There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Did Bigfoot Attack? Dead Livestock In Washington State - Who Forted? Magazine

Interesting account of possible Bigfoot activity in Washington state, along with the attempts of author Chris Savia to investigate strange animal deaths. What I find interesting is Savia's point about those wanting to protect Bigfoot in context of BF killing ranch and farm animals.

But, is there any proof (not evidence, but proof) that Sasquatch is responsible for these sad deaths of horses, sheep, etc? Before people go off with the intent of killing a Bigfoot, it should be proven that Bigfoot is responsible. Why would a creature kill animals, lay them side by side, but not eat them or take them away? Are there other cases of this specific type of activity attributed to Bigfoot? (Bigfoot and dogs -- there are stories of dog kills attributed to Bigfoot.)

All very strange and troublesome of course.

I am no naive, putting Bigfoot on some spiritually evolved plane who is above killing farm animals, but I am not quick to slap the Bigfoot did it label on this either. Like the poor mangy dog like creatures shot and killed and accused of being the "monster chupacabra" these recent animal deaths said to be caused by Bigfoot is a disturbing trend in human hysteria and revenge.
Pessimistically, my mind goes to human causes for these animal deaths; possibly shadow factions (military, private-industrial-military sector.) Of course, who knows.

All that aside, efforts at asking local authorities about Bigfoot sightings in the area were met with frustrating stonewalling when Savia tried to ask Washington agencies about these incidents.Did Bigfoot Attack? Dead Livestock In Washington State - Who Forted? Magazine

Saturday, March 8, 2014

It Came From the UFO? The Creature-Lights Connection | Lindagodfrey's Blog

Researcher and author Linda Godfrey on mysterious lights, UFOs,  and creatures, including Bigfoot. Very interesting!

It Came From the UFO? The Creature-Lights Connection | Lindagodfrey's Blog: One question I hear a lot from radio callers, blog readers and conference attendees is whether I think that unknown, upright canine creatures are related to UFOs. It’s actually a concept that’s been around for some time and is also asked in regard to Bigfoot and other cryptids. My usual answer is that while I don’t have any reports from witnesses who’ve seen a dogman hopping directly off a UFO (although I know there are a few cases where people have claimed this about Bigfoot), it just so happens that places where mystery creatures abound are also often UFO hotspots. ~ Linda Godrey

Thursday, March 6, 2014

USA: Woman Claims Daughter is Half-Sasquatch

From Colorado, another Sasquatch love story:

USA: Woman Claims Daughter is Half-SasquatchBarbara Smithson, an elementary school teacher from the small town of Wilford, claims that her newborn baby is actually the fruit of a strange sexual intercourse she had with a sasquatch during a trip in the Rockies last summer.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Woman Claims She Raised a Baby Bigfoot - Cryptozoology News

I just love stories like this:

Woman Claims She Raised a Baby Bigfoot - Cryptozoology News: AVONDALE, La.–A woman claims she helped raise a Bigfoot between the years 1964 and 1972. L. Melacetti, 70, says she found the animal when he was a baby, abandoned in the swamps of Louisiana.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Bigfoot News | Bigfoot Lunch Club: Who is Natalia Reagan from Spike TV's Bigfoot Bounty

Bigfoot synchronicity. Even though I don't watch this show, due to the fact it's silly, I know, haven't seen it, how can I say that? Still, the idea of a bounty for Bigfoot does offend. Anyway, the synchronicity part: my mother's name is Natalia, and my name is Regan. Okay, so it's not Reagan, and it's probably pronounced REE-GEN and not REG-AN but still. Bigfoot News | Bigfoot Lunch Club: Who is Natalia Reagan from Spike TV's Bigfoot Bounty

Monday, January 13, 2014

Cryptomundo: Possible Bigfoot Bones Found In Oregon

Link to a clip on Cryptomundo about BF in Oregon, my current home state:Cryptomundo  Possible Bigfoot Bones Found In Oregon. I don't believe it, and don't believe it will ever happen. Seems like the hoax season is in high gear.