There is a Yeti in the back of everyone’s mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it. ~ old sherpa saying

Saturday, December 8, 2012

George Knapp: I’m dreaming of a Bigfoot Christmas | Las Vegas CityLife

Exciting article by one of my favorite paranormal journalists, George Knapp, on Ketchum's research:George Knapp: I’m dreaming of a Bigfoot Christmas | Las Vegas CityLife.

I'm not surprised by the rejection and mocking from Big Science, but there's a lot of it going on in Bigfoot Land as well. I have problems with Ketchum's coyness but in the end, she was trying to do something. Maybe it isn't much, or even anything. Point is, she's tried, regardless of weaknesses and naivety.

Knapp writes:
The only reason I am able to say anything about the study is that Dr. Ketchum unwisely responded a few weeks ago to a spurious report from a Russian scientist about the findings. Ketchum confirmed that she has overseen the analysis of dozens of hair samples collected at the sites of alleged Bigfoot sightings. Those people who do not want the study to be true and don’t want to wait for results to be verified have teed off on Ketchum, have carved up her study, and have made it almost impossible for anyone to take the results seriously, even though not one of the critics have seen the actual data. Dr. Ketchum insists that a major science journal is concluding a rigorous review of her work and will publish the paper once the process is completed. I am not holding my breath.

Here is what I can say legally, now that Ketchum has lifted the cone of silence: Scores of hair samples were sent to a dozen well-respected DNA labs across the country. The people at the labs weren’t told anything about the samples. They performed DNA analysis in the blind, then sent the remarkable findings back to Ketchum. I’ll put it this way — this is spooky stuff. The results are unequivocal: The hairs are not only from an unknown species, but they show a common link to humans. In other words, whatever these creatures are, they share a common ancestry with humans dating back about 15,000 years. Half of the DNA in the samples is simply unknown. The blind tests conducted by various labs weeded out known species such as bears or wolves. And in the end, they were left with the completely uncomfortable conclusion that the hairs came from a primate species previously unknown to science.

That is big news, and why isn't it bigger? I hear crickets chirping over there in Science Land.

You all know I love what Knapp writes here:
Since Dr. Ketchum made her premature defense of the study, responding to unfortunate leaks, an army of armchair critics have already dismissed the results without waiting to see the actual data. That’s not the way science is supposed to work, but it is exactly how modern science operates. It’s as much a religion as Catholicism or Mormonism, and anything that falls outside the accepted scriptures must be ridiculed.

A side question that's sort of the elephant in the room, at least for some of us: if physical proof is to be had that proves Bigfoot as a biological creature upon the earth, what of the "paranormal" aspect? Ah, that's another post for another day. :)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Don't Squish the Sasquatch! - Boing Boing

Don't Squish the Sasquatch! - Boing Boing

Author Kent Redeker tells the tales of a green sasquatch who boards a bus and begs the driver (Mr. Blobule) not to allow passengers on board who might squish him.The driver tries his best to comply with the sasquatch's request, but the subsequent passengers -- an elephant shark, an octo-rhino, a goat-whale, etc. -- are so voluminous they quickly crowd the bus and send the sasquatch into a fit. This being a children's story, it ends well for everyone. (Boing Boing)

Monday, November 26, 2012

thomsquatch: The Best Bigfoot Book of 2012

Thom Powell reviews Lori and Dustin Chandler's Visitors in the Twilight. I have to get this book!
thomsquatch: The Best Bigfoot Book of 2012: Mind you, it's not a book for everyone. If you are a dyed-in-the-wool advocate of the position that Bigfoot is an undiscovered wood ape, you should definitely avoid this book. If, on the other hand, you are open to the idea of sasquatches being habituated to certain humans, this book is a definite case history to support that possibility. If you are troubled by the idea that the sasquatch phenomenon may be somehow related to other 'paranormal' phenomena, especially extraterrestrials, you will hate this book. Frankly, the fact that co-authors Lori and Dustin Chandler courageously took on that issue is one reason why I found Visitors in the Twilight to be so unique and interesting.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Rant About a Rave

Finding Bigfoot. Didn't see it. Really have no right to judge if I haven't seen it. But, having seen several past episodes from both seasons,  I can make the safe assumption that holding a "rave" in the woods is very stupid in general, and even more stupid in particular, if one is hoping Bigfoot will stop by.

Forgetting Bigfoot for the moment, what about the other creatures of the woods? Do you think they want bozos raving in the middle of the night? Jesus flippin' Christ, show some respect!

SkeptiWatch: JREF: BF and Other Cryptid Hoaxes

A Bigfoot thread at the JREF just keeps going . . . SkeptiWatch: JREF: BF and Other Cryptid Hoaxes

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bigfoot Thread at the JREF: 'Does the BFRO (and other BF researchers) talk people into seeing Bigfoot?'

As some readers of this blog and my other blogs -- like SkeptiWatch-- might know, I've been intrigued by the excess of Bigfoot threads on the James Randi forum. I've lost literal count ages ago, but it's something like 400 separate threads discussing Bigfoot. Okay, so it's not 400. But it's a flipping lot. At last count it was around 35. Here's the latest: Does the BFRO (and other BF researchers) talk people into seeing Bigfoot? - JREF Forum

I've never seen a Bigfoot, but if I were to see one, I'd be pretty damn sure that I did, indeed, see one, and that no one "talked me into it." Maybe it's because of my life long experiences with UFOs and other paranormal phenomena that keeps me so damn interested in witness accounts of their Bigfoot encounters. As with UFOs and ghosts, when you see something that is so absolutely there, and so absolutely not "normal", you damn well know it. No one has to talk me into anything.

The OP at the forum makes use of the expected debunker-skeptoid arsenal: accusations of BF witnesses feeling special because they've seen Bigfoot and you haven't. (The same tactic is used to marginalize UFO witnesses.) Leading the witness; as in:
"...say you heard a noise you couldn't ID out in the woods. You mention it to a friend, who says, dude, maybe it was a Bigfoot, you should contact the BFRO (or whatever Bigfoot org. is handiest). So you do, and they ask you all kinds of leading Qs until you start to feel really special, like you're one of the witnesses or whatevr they call them, that's it, the KNOWERS. You are now a KNOWER and think maybe that's really what it was. You now feel very special.

(Er, "...witnesses or whatever they call them" ???)

While it's true there are those that think every unusual sound is a "Squatch" or UFOs by definition mean "aliens from outer space" but really, let's move on from that given and get to the actual phenomena.

And that's the latest from the good ol' JREF.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween Stupid Crap, Same Old, Same Old

I realize it was recently Halloween, but an unnamed blog that will also remain un-linked to, recently posted a "spooky" Halloween post about a female scientist being raped by Bigfoot. The obvious do-I-really-need-to-say-it response concerning misogyny, frat boy humor, etc. has been bewilderingly weak.  The one positive: I've deleted the blog from my reader which has cleaned things up a little.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

From UFOs, et al: 'ET and Bigfoot - Are They Related?'

Now you know I love this!
"Para-anthropoids" -- I like it.
UFOs, et al: Recently, it has become clear that the eastern portion of the United States, particularly the area through Pennsylvania, Ohio and New Jersey, has been experiencing an ever increasing number of reported sightings of both UFOs and Big Foot which appear to be related.

It is the opinion of such astute researchers that these Big Foot creatures may be inter-dimensional.

The researchers hold that the para-anthropoids, as they have also been dubbed, may come from some "parallel universe," having the ability to slip in and out of our dimension at will.
If this were true, it might serve as an explanation for the fact that while Mr. C. fired at a 12-foot target at point blank range, saw that target jump in mid-air and immediately rushed to where the wounded creature should have fallen, he found no trace of a body.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Inspired by “Bigfoot!” – WQ4D Radio: Oregon Bigfoot

Inspired by “Bigfoot!” – WQ4D Radio — Inspiring Friends Network

How can I expect to find bigfoot if he can disarm me with a thought?"

These are the words of a man who recently went to the woods at night, near the London Trackway with Trackway discoverer Toby Johnson. Without ever seeing a bigfoot, but evidently being near one, this man had fear placed in his head to the point of being reduced to tears. The experience caused him to have a nervous breakdown. He insisted on leaving the woods right then and there, much to the surprise of his party. The experience also left him bedridden for two days.

This witness is a pillar in his community. His position, and his line of work, preclude him from being able to give his name publicly. But he's agreed to appear, along with Toby, on Tuesday's edition of Inspired by Bigfoot. For those who have experienced the "wall of fear," and for those who have read about it, we invite you to join us for this special edition of Inspired by Bigfoot, tomorrow night at 7 p.m. Central, 5 p.m Pacific. Join us at, where the truth confronts accepted science.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Spike TV offering $10 million for a Bigfoot - JREF Forum

And this is what the skeptoids on the JREF are saying about the latest silly "reality" show. Not that very much is being said, naturally.Spike TV offering $10 million for a Bigfoot - JREF Forum

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Spike TV's 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty

Came across this item on Bigfoot Lunch Club:Bigfoot News | Bigfoot Lunch Club: Spike TV's 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty. So Spike is offering ten million dollars for proof of Bigfoot. Does this encourage the literal hunting of Bigfoot, as in, go forth and kill yourself one? The only proof is a dead body. Especially for ten million dollars. I've scoured the blurb from Spike TV but couldn't find anything specific as to the killing of a Bigfoot, but it's valid to say such an act is implied.
The network has already begun casting contestants for "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty," which will feature scientists, zoologists, seasoned trackers, and actual Bigfoot hunters who all believe in the infamous creature's existence. The teams will be faced with the daunting task of proving to a group of experts that Bigfoot, the hairy ape-like sasquatch, exists with the irrefutable evidence. The winner will be the first team to secure proof – and win the unprecedented $10 million bounty.
What proof is the "irrefutable proof?"
This contest is termed a brazen one; from Spike

"We here at SPIKE have announced a new one-hour reality show, "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty," featuring ambitious teams of explorers on a brazen exhibition to unearth real evidence of Bigfoot's existence.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

You Can Be Bigfoot's Love Slave for Only $49.95

Remember Weekly World News? All those great covers of President Clinton meeting with tall grays, Bigfoot news and Batboy? You can still be a part of WWN even though they've left the publishing world a few years ago. And it's only $49.95, if you act now! I Was Bigfoot's Love Slave! Custom Cover - Weekly World News

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Monster of Boggy Creak Tarot/Oracle Card

My brother-in-law, now deceased, designed his own Tarot/oracle deck in 1979. He called it The White Goddess deck. He was an astrologer, and as you can see, incorporated astrology into his deck. He didn't do the drawings himself -- those were done by an artist he knew at that time, Ida Foreman.
White Goddess oracle deck, Michael Bear, creator, artist Ida Foreman

I hadn't looked at this deck for several years. I had forgotten that Michael used a number of cryptid, creature type images in his deck. I don't remember Michael Bear being particularly interested or knowledgeable about the topic, especially Bigfoot stories. Here's The Monster of Boggy Creak, and yes, he spelt it creak, not creek. I don't know if the misspelling was intentional, but he was a notoriously awful speller, so who knows.

I noticed in the booklet that came with the deck that there is a Bigfoot card listed, but it isn't in the deck. Maybe it got lost, or it could be it just never made it. I don't remember seeing the card, but again, I don't remember much about the deck overall. Here's how the card is described:

Conscious awareness of, not only, your own beliefs, but those of others.
Reversed: Having to be aware, consciously, of the universal subconscious.

The card is given the number 9, "relating to Neptune, the subconscious, daydreams and nightmares, drugs, alochol, habitations of all kinds." (The missing Bigfoot card is also given the number 9) and placed in the suite of spades. He has astrologically assigned "moon square retrograde Neptune" to the card.

 An interesting piece of family history. As to the aesthetics of the deck or its usefulness -- I've never used it and doubt very much I ever will. I'm too involved in family history, including some of what went on in creating the deck.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Animal Forteana: Gratuitous Gleeful Gross-outs: Live Eating

For reasons they only know and I can only make snarky guesses at having to do with testosterone excess and a Ted Nugent lovin' gene, Bigfoot Evidence saw fit to post links and editorial "you go kid!" support to a young man skinning a snake while still alive, as well as eating said snake while alive, as I posted on Animal Forteana: Gratuitous Gleeful Gross-outs: Live Eating

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

White Bigfoot Footage from 2010

 From 2010, white bigfoot footage. This is part of the blurb that appeared with the clip:
Man films White Bigfoot in Backyard Posted 2/3/10 by Anonymous poster Bobywade. We spent a great deal of time on this authentication. It shows a White Sasquatch twice, once for 1.4 seconds at maybe 50 feet and again at maybe 20 feet. The second clip is unobstructed by branch, so it is very clear. It appears that two people are walking toward it. One with a flashlight and one with a camera. The coned head, brow ridge, tree peeking, high shoulders, nose to nape, long upper lip, hooded nose confirm this very quick but very good video.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Debunker Radford: Could Escaped Animals Account for Bigfoot Sightings? | LiveScience

Oh good freaking God no, but yes, he did!Could Escaped Animals Account for Bigfoot Sightings? | LiveScience

Had to laugh at Loren Coleman's post on this and pic (the latter stolen and posted here.)

Debunker-skeptoid Benjamin Radford, having solved the chupacabras mystery (er, not) has a new piece in which he explains Bigfoot. This time, the reason for BF is: escaped zoo or circus animals. Yes, I know! That old chestnut.

Of course animals do escape from zoos,circuses, etc. but well, do I really have to explain the rest? Of course I don't.

I like this comment though. Explaining that bears sometimes walk on their hind legs, which might account for what people think are Bigfoot, other animals fake us humans out by showing off their rear ends:
Other large animals such as moose or elk, when seen from behind and/or in near-darkness, can also appear to be standing on two legs and therefore Bigfoot-like.
You know, of all the times I've seen elk, deer and bear from the rear, I have never thought "Oh my god it's too fantastic I've finally seen a Bigfoot!" But that just might be me. Worse however is the long way around Radford takes to dismiss BF sightings in the following -- and insulting -- example:
Last year a 140-pound cougar was killed on a highway in Connecticut, far outside its natural habitat. As the New York Times noted,

So where had this cougar come from? Now we know the answer, and it couldn't be more astonishing. Wildlife officials, who at first assumed the cat was a captive animal that had escaped its owners, examined its DNA and concluded that it was a wild cougar from the Black Hills of South Dakota. It had wandered at least 1,500 miles before meeting its end at the front of an S.U.V. in Connecticut.

One wonders how many people saw the cougar during its journey halfway across the United States; did anyone see the elusive creature and think it might be an unknown creature or monster?

So there it is. Bigfoot is an escaped zoo or circus animal, seen from behind, walking on two legs. Or a bear. Or cougar. Well, that solves that!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Sharon Lee's Bigfoot Project

If you can, donate something to Sharon Lee's Bigfoot project on Kickstarter: