There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Monday, April 1, 2013

Animal Legal Defense Fund Sues to Stop Texas Bigfoot Hunt

Good for them! Animal Legal Defense Fund Sues to Stop Texas Bigfoot Hunt:
AUSTIN — Today, the national nonprofit Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) is filing a lawsuit against the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, requesting judicial review of the agency's May 2012 administrative finding that Bigfoot is an indigenous "nongame" species that can therefore be hunted without a permit. The Texas Administrative Procedures Act requires that administrative findings are "reasonably supported by substantial evidence." The suit alleges that the agency's designation is arbitrary and capricious due to a lack of credible evidence supporting its conclusion that the elusive primate is indigenous to the state of Texas, and cites a preponderance of evidence that the man-beast is instead native to Northern California.

For more, see article.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bigfoot Crossword

Found this in a stack of old magazines; this is from a "special" glossy editon of Weekly World News. Don't have the date, think it's about ten years old.

Frontiers of Zoology: Another Alaskan Bigfoot Sighting

Meanwhile (see post below re: Ketchum) Bigfoot is still being seen; this report from January of this year, in Alaska. Frontiers of Zoology: Another Alaskan Bigfoot Sighting

Bigfoot News | Bigfoot Lunch Club: Two Clear Possibilities for Bigfoot: Hybrid or Mutant

Interesting article, with equally interesting comments, at Bigfoot Lunch Club, on Dr. Ketchum's research. Dr. Tyler Kochjohn is quoted, as others , and while much debate and confusion, scramblings and speculations continue, it does seem one thing is becoming clearer, and that is that something unknown/weird is out there. Bigfoot News | Bigfoot Lunch Club: Two Clear Possibilities for Bigfoot: Hybrid or Mutant

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bigfoot News | Bigfoot Lunch Club: Thom Powell Drinks the Ketchum Kool-Aid

I'm not on either side, (though I guess, if one has to even play the game and choose a side, I'm with Ketchum. Pretty much) but I respect both of these guys and appreciate each of their views. So here you go:Bigfoot News | Bigfoot Lunch Club: Thom Powell Drinks the Ketchum Kool-Aid

Monday, March 25, 2013

Cryptomundo:Finding Bigfoot on the Jeff Probst Show

On Cryptomundo, a clip of the Finding Bigfoot team on the Jeff Probst Show: Cryptomundo  Finding Bigfoot on the Jeff Probst Show. (I liked what Cliff said about Probst's use of the pronoun "he" to describe Bigfoot. Still wish they'd all stop using the term "Squatch" however.) Also liked what Ranee had to say. And she's the skeptic! :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Awesome Certified Bigfoot Sasquatch Hair RARE | eBay

No idea who this seller is, but can't resist sharing. Just think, you can own a Bigfoot hair! Description comes with a story:Awesome Certified Bigfoot Sasquatch Hair RARE | eBay
He was about to pull his gun up to take a shot when a big animal walking on two feet came rushing out of the brush. It was carrying a huge rock over its head and threw it at the nearest elk killing it. The animal then grabbed the elk by a leg and dragged it off. Now if you know elk, you just can’t drag one off, they are easily 300 to 600 lbs on the hoof.
And so on.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

(cross posted, with minor alterations at UFOMystic.)

After listening to another intriguing and spooky interview with David Paulides (Coast to Coast, George Knapp host) last night, I found myself rethinking not only Dr. Ketchum, but Bigfoot as well.

For awhile I was excited about what Dr. Melba Ketchum would find. So was last night's C2C host George Knapp, who interviewed Dr. Melba Ketchum some time ago. Lots of games, it seemed, lots of attacks, lots of the to be expected nonsense in the world of Bigfoot.  (UFO World doesn't fare any better in this context.) Then I was disappointed and jaded. Then I just didn't care. 

But if David Paulides's explanation on the entire Ketchum journey was accurate -- no journal would review her findings, etc. -- and if the evidence is truly what it says it is, then there's still hope. And bafflement, for it seems everyone just walked away from this. Of course, I haven't read the report, and Paulides pointed out that many who criticized Ketchum and the findings haven't actually read the thing. I can't comment much more than these idle musings of mine because I am not a scientist, and I haven't read the report; just the reports of reports. It is also too bad Ketchum seems to have behaved badly at times. Maybe this was due to simply being overwhelmed by her lone seeker status out there in Bigfoot Land. Lots of naivety, at best, and silly sloppy missteps seemed to have happened, adding to a carnival-like,  here we go again feeling in Bigfoot Land.  But all that can be ignored if the evidence is what it's supposed to be: Bigfoot is not a giant ape, but something completely different. That's huge of course and huger still: Bigfoot is both its own mysterious self, as well as part of us. Yet after a few people acknowledged this finding, people went missing. Some were offended, some laughed, but we haven't seen any paradigm shifting news stories break on CNN. 

Meanwhile, David Paulides continues his research into the strange stories of missing humans in parks and forests. Many of these missing are children. He alludes to the possibility;  Bigfoot, or a Bigfoot like creature, as being responsible for these disappearances. The few children who have been found alive after going missing for a few days have strange tales to tell of "ape men" and other high strangeness. In last night's interview on C2C, Paulides referred to Native Americans and their tales of Bigfoot -- as being human -- and their on-going relationships with this being. Yet, with some exceptions, most, including BF researchers, ignore this fact.

What's strange about the missing humans is that they disappear abruptly, often in daylight, often while in the near proximity of others. While logic says these missing people would be found downhill, or near water, they are often found (if found at all) quite a distance aways, and uphill, over extremely rough terrain difficult to cover. Very weird for adults, and much stranger still in the case of little children. Stories of "ape men," and other inexpiable events add to this mystery. Adding fuel to conspiratorial speculation (which doesn't mean it's invalid) is the presence of military in some of these cases, who act covertly and separate from parks authorities and local law enforcement agencies while ostensibly searching for the missing.

IF Bigfoot is responsible for these disappearances, that's cause for a shift in beliefs about we think Bigfoot is. Many of these stories contain really weird "high strangeness" elements that have always annoyed many a Bigfoot researcher. UFOs? Aliens? Underground beings -- reptilians? Of the latter, Paulides said he's received a few detailed emails about that subject, but he is unfamiliar with that realm and doesn't want to go there. He referenced John Mack and his work concerning abductions -- will we hear of a Bigfoot/UFO theory from Paulides in the future?

There's enough strangeness, and enough references to a Bigfoot creature, in Paulides missing persons work, to consider that Bigfoot is more than "just" a big ape, or strictly a flesh and blood creature. It's possible this BF being is a variation of Bigfoot, another type, related or something else altogether; something that looks like an "ape man" but clearly has abilities transcending ours at the moment.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

'11 crazy Bigfoot conspiracy theories'

MSM fluff piece on the more outlandish theories on what Bigfoot is. Yes, aliens is an included topic. While I appreciate where they're coming from on much of this (even while disagreeing) I don't understand why "Bigfoot buries its dead" is considered a wacky theory. 11 crazy Bigfoot conspiracy theories - Yahoo! News

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Nick Redfern:Lair of the Beasts: Bigfoot: The Problem of Food -

"Lair of the Beasts: Bigfoot: The Problem of Food - Many researchers of the Bigfoot phenomenon take the view that the hairy, man-like beasts are some form of unknown ape. Or, they suggest that the creatures may represent a surviving, relic population of the presumed long-extinct, ancient ape known as Gigantopithecus, I, however, do not.

Rather, I take the stance that Bigfoot is stranger than either of the above scenarios; in fact, much stranger. Indeed, it’s fair to say I think Bigfoot is a beast of paranormal – rather than flesh and blood – origins. There’s a good reason I say that. It has to do with Bigfoot’s eating habits. Or, more correctly, it’s lack of eating habits.

This is something, without doubt, most noticeable when it comes to the matter of Bigfoot in Britain – for which literally dozens and dozens of reports exist."

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dr. Melba Ketchum and, Oh, ... sigh

I supported Melba Ketchum's efforts awhile back. I really didn't expect much to begin with, but I was hoping. But now, it just seems, well, you know. Read some here :Bigfoot News | Bigfoot Lunch Club: Ketchum Paper "Peer Reviewed" by Academic Professor, and catch up on related links at The Anomalist.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Crowdsourcing Bigfoot"

From Ghost Theory, this item on Dr. Jeff Meldrum's latest plan to find Bigfoot. Sounds more promising than the balloon idea. Crowdsourcing Bigfoot. I wonder if the use of infra red and other ghost hunting technology would be useful? Wouldn't hurt. Such use easily moves away from the strict "flesh and blood" realm, and more so if we would include the use of psychics, pendulums, dowsing and other esoteric techniques, which even some ghost hunters avoid, favoring pure technical means. But I'm going off on a tangent here.

Think I'll sign up; why not.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Flix, the Creature in Conser Lake: Bigfoot, UFOs and Monsters in Oregon and Elsewhere by Regan Lee | LibraryThing

So damn embarrassing! I wrote this years ago and self published it, not even that, just photocopied it and sold it on ebay. I actually sold some. Of course now, I would never put out such a thing! I found it on this site, to my dismay!Flix, the Creature in Conser Lake: Bigfoot, UFOs and Monsters in Oregon and Elsewhere by Regan Lee | LibraryThing

Gratuitous Non-Bigfoot Blood Lust

Just my personal little war on a Bigfoot blog that shall not be named nor linked to, but once again I see they have posted footage (vintage TV) of someone killing a deer with his bare hands and drinking its blood, or some such. Details don't matter. What does matter is that this has nothing to do with Bigfoot, and everything to do with animal porn, to drive visitors to their site. Not the first time they've posted this type of blood lust crap; won't be the last. Their excuse, as they once posted, was something along the lines of (paraphrasing, naturally) "Bigfoot probably eats like this in the wild so why not it's all good."Disingenuous bullshit.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sharon Eby Cornet: Vanishing Bigfoot and Anecdotal Accounts

Nice find! Thanks to S.A.R. who left a comment, with the suggestion I look up Sharon Eby Cornet (see post below.) More to come on this.Vanishing Bigfoot and Anecdotal Accounts

Monday, January 28, 2013

Local Bigfoot Sightings

Another story from someone I know who saw a Bigfoot one night while driving on a rural highway in Oregon.

Not much in way of details: it was fall, night, they (her friend) saw it cross the road. Both positive of what they saw.

Both also, as with all the stories I've personally heard from individuals, familiar with Oregon wildlife, and used to the outdoors. Camping, hunting, living in rural areas; they know what things are. And they know when something out of the ordinary looms up in front of their faces.

As always with stories like these, I have to wonder at the knee jerk reaction from debunkers and "skeptics." This woman was not lying. All the other people I've known, who have told me their stories, were not lying. They are also a diverse group of people in terms of age, profession, gender, etc. What they have in common is a familiarity of the local outdoors, and a love of the outdoors, and damn well know an elk from a bear from a coyote from a cougar. (One witness's Bigfoot sighting was such a profound experience this person continues to look for Bigfoot many years later.)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Spooky! 'Bigfoot or animals? Strange sounds coming from swamp on Umatilla Indian Reservation'

(thanks to Lesley Gunter for this link!) Bigfoot or animals? Strange sounds coming from swamp on Umatilla Indian Reservation (listen) | Audio of strange -- and even spooky -- sounds. They remind me of EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) in the sense there is that odd not-of-this-realm sensation. Also chuffing type sounds, chatterings, and almost human like sounds. I'd love to explore this; sadly, work schedule does not allow!

Of course the question of comparison comes to mind. Does this sound similar to baby foxes? Here is a site I found with several audio clips of various fox calls. Here's one that's described as having a human sounding voice at the end, and it does sound close to what's on the Umatilla tape.

Who can say. I'm no expert on fox or cougar sounds. It's possible that people in the area know what foxes and other animals of the region sound like, and wouldn't be so quick to jump to the Bigfoot connection.

It could be Bigfoot, it could be shape shifting entities, it could be fox season.

PENDLETON -- Baby foxes or Bigfoot?

The eerie late-night serenades began in November and emanate from a brushy swamp on the Umatilla Indian Reservation east of Pendleton. The cries range from high-pitched screams to basso profundo roars.

"It's causing an uproar around here," said Sylvia Minthorn, who lives in a tribal housing unit near the swamp, where she used to play as a child.

She's seen grown men's hair stand on end when the shrieks commence.

Colleen Chance, a tribal housing authority employee, keeps a recording of the howls on her iPhone.

"It's kind of spooky," she said. "Some say it's foxes, some say it's a female coyote and some say it's Sasquatch. I don't know what it is."