There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Bring Out Your Bigfoot: How 'Science' is Failing at Educating the Public | The Daily Grail

Greg Taylor at The Daily Grail discusses "science" in context of paranormal/supernatural realms: Bring Out Your Bigfoot: How 'Science' is Failing at Educating the Public | The Daily Grail.

And I say, to Greg, "Oh my word yes!"

I'll add my own rant here; when is UFO Land going to get over itself and stop whining about the presumed lack of "science" in relation to UFOs? More on that later, when I have time to properly rant in the appropriate manner.

Until then, visit The Daily Grail, which one should be doing on a daily basis anyway, and read Greg Taylor's latest.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday, August 3, 2014

I'm a lover, not a hunter

"If u really want to find Bigfoot u may be sending the wrong message calling yourself Bigfoot Hunter. Bigfoot Lover may be a better approach." ~ Adam Gorightly

(Find Adam here and here, as if you didn't know.)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

From Bigfoot Evidence: This Person Has a Theory Why We'll Never Find Bigfoot

Well, this is different:

Bigfoot Evidence: This Person Has a Theory Why We'll Never Find Bigfoot: Our friend Ro Sahebi said this was sent his inbox a few days ago and said it was probably meant to come to our inbox instead. It's a fascinating email about why this person does not believe we'll ever find Bigfoot: It's because Bigfoot is a Nephilim, an offspring of fallen angels and earth women as recorded in the Bible.
Rest at the Bigfoot Evidence site. Yes, I know I've written that I won't link to or mention that site but I lied. Can't help lurking on anything UFO, Cryptid or overall Fortean tinged. While their insistence on yee-ha vibed, gratuitous images of animals eating each other, etc. caters to the basest  among the knuckle dragging, they do have some interesting things as well.

Anyway. The theory on Nephilim and Bigfoot. As always, the comments are equally interesting.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

All Women Bigfoot Research Team: Bigfoot Seekers

Dina Palazini's organization, along with others on the team, all women Bigfoot research group. And these women are "field" researchers indeed! Bigfoot Seekers

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bigfoot Skeptic Says He Will Kill Bigfoot If It Comes On His Land (Video) | Paranormal

Oh dear. Scary world out there indeed: Bigfoot Skeptic Says He Will Kill Bigfoot If It Comes On His Land (Video) | Paranormal.

Aside from the irrational skeptic loop of "there ain't no such thing as Sasquatch" (you can't prove there isn't…) is the far more irrational statement from this unnamed skeptic who promises to kill anyone in an "ape suit."

Underscoring this paranoid skeptic's statements (he assures us he will not reveal what state he lives in) are the numerous comments he makes about the non-existence of Sasquatch and the humans dressed in Bigfoot costumes trespassing on his property -- that he will kill.

So he admits to killing a human.

Not that this yee-ha is to be taken seriously, but let's suppose he does kill some poor idiot who, for unknown reasons, did dress up in an "ape suit" and trespass. Wouldn't that be premeditated murder?

And let's just suppose that, one night, he finds himself witness to an actual Sasquatch -- will he shoot to kill, or stand there, awed, and unable to pull the trigger? Of course I hope for the latter, but sadly, there are too many let's kill us a Bigfoot clown shoes out there.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Fresh Out!: Tim Beckley's Conspiracy Journal #774

There is nothing like Tim Beckley's (Mr. UFO) Conspiracy Journal. Full of Fortean goodness, including a piece by Micah Hanks, tilted "Wild Men" May Be Lurking in North America's Remote Woodlands. Now that's a must read. Conspiracy Journal #774: - GOING FERAL DEPARTMENT -