There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Does the Government Know About Bigfoot Synchronicity

By way of Oregon Bigfoot researcher Toby Johnson, this item about a BLM map and Bigfoot.

I've used the word "synchronicity" in the title because I've been thinking about a piece I want to write about the government's knowledge -- if any -- of Bigfoot's existence. Not a new idea of course but one I've been a bit "meh" on, until the other day. For some reason, on my way to and back from the Oregon coast, I was thinking very heavily on this. Woke up this morning thinking about the subject. Then find Toby's link …

▶ Oregon Sasquatch Symposium/ BLM - YouTube:

Newly Released Unedited Complete Footage Of The Patterson Film! | Bigfoot Crossroads

 From Bigfoot Crossroads blog, Steven Streufert's  enhanced Patterson footage:

"Steven Streufert, owner of Bigfoot Books and member of the Bluff Creek Project, just posted this rarely seen unedited footage of the Patterson Film." (Bigfoot Crossroads)Newly Released Unedited Complete Footage Of The Patterson Film! | Bigfoot Crossroads:

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

From S.A.R at Bizarre Bigfoot: "Bigfoot and the Gov'mint"

SAR at Bizarre Bigfoot has a piece on the government's knowledge of Bigfoot. If the government knows BF exists, why the secrecy? That's a big question. I commented over there that, being a cynical person when it comes to government, the cover-up  -- and I believe there is one -- isn't to protect the creature, but protect the system.  In part, anyway. Who knows, we sure don't.

If you've read any of the Missing 411 books by David Paulides, one has to entertain the possibility of a Bigfoot type creature responsible in some way for the disappearances. Maybe. Now, I do not want to imply Paulides says this -- he doesn't. Any speculation along those lines is mine. This is all assuming Bigfoot is more than just  a "flesh and blood" creature.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Redfern at Cryptomundo: A Hairy Hand of the Horrific Kind

Nick Redfern on mysterious hairy hands that appear from nowhere...

Cryptomundo: A Hairy Hand of the Horrific Kind: Back in 2011, I wrote an article here at Mysterious Universe titled The Hairy Hands Horror. It begins as follows: “It was around the year 1910 that a weird and horrific saga began – on what is today the B3212 road, which can be found in the vicinity of the Dartmoor, England locales of Postbridge and Two Bridges. It became known as the mystery of the Hairy Hands. Somewhat disturbingly, a hairy, monstrous and unknown force would time and again violently lash out at unwary passing drivers, and which, in one case, reportedly even resulted in a tragic death for an unfortunate road-user.” (Nick Redfern)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Cryptomundo: Man Shoots a Bigfoot Near His Barn in Oregon

Cryptomundo: Man Shoots a Bigfoot Near His Barn in Oregon

A "Bigfoot Campfire Story" -- indeed. Would like to know where in Oregon.

Anywhere, guy shoots Bigfoot. Doesn't kill him, just wounds him, don't ya know. Wants to put the critter out of his misery; cuz it's dangerous ya know.. .

Friday, July 17, 2015

Cryptomundo: Bigfoot is not Paranormal

Cryptomundo links to Bigfoot Crossroads on how Bigfoot is not "paranormal."

Cryptomundo:Bigfoot is not Paranormal: Bigfoot is not paranormal.

But how do you know? Nobody knows anything about bigfoot. It’s all theory and speculation!

I repeat, bigfoot is not paranormal.
One thing to hold that opinion. However, reasons given at Crossroads are … odd. I would take the whole thing seriously if actual high strangeness cases were presented, with analysis on why, according to Bigfoot Crossroads, they weren't really high strangeness at all and don't prove Bigfoot as paranormal.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Quote for the day

From A Hitchhiker's Guide to Faerie!:

 Not over or under, but in-between, is where you'll find the blessed and unblessed unseen.

Cool Tee-Shirts from Wm. Michael Mott; Hurry!

They are neat, if you can -- and I think they're very affordable -- get one!

Get your CCCC Cave Creature tee! | Teespring: Here's a long-sleeve tee-shirt for fans of the cult classic book of fortean, folklore and paranormal research--Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures--which is now in its 3rd Expanded Edition!

Featuring artwork and design by the book's author Wm. Michael Mott, this long-sleeve tee, which features dark blue on gold, will let people know that you are a kindred spirit when it comes to studying the unknown mysteries of our world.