creatures; this doesn't seem to accurately describe Sasquatch behavior. I'm not sure what the writer means by "...creatures of the imagination." Does he mean the imagination of the witness, or something outside of us, the human witness?

It's true that the data bank of Sasquatch images is full of blobsquatches, but what of the Patterson film? If that is footage of a real Bigfoot, so much for "blurry." "Patty" certainly looks flesh and blood, but as some of the Fortean type BF researchers think, (including myself) Bigfoot could be both. Appearing solid at times, manifesting in ethereal ways other times.

Note: also see my article at Binnall of America: Fairies, Bigfoot and Hauntings.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bigfoot Evidence: What Happened to the Lake Worth Monster? The Summer of the Goat-Man

The 1969 Lake Worth Monster story has always fascinated me; a classic in the lore of BHM (big hairy monsters). Big Evidence has the following:Bigfoot Evidence: What Happened to the Lake Worth Monster? The Summer of the Goat-Man
Back in 1969, the residents of Ft. Worth, Texas experienced a wave of sightings of a 7 foot tall white Bigfoot type creature which came to be known as the 'Lake Worth Monster, aka the 'Goat-Man'. Described as tall, furry, and covered with scales, (yep, scales), the local newspaper headline read, "Fishy Man-Goat Terrifies Couples Parked at Lake Worth". Some witnesses said that it had the head and hooves of a goat, bringing to mind images of a satyr, a half-man half-goat from Greek mythology. They insisted it also had scales and was an excellent swimmer, often making its retreat by way of Lake Worth to Greer Island, where it was thought to live.

LGF Pages:Texas DNA specialist writes that Sasquatch is a modern human being.

LGF Pages - Texas DNA specialist writes that Sasquatch is a modern human being.

According to a copyright application, rural Texas veterinarian/DNA lab owner, Melba Ketchum, DVM, is coming out with the news that the folklore beast called Sasquatch or Bigfoot is real!!

"Beast?" Sigh. Worse, weirder and more bizarrely, Dr. Ketchum is applying for a patent. Surreal to consider that, if Sasquatch is more human than not, or, even human indeed in some way, that this being can be "patented." Then what? That is a huge question. All this time I thought the NO KILL/NO CAPTURE issue was the only one to be concerned about.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Bigfoot Filmography

Very cool; something I thought of doing a few years back. I'm sure many of us have! I even started collecting DVDs of BF films -- the good, the bad, the ridiculous. But quickly realized I just didn't have the time, and, some of the movies were so bad ... I mean, bad, not "so bad it's good" but just ...bad. Enough about that; visit Dave Coleman's site which gives us a ton of links to Bigfoot blogs and sites, and ordering information on the book. The Bigfoot Filmography

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Local (Willamette Valley) researcher Darin Richardson is offering a signed edition of his book on ebay:BIGFOOT BOOK BEING SOLD BY AUTHOR | eBay Take a look!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Free NO KILL/NO CAPTURE badge to use on your blogs and sites. I made it; you're free to change font style and colors. Show your support for the protection of Sasquatch.